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Countdown: 3 more chapters!


Rachel Elizabeth Dare

Everyone says I'm not the type who observes everything. They say I get lost in my own world easily. Oh, I'll show you how much I can observe!

Percy walked in for lunch and sat next to Jason. Annabeth came in a short while later, looking really flustered, and sat next to Hazel though she usually sat next to Percy, leaving Will and Nico to sit next to Hazel. But today, Will and Nico sat between Percy and Annabeth. Which left me pondering upon the oblivious two for a long time.

Am I the only one noticing this? Did something happen between those two or am I just paranoid? While my brain yawned and said, you paranoid, girl! my guts screamed, something happened! And that's when I follow my motto: when in doubt, always trust the guts!

Okay, that sounded much more inspiring and motivating and heroic in my mind...

I closely watched those two. I noticed they would start to gaze on each other at the same time, but then quickly blush and look away.

Yep! I thought to myself. Something definitely happened!

I quickly tugged on Thalia's arm. "Is it just me or are those two delirious in love?"

Thalia looked confused and I quickly filled her in on my overthinking mind and paranoid suspicions. She gave me a nod. "I'm pretty sure something happened! Maybe the made out or something..."

I shook my head. "Nope, they're way too much of cowards to do something that big...must have been something else..." But then I shrugged. "Whatever. We'll find out soon."

Then I realized that those two were staying away from each other. If I want my plan to work, I need them to be flirting with each other! I groaned. I need another idea...another one!

But I couldn't think of anything so I huffed and finally gave up. I'm gonna be the worst matchmaker ever!


"Bye mom!" I said, the words coming out muffled due to the sandwich stuffed in my mouth. My mom had finally got to me and made me eat what she called a "proper" breakfast.

I ran down the pavement, thankful I managed to catch the bus before it left our street. I climbed onto it with a huff, was too grumpy to say 'hi!' to the bus driver like I usually do, and slumped down my seat.

I was mad. At who, you ask?

At me.

Man, I can't even set two people up! What kind of a matchmaker am I? I will never get Percy and Annabeth's second child to be named after me now! Heck, they might not even get married! If they go at this rate, they'll be crazy old people and the only "babies" they'll have will be cats!

They'll end up forever alone!

Because, if they don't know who their soulmate is, how will they live with them?! AH, I'M A FAILURE! I'll never see little Percabeth babies running around with blond hair and sea green eyes! I won't be the godmother of their kids!

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