Chapter 39

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I felt my eyes widen at this, my heart drumming against my chest at a million miles per hour. My lips itched for his but I held myself back, instead focusing on the lustrous look in his eyes. I bit my lip and smiled, conscious of the blush that creeped into my cheeks.

"How long have you felt that way?" I asked, my voice low with wanting. He leaned closer, pressing his forehead gently to mine. He took a deep breath, his irises swirling with content.

"Ever since I met you." He replied with the tinniest of smiles but once again, his eyes were on my lips.

I leaned upwards, touching my lips to his at the slightest, just enough so I could feel his breath hitch in his throat.

"You should've shown me sooner." I whispered, my mouth grazing his. And then he leaned into my touch, pressing his lips to mine. It was a fierce kiss, like all his desire and desperation was taken out on the movement of his mouth against mine. I slid my fingers up to his bare chest, sketching the patterns of his body like an artist sketches the crevices of a mountain. His hands went into my hair, chasing away the knots and sliding through the tangles until they rolled down my neck to sit on my waist. He murmured something against my mouth but it was muffled by our closeness. I moved closer, angling my body to his to embrace the heat. Cold air swirled around us in the gathering of the night but his body protected me. His lips were all desire and lust and yearning, his fingers digging into the bare skin of my waist. Sparks erupted from his touch, bursting under my eyelids as I chased his mouth with mine.

"I'm so lucky I finally have you." He managed to say through a breath, his eyes still closed. I gave him a teasing smile despite the fact he couldn't see it and nipped his bottom lip. At this the fire in him seemed to sear up. He twisted me around, his breaths heavy as he pressed me to the ground. With one hand supporting him, he moved his hand to grip the buttons of my jeans. His fingers weren't shaky anymore, instead they were one of delicately but also haste. Heat erupted around me, mixing with the fire of feelings that danced and singed my veins. It wasn't the fire I dreamt of, it was a real fire. The fire of emotion.

His fingers hooked themselves of the waistband of my jeans, pushing them down but I hesitated, pulling away from his lips to gaze at him. He paused instantly, an expression of shock passing through him.

"You don't want to?" He asked huskily, his eyes trained on mine but his hands still remained hovered over my jeans. I searched his eyes, seeing the reflection of myself within their darkness. My hair was a mess, knotting at my side. I dropped my gaze, catching my breath before speaking.

"I do want to, but not yet."

A flash of something crossed his eyes but I chose not to acknowledge it. After a second of hesitation, he lowered his eyes to nod slowly.

"If that is want you want, then I will do as you ask." His voice was still lowered, his fingers still tracing circles on my skin, making my thoughts swirl into vicious clouds of want.

He moved away, twisting his body in one graceful movement to lay flat on the ground, his hands brushing mine. I turned to him, still remaining on my back but his gaze was on the stars.

"I used to think of you as a star Renee." He whispered after some time, his words carrying in the breeze.

I felt my eyebrows furrow with confusion. "I don't understand."

He let out a long breath which I assumed was to calm his racing heart.

"You shine with a light brighter than others, and I always wished to be the one who grasped it." He turned his head to mine, his eyes wide so the stars twinkled in his pupils. Every star was a tiny fleck in his irises, matching his golden speckles of reflected light in his green and gold eyes as he examined me. "But every time I reached for you, you seemed millions of miles away." His fingers brushed mine, the only source of heat to the gathering coolness. "And only now have I finally touched the light you give off, and it is everything I have ever wanted."

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