Chapter 7: Book Club

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There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning. -- Jiddu Krishnamurti

A book may be compared to your neighbor: if it be good it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early. -- Henry Brooke

Sabrina's P.O.V.

"Kendall, I told you before you and Austin are to find out where you know who lives. My friends are coming over right now for the book club and I don't want you two here." I sighed in frustration.

"You're overworking yourself again." Winter, my wolf told me.

"Hey, you know it's how I get things done around this place. After all its thanks to me, we found someone and came up with the plan." I told her setting the chairs the way I wanted them.

"Don't worry we are leaving now," Austin said dragging a pouting Kendall out the door. To my surprise, the girls were already here!

"Alena, Bailey, Catalina, Daisy! You all made it!" I shouted happily hugging them.

"Well we were scared at first but here we are," Bailey said stepping in the packhouse with the others following along. "Just one thing I have to tell you. There's one more girl with us."

I tilted my head. "Who?"

Catalina stepped out of the way to reveal Clover the pack's slut! Oh, hell no! This cannot be happening. I turned my head to see a very shocked Austin looking at her but masked his shock with a cold expression. Clover held the same expression to but another expression I couldn't make out.

"Sorry, Sabrina. Alpha told us to bring her along." Daisy said.

"It's cool. Welcome, Clover to our book club." I said with a fake smile.

"Yeah, whatever." She replied not paying attention to me.

Damn, I like to punch her so bad. Lucky for me Kendall and Austin left. I didn't want her checking out my mate or cause any problems with Austin.

"If she did, we would give her a slow painful death," Winter said in a low deadly voice.

Having the girls seated down in the living room, we began our book club. During that time, I could see that Clover was not at all paying attention to what we were saying or doing. I found it annoying but it did give me time to tell my girls a great plan I had for Alpha Theo to find love once again. They at first thought my plan was crazy and suicidal but they eventually agreed to help me out.

"Hey, Sabrina where's the bathroom?" Alena asked.

"Down the hall to your left." I pointed out.

"Thanks," She said heading to the bathroom.

I turned to Clover. "So, Clover, what did you think about the book club?"

"Boring. I'd rather go out and have fun then be here." She said with a dull look in her eyes.

"No wonder your mate Austin rejected you," Catalina said with a smirk. By the looks of it, I could see Clover glare at Catalina in a very deadly way. Shit! If this goes on Alpha Theo will be pissed to see two, she-wolves fighting in his living room! I have to stop this now.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's not have any fighting. Do you want my Alpha down here?" That seemed to get their attention fast. Hehe, nice. I should use his name more often. Before I had the chance to talk again, we all heard Alena's small scream. I rushed over to where she was with the others following behind.

"Alena what's wrong!?" I saw her on the floor scared out of her wits. She's white as a ghost!

"What happen!?" Daisy asked kneeling next to her.

"I-I saw your Alpha......covered in blood...." Alena explained holding onto Daisy's arm.

Damn. Alena must have seen him come back rouge hunting. That's not a sight you want to see. I'm not even used to seeing it.

"Come on. Let's go back to the living room." I suggested helping Alena up with the help of Daisy.

Clover looked at the time noticing it was getting late. I told the girls to head on the pack to their pack and think over what I told them. I also mention to them that things will start tomorrow. Something told me Alena was having second thoughts in helping out. I couldn't blame her. She saw a very frightening sight. Please, moon goddess, let this plan go well.

Kendall's P.O.V.

Man, the ride to the flower shop was intense. Austin was dead silent the whole time we were driving and it was starting to get to me.

"Just remember that his mate he rejected was back there. You have no idea how he's feeling." Noah, my wolf said with a sigh.

Fair point. I continued to drive. I looked up to see the flower shop Sabrina told me about. Parking the car, I got out with Austin following behind.

"It looks nice," Austin said. Finally, he spoke!

"It's too girly for my liking," I said looking at the flowers.

"Says the guy who begged his mate to join her book club," Austin said with a smirk. He walking inside the shop looking around. We noticed an old woman at the counter.

"Excuse me miss. We are looking for somebody who works here." I asked the old woman. She looked up at me with her gray eyes and smiled.

"My word two handsome men came here to ask that?" I chuckled while Austin just smiled.

"Well, you see. there a girl named Luna here?" I asked.

The old lady looked at us with amusement. "Came here to ask her out like all the other fellows who failed in the end?" I could hear Austin try to hold back his laugh.

"Oh no. I already have a ma- I mean girlfriend. I just wanted to meet her. I saw the flowers that my girl bought from here and she told me about a girl named Luna who helped her out so I was wondering if she would help me out too." I lied. Austin mouthed me smoothed. I just glared at him to shut up. Go back to being a silent dead person! Okay, that was harsh.

"She's in the back cleaning up. I'll go get her". The old woman said leaving to the back room.

"Wow, that was a great lie, my friend," Austin said laughing.

"Oh, shut up! You know how I hate to lie."

We waited for like a good two minutes for the old women and Luna to come out.

"Hello. You wanted to see me?" A very sweet voice spoke out. I and Kendall looked where the voice comes from on to be frozen in place. You could say that Sabrina was not kidding about her beauty. This is going to get interesting.


That's it for chapter 7! Tell me what you all think!

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WITH LOVE : LittleCho107

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