Part 26

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Within some minutes Tara climbed down the stairs only to see Arnav and Aman at her place suddenly. Though she was surprised as well as confused seeing them but she was happy too seeing Arnav. The presence of this man always makes her heart flutter.  She smiled brightly and reached near them.

"Hi Guys.."

While Aman smiled return Arnav did not show any sort of emotion on his face and that made Tara worried for a moment. But she brushed that away. 

Tara took her seat in front of them on sofa and asked looking at Arnav specially- What brought you both to my place suddenly guys??

Aman indicated towards Arnav through eyes, Tara understood and stared back at Arnav.

Tara- Arnav??

Arnav asked straightly- Tara, did you answer my call when you have been to my office the day before yesterday??

It did not take longer to Tara for understanding what he was trying to say.

She just nodded her head weakly knowing there was no chance of denying as that might spoil her image in front of Arnav's view. Aman stared at both of confusingly not knowing on what topic they both were discussing. And did Arnav actually come to Tara's place to ask her this question?? Aman could not believe that, but at the same that was not too surprised to him as he was very well aware of Arnav's possessiveness towards each thing may be each individual that he considers as close to him!!

Arnav asked further- And you did not find it necessary to tell me??

Tara tried to explain- Arnav, you were..busy..

Arnav- I was not that busy that I could not attain a call Tara.. What if Khushi had some emergency?? Then??

Aman looked at their face once again, from where this third character came from??

Tara's eyes got moist seeing Arnav's harsh tone, Arnav was about to say something further but Aman held his hand stopping him seeing the situation going out of hand. Tara looked down, she could not believe Arnav was scolding her for khushi?? Why Khushi's call was so important than her feeling towards Arnav??

Arnav was not a kid who could not understand what the person in front of him feel for him.. Does not he understand she consider him more than just a friend?? Had not he ever felt that warm feeling in her every gesture?? Tara's heart ached seeing his ignorance towards her emotions, feeling.

Feeling Aman's hand on his, Arnav too stopped sensing the conversation was now going in opposite direction. He took a deep sigh, looked back at Tara who looking down almost on the verge of crying. Aman shook his head negatively pleading Arnav not to say anything further.

Arnav thought for a second and got up from his seat coming in front of Tara. Tara looked up at Arnav sensing him near her, Arnav held her hand feeling sad seeing tears in Tara's eyes. He never intended to hurt Tara- Tara, Don't cry.. (he squeezed her hand gently.) Please..

Tara asked looking into his eyes- I foundyou were busy so I told Khushi to call you back later Arnav.. Mujhe nehi pata tha uski call tumhare liye itne important hai..( I never knew her call is so important for you..) I promise I'll never repeat it again.

Arnav felt a lump in his throat when Tara used the word "Important".. Does Khushi's one single call carry so much important in his life that for it he was practically fighting with his friend. He was unsure, but after yesterday's night, the way she met him, the way she was crying, the way she broke down.. what if same thing ever happens again and due to his phone calls he could not reach her.. Even that thought was so terrible for him as he recalled last night. She was almost on the verge of getting hurt..

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