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"Come here Eli,sit." I smiled while calling Eli for a treat. He sat and I gave him the treat.

"Baby I'm home." Zach yelled while walking in the front door.

"I'm in the kitchen." I yelled and he walked in.

"Hey baby." He smiled pecking my lips. "Where's the kids."

"June and Jordan are doing homework and Xander is riding his four wheeler." I smiled and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Oh Daniel called their flying in next week for the forth."

"Okay." Zach smiled pressing his lips on mine. "Whatcha making."

"Ravioli,How was work." I asked and he grinned ear to ear. "What."

"I got a promotion you are looking at the new manager of Carl's tiers." He smiled and I smiled.

"You've been wanting that I thought you'd be more excited."

"Oh yeah I'm doing flips right now baby it took 8 years but oh my god I'm still stunned." He chuckled and I sighed. "What."

"I can't believe it's really been 8 years Jordan's gonna graduate next year June is starting high school next year and then Xander's starting 3rd grade time flys." I explained and he nodded.

"Yeah but it's worth it we have more than enough time as a family when was the last time we were apart huh 8 years your YouTube is going great I could own Carl's eventually you're not even 32 yet and we are set for the rest of our lives our Jordan has a music career already she's gonna carry on the Herron singing legacy and cheers it's amazing and people in Dallas had doubts about us we're proving them wrong aren't we." He chuckled and I nodded.

"Yeah that is true but I'm 31 I'm old."

"Not as old as me I'm 33." He chuckled pecking my lips.

"True but only two years difference I don't know what the big fuss was in school anyway." I chuckled laying my head on his chest. "It's sad that the band split ever since Jack and Gabbie had Lav it's weird and then Corbyn moved to New York with Christina and Jonah moved with Tate into a house in the hills and Daniels doing his own thing I hate that he won't go for someone he has so many girls drooling over him what's up with that."

"I don't know love I really don't." Zach sighed while stirring the ravioli sauce. "But we have more time with them."

"True and I'm very thankful for it." I smiled looking up at him. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiled pressing his lips on mine. "Where's cookie."

"She's upstairs with the girls." I sighed and he nodded kissing the top of my head. "When you go up there tell them dinners done I'll go get Xander."

"Yes ma'am." Zach chuckled pecking my lips and walking upstairs. I walked outside to the deck and waiting for Xander to pass he saw me and road to the deck and turned off the four wheeler.

"Dinners ready come in and eat please and then take a shower and go to bed." I smiled and he nodded.

"Let me out this up and I'll be in." He replied and I nodded walking back inside.

"Hey mom I was wondering if Kaleb could come over." Jordan smiled and I looked at Zach.

"I told her to ask you I don't like her having a boyfriend." Zach sighed while holding his hands up.

"Uh yeah but stay down here please." I sighed while walking into the kitchen. "Is she dumb enough to make the same decisions we did."

"I don't know." Zach laughed and I sighed.

"Don't worry I'm not thinking about pulling a mom and dad." Jordan sighed while sitting down at the table.

"What." I asked confused while making plates.

"You know get pregnant at 15 and 17." Jordan laughed and I sighed.

"Oh come on Jay their story is sweet and romantic." June chuckled while I set a plate down in front of her.

"True but mom dropped out not a strong suit."

"Okay Enough bashing our choices but think of it this way you wouldn't be here is we didn't." I sighed while sitting at the table.

"Okay so sad we have a minor problem." Xander sighed while limping through the door.

"What the hell Xander you were supposed to put it up and come in." I sighed while getting up and walking over to him.

"Well you see I put it up but then Turner got out so I put him up and then-."

"How'd you get hurt bud." Zach asked from the table.

"I flipped the four wheeler." Xander chuckled and I walked back over to the table.

"How." Zach asked while biting the inside of his cheek.

"Well I hit a hole and I flipped over the front of it." Xander sighed while sitting at the table.

"Bud don't play there's no holes in that yard How'd you flip it." Zach asked.

"Fine I went riding more and went on the hill and going down and I flipped over that way." Xander sighed.

"We told you not to go up there alone." Zach sighed and Xander nodded.

"I know I'm sorry." Xander apologizes.

"Did you learn your lesson." I asked and he nodded. "What's wrong with the four wheeler."

"I'm not totally sure but the finders are messed up." Xander sighed and Zach clenched his jaw. "I'm sorry dad."

"I know but do you know how bad you could have been hurt." Zach asked.

"Yes sir." Xander whispered while looking at his hands.

"He's not riding by himself anymore got it." Zach said while I brushed my teeth.

"Got it babe but he's a kid he's gonna mess up-."

"I don't care Emery he could have died do you get that we could have lost our little boy and you're like totally not fazed by this." He yelled and I sighed.

"I am okay I told him to do something and he didn't listen but he learned his lesson Okay let it go nothings wrong that can't be fixed there's no problem." I replied while walking out of the bathroom.

"It's like you aren't listening-."

"Zach I am listening okay but he's not hurt a few scrapes and bruises Okay so don't make every situation bad look at the good side he's okay he won't ride by himself anymore I get it he could have been hurt but he's not." I sighed while getting in the bed. "Let it go he's just a kid you did dumb shit as a kid I did dumb shit and our kids are gonna follow in our footsteps weather it's kids or doing dumb things or being singers or being cheerleaders okay let it go."

"Okay." He whispered while getting in bed beside me.

Pregnant at 15// Zach Herronحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن