Chapter 6

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The next morning, I felt more like myself than in the entire past week and a half. I was ready to face whatever the Moon Goddess decided to throw at me.

I got out of bed and took care of my morning business. Standing in front of the sink, I glared at the brownish bandage still wrapped around my stomach. The longer I stared at it the more I felt like it was squeezing tighter and tighter, until I finally couldn't take it anymore. I ripped the elastic material straight off and cast it to the ground. Now, I could finally breathe again.

The first stab wound was already completely healed, while the second red gush was still softly visible. Because it didn't hurt anymore, it didn't matter whether I wore the bandage.

All the other scars were still there. They never left.

When I couldn't stand to look at my stomach any longer, I pulled the shirt back down. Luckily, I was wearing my own clothes and not some white hospital garbage. Strictly speaking the clothes weren't mine, as I had stolen them from a different pack, but those minor details didn't matter. The clothes had been covered with my blood and now smelled only of me.

I flexed my muscles, making sure I had my full strength back. It was time for me to leave, but two things were keeping me pinned to my spot. The first one was of course Shyrin, who refused to leave our mate. She had already grown close to Blake's wolf, Adox. They were both reluctant to be parted.

The second reason was my own betraying nature. No matter what kind of strong exterior I presented, on the inside I was still just like any other she-wolf. Yearning for a mate to complete me. How pathetic, right?

Shaking such simpleminded thoughts of, I walked back into the bedroom. As I passed the doorway, the other door leading into the room opened. The same chicken of a nurse entered.

With amusement, I watched as her eyes first flew towards the bed. After discovering it to be empty, she began to look around the rest of the room. When her eyes finally landed on my leaning figure against the bathroom doorway, her entire body froze. Her eyes flew wide open, while her hands began to shake. She looked like a deer caught in the sight of an approaching wolf.

I took a step forward into the room. "We meet again."

Her breath got stuck in her throat and I could hear her racing heartbeat all the way across the room. The funny thing was that I wasn't even trying to scare her. I was doing the exact opposite. For once in my life I was trying to appear less threatening than I normally did.

The nurse didn't seem to get any of that, as she began to desperately grasp for air. Tears lubricated her eyes, threatening to spill down her cheeks.

"Oh, for Moon's sake." I couldn't believe my eyes. She was a freaking werewolf. "Grow a backbone. You're a werewolf for Moon's sake. Act like one."

Before either of us could do anything else, the door opened again. The doctor walked into the room, heading straight for the shaking nurse. She must have mind-linked him, as he didn't seem at all surprised to find me out of bed.

He put a comforting arm around the nurse's shoulders. "It's okay, Maggie. She isn't going to hurt you. Ren is your future Luna, remember?"

Luna? Oh, for the love of the Moon. With everything going on inside my head, I hadn't even made the connection. If my mate was an Alpha, then that would make me... a Luna?

The moment the word Luna emerged I was ready to cross the border and never look back. I wasn't cut out to be a Luna. I had no problem with being a Beta, but a Luna was out of the question. Most of my life I had spent training to become a Beta, not a Luna.

Red Moon (Colors of the Moon #2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang