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Jax's POV

I stood up from my chair and stared daggers at Nick.

I reached over my desk and grabbed the collar of his shirt and lifted him up until we were just a nose apart.

"If I say no to taking a break with my soon-to-be fiancé what makes you think I would even consider cheating her?" I said very angry.

"O-ok ok ok. Calm down. I-It was j-just a thought." He smiled nervously.

I dropped him back onto the chair.

"Just go." I turned my chair around until I was facing the windows.

I heard my door open and close.

I stood up and went to the bar in the corner of my office and poured myself a small glass of whiskey.

I walked back to the window with my glass in my hand and leaned against the glass.

I looked down onto the street and recognized the car Jessica usually drives in.

It was parked at the top of the parking garage across the street.

I was able to recognize Jessica walk out of her car. She was wearing a one of a kind purple dress I got her for her birthday last year.

She was standing next to her car as if she was waiting for someone.

I saw a man I didn't recognize approach her.

He gave her a hug and began showering her in kisses.

First on the cheek then the forehead then the lips.

Multiple times on the lips.

And she did not pull away once.

I felt a boiling anger rise inside me.

I should have known.

All her recent surgeries for her body and staying out all night. It was so obvious. How could I not see it before?

I clenched the glass harder in my hand.

I turned around and threw it as hard as I could out of anger at the door.

At the same time the door opened and Jade walked in.

"Mr. Ba-" She let out a small scream when she saw the glass rushing towards her.

The glass missed her and hit the door.

The shattered glass bounced off the door and scratched her cheek.

The scratch wasn't too deep but it drew blood.

She looked over at me in shock. "What the hell!?"

"Get out Jade." I said as calmly as I could.

"No! Why the hell did you throw that at me!?"

I opened my draw and pulled out my hand gun and pointed it at her. "I said get out!"

She reached behind her and pulled out her gun and aimed it back at me.

"Careful Jade. A gun in your hand is a dangerous thing." I glared.

"Its worse in an emotional man's hand." She walked slowly and carefully towards my desk. "Put it down and tell me what happened."

I should have listened but I was still so angry after what I just saw.

I fired a warning shot at the door. The silencer was on and no one else was on this floor. No one should be coming.

Jade didn't even flinched when I fired.

I Saved the CEO(SLOW UPDATES)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon