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"How are you feeling? " Jennie asked when I went inside the kitchen

"Better.." I said smiling a bit as I take a seat "by the way thank you for looking after me yesterday Jennie Kim" I said

"Last night? It's fine" she said brushing it off

"No... Like the whole day yesterday" I said making her look up at me

"How'd you know? " she asked making me chuckle

"Maybe if you stop sending your security team with their black BMW then I wouldn't find out" I said chuckling... I was staying at the Cemetery yesterday and I saw this black BMW just outside and a couple of men inside just looking at me and I immediately remember them to be a part of the security team

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to intrude " she said giving me a tight lip smile

"Actually since I feel bad yesterday... I thought of getting mad at you cause you're not giving me time alone during my parent's death anniversary but I also thought about it... I mean, your team didn't even go out of the car and they just guard me using their eyes and I feel safe yesterday. I felt like I can cry all day without minding everyone else around me. So I appreciate that... I appreciate you" I said and she immediately ducks her head down as her face turns red. I let out a chuckle as I stood up "I won't eat breakfast Jennie Kim.. I'll just eat at school. Have a great day at work, don't be too bitchy on your employees" I said before walking out of the kitchen.


Once I made it to our school I immediately saw Bambam, Jisoo, and Somi in the parking lot and they're all just staring into the distance while waiting. Once the car parked I bid goodbye to Mr. Kang and went out and the three immediately jog towards me

"Hey" Somi said smiling a bit as she engulfs me in a tight long hug while Bambam pats my back while smiling at me. Once Somi pulled out Jisoo went in to hug me as well. After the hugs they gave, we started walking inside since it's always like this. Jisoo and Bambam will comfort me but they wouldn't be too nosy about how I feel and what happened during my parent's death anniversary which makes me more comfortable since I don't really wanna talk about it that much.

The whole day just went by quickly and when we're all on our way out of the school Jisoo tapped my back making me look at her then she points out her phone so I looked at it and it shows the date today... It's the end of the month.

"Fuck I almost forgot " I said sighing

"What is it? " Somi asked while Bambam turn around as well to look at me and by Jisoo's gaze he immediately found out what we're talking about while Somi's just confused

"She has somewhere to go so she'll be going home first" Jisoo says and Somi was about to offer a ride but I just shake my head and told her that I'll go and I'll just see them all tomorrow.

When I went out of the school I saw Mr. Kang in the parking lot already so I approached him and told him that I'm gonna pay the debts and that I'll just go home by myself so he nodded and told me to take care of myself.

"Lalisa Manoban " the creepy man says as I gave him the money and like he said I put some more in it

"I think you can give more than this right? " he said bringing the money up while swaying it back and forth and I can't speak so I just nodded back at him "alright.. You may go" he said and I was about to be escorted out when I guy came in

"Boss there's  a couple of police downstairs " he said looking over at me "they're with Jennie" he said and the guy immediately stood up and walk closer towards me with venom on his eyes

"Do you think you can escort the police out Manoban? " he said in almost a whisper making me gulp as I nod abruptly "get rid of them.. Or I can do something about your little Miss Jennie Kim?" he said and it sends a shiver down my spine and I immediately walk out and my heart started pounding quickly, my eyes start to water as I run downstairs to see a couple of police and Jennie who's standing next to Mr. Kang.

"Jennie please go... " I said shaking and she immediately looks at my eyes with worry but she shakes her head

"Let's bring this thing to an end, Lisa... If they want payment then I'll give it to them fully but I won't risk letting you go here each month not knowing what they can do to you" she said and by that my tears drop

"Jennie you don't have an idea about this... Please please stay away " I said and started sobbing so bad that Mr. Kang walks closer to me

"Lisa lead us to their apartment or we'll go through every fucking door in this building" she said and I started shaking my head as tears stream down my face more

"Jennie why won't you listen to me?! " I said yelling it towards her as I kept on sobbing "I don't want you to push yourself through this and I don't want you to keep the police here as well... Is that hard to understand Jennie? " I cried

"Lisa tell me what's happening.. " she said with worry lingering on her eyes

"Just please don't involve the police here" I said almost pleadingly...

"Alright... I won't, please stop crying " she said bringing me in her arms as she hugs me tightly

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