Part 31

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It was past 2 am in night, after coming back from the party at Singhania'a as well as facing something really unexpected incident that just did happen a few hours ago and at the same time the revelation of the unknown truth of her own life Khushi was just more than confused to grasp anything. She really had no idea how she left the party, Krishna was not letting her a chance to speak after his confession neither she was that energetic to make someone understand her point!! She was tired.. tired of all this. She wanted to be away from Singhanias where she felt suffocate..That's why she left not even stopping then when Anjali Di and Karan Jiju called from behind..

Standing by window panel she watched at the cloudy sky. Leaning her head against the wall, she closed the window..

Did Mumma Baba actually get her married to Arnav in childhood just because they were told there was some problem in his horoscope and she was the solution of that??

Her heart was not ready to understand this..

They have always considered her same as their own children in fact more than than.. neither she has ever disobeyed or considered them less than her own parents. They both were God like to her.then for why.. why they did this to her that too then when she had no idea what marriage meant, she had no idea what marriage meant, she had no idea she was being tied in a bond for lifetime?? They did use her as a weapon and she was just a pawn for them to cure their beloved Son!!

That's it.. It hurts, it hurt her the most!! Would they have done same if Garima Mumma were alive?? Would Garima Mumma have allowed them to do so?? No..

Anita Mumma and Aarav Baba did that because they knew there would be none to question them back.. They have never considered her as their child like they refer.. Her heart ached a lot. She shut her eyes tight hoping all these to be a nightmare and to disappear when she would open her eyes. But nothing sort of that opened. She did not know how long she stood there until she started hiccupping. Looking around for water she found empty bottle.

Filling water bottle when she turned around to go found the main door was opened. She became nervous at first not knowing how that was opened which she had failed to notice while coming down. Taking her slow steps, she moved towards door only to find Arnav sitting on steps, with hands enclosed and head down!! What was he doing there at that time?? She had never seen him like this..

She took a step ahead to ask but stopped instantly as she remembered how he had left party at Singhania's. He had not spoken a single word after the revelation of that truth which had connected their lives together from the very beginning. She knew she turned her face away when he had initiated to talk to her at the party, but she was not ready to hear anything.. She was not even ready to face him, how should she meet him now? She was so confused..

Sensing someone's presence Arnav looked behind when his eyes met with her hazel ones. They kept staring at her for a few moments until Khushi broke the eye lock and left from there. He tried to open his lips, to call her, to ask her to stop but just could not. That marriage revelation did shake him so much that he was feeling that he had lost sanity since long back. It was still strange for him to believe that their marriage did happen that too because his parents thought there was some problem in his horoscope.. And Khushi and he share a relation just like Maa Papa, Di Jiju relationship!!

That girl for whom there has always been different feelings waving in his heart, he did not know how to respond after this truth.

What was she thinking after learning this?? He so wishes to ask her, he so wishes to talk to her.. Then he remembered the moment when Krishna proposed her in front of everyone.. Her silence, his parents' silence, his sister and brother-in-law's silence.. as if none was ready to think anything from his prospective.. As if none was ready what he would be undergoing knowing the woman with whom he shares the bond thought unknowingly, was proposed for marriage by another man.. And Khushi!! She also kept always.. like never trying to understand him since childhood..

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