Chapter 23 - The Crown under Siege

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The six riders race from Eastcroft to Zealot city throughout the night. As dawn breaks they approach the city, Marilyn draws Grendelow to a halt as the golden paw prints in front of her suddenly stop. She looks in front of them from the hill from where she could see the city. She sees people milling restlessly at the city gates as they demand answers on why the city is on lockdown. A lone horseman also overlooks the city not far down the hill. She sees his golden shark looking at the city with narrowed eyes.

'Nox, we are here behind you. What is going on?' Marilyn asks Nox through her paladin guide

'The city seems to have been on lockdown since dawn. The city gates never opened this morning as they usually do. Something is very wrong. There has been an announcement that a new queen will be crowned and there will be public executions taking place after the inauguration of the new queen,' replies Nox.

'What is the name of the supposed new queen?' Grimston's vulture asks.

'I don't know. The name was drowned out by angry villagers and citizens. According to them, it is a descendant of the zealot witches,' Nox replies.

Marilyn feels trepidation as she realizes that one of her greatest fears has become a reality. Nox approaches them and soon after another horse with two riders approaches them from the wizard's tower from the East side of the city. As the horse approaches, Marilyn recognizes the horse. "It's the queen's horse. Then that must mean. Ashton escaped!"

"A light in the dark tunnel!" Exclaims Nox. "At least now we'll get some answers."

Ashton draws the queen's horse to a halt and the second rider pulls down her hood. "Lady knight Marilyn! You come like a sending from heaven!" Exclaims Narine. "My daughter has claimed the city with Agatha's accursed necklace. We were heading out to find aid and we find you. But we have a serious problem. Without the will of the kingdom, we are lost. I found this in her room when she summoned me from the throne room." Narine holds up Arnoldus' crown. "Sabrina discovered that king Arnoldus has ruled the kingdom for a while without the will of the kingdom."

"She orchestrated the theft of his crown in Shaundra from here," Marilyn asks in awe. "She is more resourceful than we ever thought."

"An impressive and desperate feat from her. To say the least," Narine sounded down and heartbroken as if this whole task pained her deeply, but it is necessary.

"Then why help us? You could easily have joined forces with her," Marilyn asks suspiciously.

"A fair question, lady knight." Narine sighs heavily as if the world rests on her shoulders. "It pains me greatly to do this but I fear she has reached the point of no return. I fear she is set on killing everyone that wants to overthrow her. She is headed down a path in which she will lose all she loves including herself. This is the price all wielders of dark magic pay when they allow their power to control them and not the other way around and through it, she threatens the lives of not just me but also her siblings. To protect them this is my sacrifice. It is a painful sacrifice, but a necessary evil to protect the future of Ristheart. Dark magic in itself is not evil, but those that wield it can fall to its lure and we suffer every day to ensure the safety of our loved ones. Whatever punishment awaits Sabrina because of this, she will have to face alone."

The golden paw prints reappear and head West, away, and around the city. "Then follow me." She guides Grendelow to follow the paw prints and urges it into a gallop. She did not check to see if anyone is following her.

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