15. Best Friend

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  Shes looks
into the mirror,
her smile
is such a fake,
she looks closely
at herself,
and knows she
was a mistake,

  Her parents
wouldn't look at her,
her boyfriend
tore her apart,
but she can no
longer be broken,
if she no longer
has a heart.

  It was broken
one to many times,
but this time its
gone for good,
she had expected
it to happen,
she knew
some day it would.

  She just doesn't
want to live,
with no heart
what's the point?

  She just can't
get over the sadness,
she feels it in
her aching joints

  Each night just
seems to get longer,
she hardly makes it
through the night,
she knows
she can't do it,
she knows
she wont be alright.

  She chooses
her own fate,
does it with
her own hands,
she leaves a note
for her family,
she hopes that
they'll understand.

  She cuts
her wrists,
sharply draws
in a breathe,
and waits
for her best friend,


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