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Annabeth glanced at the clock nervously. She had to get this contract somehow. She'd been waiting outside for more than fifteen minutes. And they were still talking inside, in the room. She sighed, watching the hands of the clock move slowly.

The door creaked open and Annabeth straightened up excitedly.
This was it. She was gonna know if she got the job or not.

"Well, Annabeth..." The giant man said, holding a piece of paper and then held out his hand. "Shall we close the deal?"

Yes! She'd gotten the job!

Annabeth shaked his hand. "Thank you, sir!"

He smiled. "We'll start with the materials and things. Begin working on the blueprint. It's gonna be really interesting working with you, Ms Chase!"

Annabeth was delighted. Her first ever contract. She had to get started on the blueprint and impress everyone!


Macy sighed, mixing the sugar in her coffee. "I really don't get why you work like this! I mean, your mom is the owner of the amazing and famous Chase Inc! Why can't you just take her place as CEO?" She asked.

"No, Macy," Annabeth said, rolling her eyes. "I've told you this many times! My mom wants me to explore the world a bit, she says I should know how to manage on my own without the company name being my support! And frankly, I agree with her," She replied yet again.

Mach groaned. "But still! Girl, you could be so rich now!"

"I don't really care."

Macy shook her head crossly. "I never seem to understand you."

"My pleasure!"

Macy laughed. "Ah, you will always be you. Hey, up for some shopping?"

Annabeth frowned. "I was planning on a Harry Potter marathon...you up for that?"

Macy grinned widely. "I'll be at your house at 7!"


Annabeth gazed at an old picture: two young kids with black and blond hair.
She sighed. She'd never be able to forget that night. During prom.

That night.

She frowned and flung the picture to the side. That wasn't gonna happen. Ever again. She had to just get over him. Besides, Annabeth had more important things to do! She had a contract and she had to work on blueprints. She was busy. And she couldn't concentrate on old memories and fantasies that wouldn't come true.

She pulled her blanket till her chin, about to close her eyes when her phone chimed. She picked it up to see a message pop up from Piper...

'Annabeth! Guess what? Reunion! August 25th. You have to be there! No excuses! If you being up something, I'll stuff Silena's makeup kit down your throat!'

Annabeth grinned. Reunion? August 25th? She was pretty sure that she was free. She smiled widely, memories of her high school days coming back to her, as she typed back.

'Deal! And girl, don't you dare try to stick a makeup kit down my throat! I didn't learn martial arts for nothing!'

Piper sent back a laughing emoji.

Annabeth smiled. She couldn't wait.

But then she thought: Wait...will Percy be there too?

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