Chapter 1 : Rejected

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Sometimes I feel my whole life has been one big rejection.  - By Marilyn Monroe

  Every candle that gets lit in the darkroom must feel a little rejection from the darkness around it, but the last thing I want from those who hold a different world view to me is to accept me. - By  Kirk Cameron 

3rd Person's P.O.V.

Theo was standing next to the window, staring at the rain falling down like a million falling stars. The scenery was cold and gloomy just like his darkened heart. Lightning illuminated the night sky occasionally followed by the deep roar of thunder. 

Just when Theo was about slightly calm his second mate Isabella White stormed into his office with eyes burning with rage. Isabella was in pure anger once she was told the news of Theo killing off two innocent rouges who trespassed on his grounds.

"How could you do such a horrible thing to them!?" Isabella screamed at him, banging her fist onto his desk cracking it just slightly.

Theo turned around looking her way with ice-cold eyes as her words and actions did not faze him. Nothing really could really brake down his walls that Theo had created over the years of protecting his pack.

"Rouges are rouges, Isabella. I don't want you to tell me what's wrong and what's right." Theo told her with no emotion shown on his face. That only fouled her anger more.

"I'm your mate yet you treat me like shit! This is why everyone hates you and fears who you are! I'm one of the ones that hate you. I hated you ever since the day I met you!"

Once again, her words didn't even make him flinch. However, Theo did feel the pain of her words deep within him that angered his wolf.

"Your nothing but a cold-hearted monster! I wish I never met you! Drop-dead Theo!"

With cruel departing words, Isabella quickly turns to leave the room. She stopped with her hand on the door handle giving Theo one last look.

"I Isabella White reject you Alpha Theo as my mate." The pain of rejection coursed throughout Theo's body, but with all his will power he showed no trace of pain. Theo just lost his love, his mate. Theo lost his first mate when she ran away not baring to be near him any longer.

Isabella slammed the door behind her. All throughout the packhouse, the sound of glass breaking and loud crashes can be heard. Theo was destroying his office. Once Isabella reached the front door, she was stopped by Theo's father Christian King. 

"Please Isabella. Give Theo a chance, you are his second and last mate after all." He told her in hopes she would reconsider staying with him. Though Isabella would rather be put in a cell starving to death then be with Theo.

"Give him a chance? Don't make me laugh." Isabella said not facing his way. "Your son is nothing but a monster who kills for the fun of it. No wonder his first mate ran away from him. No one can love that horrifying beast."

With her final words, she was gone. Isabella shifted into her dark brown wolf taking off into the woods. With no trace of regret in her choice in leaving him. Isabella never even loved him. She only had feelings for someone else from her former pack. With her now being free from Theo she set out to her old pack for her to be with the one she really loved before she was forcibly taken.

Back at the packhouse, Christian was busy calming his wife down. His only mother has given up hope for her son ever finding love and for someone to change him for the better. "Amy my love. You must not give up on Theo. I know he will change and see that what he is doing is wrong." Christian reassured her gently rubbing her back.

"How can you say that? Theo lost his first and second mate. It's over for him dear. There is nothing left we can do even the moon goddess has given up on him." Her words with laced with such sorrow knowing her son will never be loved. As Theo's mother all she wants is for him to be happy and rule the pack with a loving mate by his side.

"I know that someone somewhere out there can change Theo into a true Alpha. As his father, I won't be giving up. I'll make a few calls to other strong packs and see from there."

With much determination in his voice, Christian took hold of Amy's hands leading her back to their room for some much-needed rest. Not much time had passed as Amy fell fast asleep with a tear-stained face. Christian gently stroked her cheek feeling rather hurt to see his mate cry. He knows that she only wants what's best for Theo, but as far as things have been it will take even a miracle for anyone to love his son.

Christian stepped out of the room pulling out his phone to make a few calls to other pack houses who were good allies to meet up and discuss any unmated females who wished to be Theo's mate. Even though this won't be an easy task Christian had to give it a shot. The only way for Theo to change is as if someone excepts him for who he is and to love him without any fear.

With the phone calls now out of the way, Christian sends out an order to one of the servants still on the clock to clean Theo's office and replace the broken furnishers with new ones stored in the basement for times like these. It had always bothered Christain on how his son had become so violent. Nothing came to mind on what triggered such an effect. When Theo was younger, he had always been such a bright child smiling with no care in the world. By the time he hit middle school things started to change for the worse with him closing himself off from everyone only letting his best friend Kendall by his side who is now his Beta. Soon after he became the most ruthless Alpha known throughout the state.

Leaving a note on Theo's new desk Christian woke his wife up telling her what he plans on doing to help Theo. Amy agreed to leave with him leaving her own note to. Both Christian and Amy set out to meet with other packs in order to find the right women to be Theo's Luna.  


Okay, that wraps up chapter one. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Don't forget to :




With Love: LittleCho107 

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