Chapter 22 - Kidnapped

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Sabrina stares down at the king's crown in her hands. Searching it with her hands. She knows what she is looking for is in this crown. If she can get it, it will be a great help to them.

In frustration, she throws the crown against the wall of her bedroom. She hears something else other than the crown fall. She approaches and finds the gold ruin she is looking for.

"So this is it. Come out little fox of fate. I control you now and you must obey me. Dark magic bind!" But her magic did nothing to the crown piece.

"It's fake! Where is the fox of fate?" Sabrina rants.

"Quiet sister. You don't want them to hear what we are doing. The fact that the ruin of fate is no longer with the king, means he no longer has the blessing of the fox to rule. This is wonderful. It means we stand a chance of succeeding to overthrow the king and take the throne," says Agatha.

Sabrina can see the old hag standing next to her. Formed from a black snake. Her features are visible. "But the ruin could have helped. Do you not think we need to be sure where the ruin is before striking at the throne?"

"No need. If the king does not have the ruin, it means the throne is ours. This will be like taking candy from a baby. But first, we have to get these pesky paladins away from the castle," Agatha says as she pats Sabrina reassuringly. At this Sabrina gains a cold calculating look in her eyes and sinister smile curls around her lips.

"I may have a solution to our little problem. The paladins are quite taken with Marilyn. I am going to strike two flies with one stone. This is what we will have to do. First, we need to convince the Archduke from Griffondale that the king has not been honest about Marilyn. Second, we have to patiently wait until Reynold takes action against Marilyn. I have heard from the soldiers it is against the law to kidnap a paladin knight. If I am right the paladins will organize a rescue mission to get her out."

"I want the girl killed. She is going to be a threat. Before you retrieved me I had a little fight with her. Her paladin guide is a danger that has to be dealt with. My snakes were no match for her falcon guide."

"Oh-no. I have a much more painful punishment in mind for her. I want her to honor her pre-arranged marriage. According to Grimston's wife, she became a horrible person when she learned of the engagement. Poetic justice the humiliating defeat I had to suffer at her hands. Death will only be an easy escape for her. Hahaha..." Sabrina laughs darkly at her plan with Marilyn.

"I also have an idea to twist the proverbial knife in her chest. This is where the labor of our hard work will bear the most fruit. Taking control of the knight commander. The necromancy magic that we will use on him will let him die a slow and painful death. His death will destroy her," Sabrina continues.

"Sabrina my darling girl, you make me proud to be a Zealot witch. Let us set things in motion. You are ready. The only thing that bothers me is Ristheart. If it is not in the king's crown where could it be? If it is with the prince we may have a problem," Agatha ponders.

"Again I have a simple solution. I will use his parents as leverage. Either he gives me the ruin or I will kill his parents. If that does not work I shall take it from his corpse. If he loves me and is willing to become my husband. None of it will be necessary. If the ruin is with Marilyn I shall use her father as leverage. No matter which way they try to thwart us. They will fail to stop us. My plan is flawless," Sabrina replies confidently.

"Be careful Sabrina. Overconfidence can mean the end of us," Agatha warns her.

Sabrina sits down at her desk and starts to draft a letter to the Archduke of Griffondale, Reynold. Notifying him that King Arnoldus has been hiding Marilyn in his castle under the disguise of a soldier. She also tells him that the king has made no effort in resolving the issue and that he intends to arrange for Arwin to marry Marilyn instead. If this is not resolved soon war between the two kingdoms is imminent. Sabrina also made sure to threaten Reynold that if he does not resolve this issue soon she will have to address a letter to the king of Griffondale.

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