Eliza Twitchel & The Haunted Forest--Chapter 2

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                                       Hushpuppies, Tea & Surprise Gifts

Eliza, Phoebe, and their father, Moses, sat at the kitchen table, eating trout, creamed corn and mashed potatoes.  Moses smelled of wood chips from the lumber mill, which always reminded Eliza of Christmas trees.  At one end of the table sat an empty chair and place setting, in honor of Eliza's mother, Ruby.

Eliza picked out a hush puppy from a serving bowl. "How was work, papa?"

Moses dabbed butter on his mashed potatoes. "Like any other. You feed the hens?"

Eliza exchanged a quick glance with Phoebe. "The fox got Mildred."

Moses sighed wearily. "I told you to set out the trap."

Eliza grabbed another hush puppy, avoiding her father's stern gaze.  "I thought he'd go away."

"He ain't going nowhere long as he's getting free chicken dinners. Now set that trap like I told you." Moses shoved baked trout in his mouth, chewing purposefully as if eating was a job.  His eyes glanced at the empty place setting, and then quickly looked away. "You take Miss Graham her eggs?"

"I was going to do it after dinner," Eliza said as she picked at her trout. "Gerdy's acting up again."

"I'll look at it later." Moses pushed his chair away from the table. "And stop calling it Gerdy.  It’s a machine, not a person."

"But that’s what mama named it," Phoebe said as she mixed cream corn with her fish, mashing the two together until you couldn't tell which was which.

Moses tightened his grip on his fork. "Your mama ain’t around, Phoebe.  You want to name a chicken, that’s fine.  But Gerdy—I mean the washer--is a machine.  And a broken down one at that."

Eliza nibbled on her hush puppy.  "Can’t we buy a new one?"

"And just where are we supposed to get the money for a new washing machine?" Moses' tone was accusatory, as if Eliza had insulted his ability to look after his family. He turned his angry gaze on Phoebe.  "After you eat, go take a bath.  And wash behind your ears."

Phoebe sucked in a breath to argue but Eliza kicked her under the table.  "Ow!"  She glared at Eliza.  "Why’d you kick me?"

Eliza frowned at Phoebe and shook her head. 

Moses stood and picked up his plate.  "I have to split a cord of wood before dark. That was a good meal, 'Liza. Don't forget to take Miss Graham those eggs. And make sure she pays."

 "Yes, sir." Eliza frowned at Phoebe as she picked at her food.

Moses carried his plate to the sink and rinsed it clean. Barely forty, he wore the mask of a much older man.  Once-full cheeks sunk inward like deflated tires. Crow's feet pulled at the corners of his eyes and black hair faded to gray at the temples.  His dark eyes saddened Eliza the most.  When her mother was alive, those eyes twinkled like star shine. The house shook with the sound of his laughter.  What she'd give to hear that laughter again.

 Moses dried his hands and left the kitchen, passing through the laundry room and out the back door.

"Why’d you kick me?" Phoebe demanded.

Eliza stood and picked up her and Phoebe's plates.  "Papa has enough to worry about without you talking back."

"I don’t see why I have to take a bath when it’s still light out," Phoebe complained as she carried glasses to the sink.  "I want to go to Miss Graham’s, too."

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