32 - 10 Years Later

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That afternoon, in front of everybody we knew that was still among the living, my Sammy proposed to Nova. He came up with something real poetic that he said was "from the heart" and all that stuff. Naturally, she said yes, and Mom's ring, conveniently, was a perfect fit. Hearts were full, and there were tears. Lots and lots of tears. As usual. It was definitely a chick flick moment. But hey, I'm not saying I was exempt from the crying. Hell no, I was so damn proud of my little brother, that I probably cried as much as they did. And don't tell anyone this, but I've actually always liked chick flicks.

Nova came up with one condition that she would marry Sam: BOTH of us had to retire from hunting. Yeah. I know. It's like taking Baby away from me at this point. Hunting is just something that I have to do. As long as there's a monster to kill, I'll be out there killing it. Well, you know us, we can't just leave the world to fall apart while we take some R and R. And this is our life. Hunting is our life. But, honestly? This life that Sam had built up for himself? It was worth more.

Sam and I came up with a compromise: instead of hunting ourselves, what if we train other hunters? Teach them everything we know? It wouldn't be too difficult to turn the bunker into a sort of hunter's school or whatever. Charlie calls it "Hunter's Hogwarts." I told her to never call it that in public. We ran it by Nova, who agreed to that. Helen Keller could easily see how much relief that brought to Sam.

But after they were engaged, Sam moved in with Nova and the kids. Wedding planning was in full-swing, and the Winchester Brothers Hunting Institute (Sam came up with that name, I had nothing to do with it) was put off to start after the new year. Cas volunteered to be the one to recruit other hunters to train with us, and he became our Charles Xavier, our Nick Fury. At first things were slow, but through the years, Sammy and I have successfully trained thousands of hunters and family members alike.

Sam and Nova were married just a month after Sam proposed. It was a relatively quiet wedding. Somehow, it was arranged so that Nova Easley would become Nova Winchester the exact same moment that Jude Reid, Aubrey Reid, and Myla Reid became Winchesters as well. Hell if that's not convenient. It was at the ceremony that Nova felt the first flutters of movement on the baby, and Sam and I tried to feel, but we couldn't just yet. "It may take a while," Nova told us. "This kid's still pretty small."

And then, on April 11th, right as Cas predicted, the kid was born. Nova gave birth at home. When the time finally came, everything moved too fast and by the time Sam and I got to the home, the baby's head was already out, facing the world. Nova gave birth in their bedroom. Everything was going much too fast and we knew it was too dangerous for her to move. I was the one who delivered the baby, and I cried as much as Sam did, which would rival even the baby's as my new, squishy nephew came into the world. When he was all cleaned up and the paramedics arrived to check on mother and child, Sam and Nova told me that his name was Adrian Dean Winchester. I cried even more, holding the little guy close as they told me that bit of information. Nova asked me to be godfather over all the kids, not just Adrian. And, because I'm not an idiot, of course I accepted. Cas was a little wary of him at first, not exactly sure how to handle a newborn, but we helped him through it. Cas ended up doting on him as much as I did at the end.

Cas and Belle made nice. At the barbecue, we both gave her the "monsters are real" speech. She took it about as well as you could expect from any normal person, but was extremely confused when Cas explained the whole situation with the angels. Nothing ever romantic arose out of that situation. The most they did was say goodbye with a kiss that night, but there was nothing more than that, ever.

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