Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


"..I promise you will not regret it." I told Aspyn as I hugged her tightly. She had come home and told me that her answer to living a plural marriage was yes.

'I better not, Mikai." She told me. "Because I will leave." She tried to sound threatening. But I knew she didn't want to leave me. That's why I told her what I did about her options. I was committed to doing right by her and Vicki. And any other wife that we brought into the family.

"Have you thought about what we discussed?"

"You mean who we would want to be the second wife?" she asked me.

"Yes. I did some research and there are some online sites for polygamy. We can do a dating profile like other sites.."

"Umm, and bring a crazy bitch into the house. And around Asa. Or get catfished. No thanks. I'd rather not end up on an MTV special edition of that show."

"Alright. Well, are we supposed to go and meet someone in a bar?"

"Absolutely not."

"Then what? Where are we going to find someone?" I asked her.

"Okay. I have given this some thought. I was wondering what you thought about, Vicki?"

"Vicki? The nurse?" I asked. Pretending to be shocked that she had even brought her up.

"Yes. Hear me out on it."

I sat down and waved my hand telling her to go ahead and state her case.

"We know her. We are friends with her. I would say best friends. She is already so good with Asa and we love her girls. They call us Aunt Pynnie and Uncle Kai for goodness sake."

"That is all true. It's just, I never looked at her like that. You know what I mean?" I said. Lying through my teeth.

"But do you think you could. I mean, she's here around ten to twelve hours a day anyway with our daughter. Taking wonderful care of her. The girls all act like sisters anyway. She can be doing the parts that I can't because I'm out working."

"I guess that makes sense. But, even if I could consider her, will she consider us?"

"When I left here the first night you brought it up, I went right over to her house. She was more on board with the lifestyle than I was. She was one of the reasons that I started to consider it seriously. I can't lie. She had some good and valid points. Some of the same ones that you had."

"Yeah. I don't know though. Isn't she still married to Po?" I asked.

"Well, let's get real. It doesn't matter if she is or not because you can't marry her legally. You're legally married to me. Meaning that her and Po's separation and divorce doesn't really matter. But, it will be final in a few weeks she told me. She said they weren't holding on to anything and he wasn't contesting her request. He's gone back to work and promised her child and spousal support."

"Okay. I guess that's one hurdle we've cleared. Do you think she would go for it?"

"I honestly think she would." She told me.

It seemed like she was getting excited about the thought of Vicki joining the family. This is what I wanted. I just had to continue to seem hesitant for a little while longer. We were almost there.

"Well, it's not the worst idea I've ever heard. Everything you said makes perfect sense. Do you want to approach her about it? Should we do it together? Should we still make a dating profile just in case? You let me know. I want you to be just as involved in this as I am. This won't just be my wife. She will be your sister and friend or we won't do it. I want you to be happy too." I told her, standing and pulling her into me for a kiss.

Once we finally released one another, her head on my chest, she told me she would call Vicki and go see her. She would bring it up first and get a feel for where Vicki was. Then Vicki and I would need to talk. Maybe go on a few dates and see if we had chemistry. I agreed with it all. Allowing her to think that she was the architect of who we were bringing in. I knew it was wrong, but I didn't think she would mind once it all balanced out.

By then, it wouldn't matter how Vicki came into the family. Just that she was there.

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