Eliza Twitchel & The Haunted Forest--Chapter 19

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                                            The Greenwood

Quinn followed wagon tracks through a sparse forest of alder and elm, Eliza's piebald Tinker horse following close behind.  He and Talan had nearly come to blows over Fayne's injury before Torc stepped in and picked them up in his massive fists, holding them nose-to-nose until they made up.  If there was one thing a giant exceled at, it was patience.  While Quinn and Talan stared daggers at each other, Torc simply sat down and waited until they came to their senses—two hours later.

Quinn stopped at a crossroads and waited for the others to catch up.  Talan pulled alongside but kept his eyes ahead and his mouth shut.  Grizzle sat on the buckskin cob's withers, chewing on honey root and looking miserable.  Jynx pulled up behind them, riding the black mare.  Torc brought up the rear, intrigued by a bird's nest he plucked from a giant oak a mile back.  Two bright yellow birds circled his head, squawking madly and pulling out strands of curly red hair from the giant's head.  They relented when Torc set the nest safely in a forked branch of a maple tree.

Quinn pointed at the road heading south.  "That direction leads to Castle Malwyrn."  He looked up the road in front of them.  "And that leads to the Greenwood and beyond that, the Haunted Forest."  He looked at Jynx.  "The choice is yours, lad.  Come with us or take your chances with the troll witch. You must decide for yourself."

Jynx looked up the pathway that led to Queen Grimmina's kingdom.  "My mother and sisters are at the castle.  I have to do something."

Talan turned around and faced Jynx. "Come with us, Jynx.  Once Eliza's sister is safe, we will return for your family.  By then, the elves and dwarves will have joined with King Thornwise."

Jynx fidgeted with the horse's reins. "I lied about what happened at Sprudlende. A beam did not fall on me as I told you. When the gobblings attacked, I hid under my bed like a coward. I covered my ears as my mam and sisters screamed for help."

Quinn nodded and patted his horse's neck. "I thought as much. Listen to me, lad. If you had gone outside to help your mam and sisters, you would be dead now; or a prisoner like the others. It would have made no difference."

"At least I would have done something."  Jynx looked back at Torc, who kneeled and leaned forward to hear the conversation.  "Go home, Torc. There is no reason for you to get hurt."

"Torc go with little friend," the giant said with a firm nod.  "Keep safe."

Jynx nodded and smiled.  "Then I welcome your company."  He reined his horse around and trotted toward the road leading to Castle Malwyrn.


Jynx turned around to see Grizzle digging through his satchel.  The brownie pulled out his luminositer.  He looked at it as if deciding what to do.  "You need this more than I do." He tossed the orb to Jynx.  "It is just a loan.  I expect it back when we again see each other."

Jynx beamed as he held the glowing blue luminositer.  "Thank you, Grizzle!  I will take good care of it, I promise."  He tucked it into a pouch sewn into his tunic and patted it.  "May the Great Mother watch over you."

"And you, lad," Quinn said with a nod.  "Keep your wits about you."  He tapped his heels against his dappled gray cob's ribs.  The horse trotted off, Eliza's black & white Tinker in tow.

Talan nudged his horse toward Jynx's black mare.  He reached inside his boot and pulled a small dagger from a sheath. He handed the dagger to Jynx.  "Trust your instincts.  Speed and camouflage are your best weapons.  Good luck."

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