Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I put my strong arms around my wife, Aspyn's waist as she stood in front of the mirror putting her earrings on. I had been dressed for ten minutes but I couldn't bring myself to leave. She looked so damn delectable. There was also something I wanted to say to her. I had been trying to get up the nerve for months now. I didn't know if she would agree or shoot me for just the thought of it.

It was a little unorthodox. But it had been on my mind heavy lately. I had been praying on it and I felt like it was the direction I wanted to go in with our marriage.

"Mikai. Are you trying to start something, again?" she asked me as she handed me her diamond necklace that I had bought her for Valentine's day. I knew she needed me to put it on for her.

"Why? You up for another round?" I asked her.

She stared at me with those brown eyes as she smiled. When she smiled, it was from the corner of her eyes on down. I loved it. Her smooth, blemish free, chocolate skin turned me on without fail. Her C-cup breast stay up even without a bra and her round ass was soft and looked good in anything she wore. And better when she was in nothing. She was lucky I let her out the house at all. Now that my business was doing well, she had the option to stay home barefoot and pregnant. She opted against it. At twenty-seven, she was one of the leading real estate agents in Tivoli. Our little town that we lived in.

Her independence was a turn on. But I also wanted someone at home to care for it. I wanted that and caring for Asa to be their main priority. I wanted more children too. We talked about it sometimes. I know having a special needs child was a lot to deal with. But I think we do it well.

She had been saying that she wasn't ready for a few years now. Having just celebrated Asa's fifth b-day a week ago, and with the strides she was making, I thought it was time to seriously began to consider it.

"You know I always am. But I have to show a house across town in an hour. I need to get there and set it up. If that wasn't the case, I'd have my legs wrapped around your face right now."

"And I wouldn't mind one bit." I told her, kissing the back of her neck and down to her bare shoulders. Her shirt she had chosen to wear was one with the shoulders cut out. Her tattoo of our last name with intertwined wedding bands showed. I kissed that twice. I was happy being married to her. Very happy, but I needed more.

I went over and sat on the edge of the bed and put my own shoes on. It was time to go. I had my own sporting goods stores. They were doing really well. Especially with our items that we shipped. We had so much online business, our stores were basically housing product to ship out. In the last two years we had made seven figures take home. That's how I knew I could afford to care for her if she didn't want to work any longer.

My management team was A-1 and I didn't necessarily need to go in. I went in anyway. I liked to be hands on. We both finished getting ready and headed downstairs. I went in the kitchen poured her coffee into her carrier cup and grabbed her a cold water from the fridge. I threw that, a yogurt and a banana in her lunch bag and then met her in Asa's room.

I wasn't leaving just yet. I always made sure she had her coffee and snacks. Getting it all together as she went in to kiss our daughter goodbye and joke around a little more with Vicki, our nurse.

"Thanks babe." She said, taking the coffee and bag. She took a sip and smiled. "Kiss." She said to me. I gave her a kiss and I could feel Vicki's eyes burning a hole into the side of my head. When we were done, I walked her to her car, carrying her work bag for her. One more kiss and she was driving off in her silver BMW headed to go set up for her open house.

I knew when I went back in, I would get an earful. I was ready for it.

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