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I'm back on the cheer team. Can you believe that. Man this is a dream all I've wanted was to be back on the team.

"Oh my god she's so cute." The captain Arial smiled looking at her. "I still can't believe you and Zach did this I thought he was a dead man."

"What." I asked confused. "Why would He be a dead man."

"Because he got a 15 year old girl pregnant your dad left I thought for sure Zach wasn't gonna live another day." She chuckled and walked away.

"Hey princess what's wrong." Zach said walking up to me and taking Jordan from me.

"Nothing just something that Arial said." I smiled and pecked his lips. "Ready to graduate."

"Yeah." He smiled putting his arm around my shoulders and we walked to the gym. Zach's graduation is today. I'm excited for him. Before the baby all he would talk about graduation and getting out of this town. I can't blame him but now I'm holding him back. "I'll see you after princess."

"Okay." I smiled pecking his lips and walking up the bleachers to sit with him parents.

"How's Jordan been sleeping." Myta asked.

"All she does is sleep she sleeps more than Zach." I chuckled while kissing the top of Jordan's head.

Zach's name was called after many others. He looked amazing. I feel like I'm holding him back.

"What's wrong hon." Myta asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Am I holding Zach back from doing his thing." I asked and she smiled.

"No you're not." She smiled and looked back at Zach. He looked at me and smiled. He really is something else.

"You're a high school graduate how you feel." I smiled while hugging him.

"Hmmm Good but better once I have my little baby." He smiled picking up Jordan from her stroller.

"Well she's cranky right now just a heads up." I smiled.

"Are you are she just doesn't like you." He laughed pecking my lips and I rolled my head.

"Yeah the would make more sense." I chuckled.

"Finally we found you two." Corbyn smiled walking over to us. "Or three."

"Two And a quarter of a person." Jonah chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"She's a full person just very tiny." I smiled while rubbing Jordan's stomach.

"Yeah yeah you know babies are evil." Jack said while taking a bite of a cookie.

"I want a cookie why didn't you bring me a cookie." I asked while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Aww does the princess want a cookie." Jack mocked and Zach hit him in the back of the head.

"Only I can call her princess." Zach growled while Jack held the back of his head.

"Asshole." Jack whispered crossing his arms over his chest.

"You're getting cookie on your robe." I chuckled and he sighed handing me a cookie.

"I don't deserve a cookie." Jack sighed and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you really butt hurt now." I asked and he nodded. "For what."

"He hit me make him apologize." Jack said while pointing at Zach.

"No no that's not gonna happen you kept calling Emery hot and fine as hell and now you called her princess uh uh not happening I know she's hot I know she's fine as hell I don't need you telling me that got it." Zach said while putting Jordan in her stroller.

"What are you gonna do hit me." Jack scoffed rolling his eyes.

"I beat your ass once in 7th grade and I'll do it again." Zach growled and Jack put his hands up in defense and walked away.

"Zach you might want to apologize he's your best friend and you're gonna regret that later." I said while holding Zach's arm.


"I don't give a fuck what your excuse is Zachary go and apologize." I said while letting go of his arm. Zach sighed and walked away to find jack.

"You can be mean I thought that thing in the hall was just because she was talking shit about you and Zach." Daniel laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Well their annoying fights are stupid and pointless." I sighed while lightly pushing Jordan's stroller back and forth.

"True." Corbyn laughed. "Are you gonna eat that."

"You can have it." I sighed while handing him the cookie.

Pregnant at 15// Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now