Chapter 50

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"It can't be." I argued, shaking my head against Aarons intense gaze. "Isaac helped me when I was poisoned. Without him, I would have died."

But Aaron only regarded me sadly, his lips thinning. "Don't you understand?" He asked softly, his eyes as cautious as his voice. "Isaac was the one who poisoned your drink."

I shook my head again vigorously. "No, he wouldn't."

Aaron raised an arched eyebrow. "What did the doctors say was contained in the drink?'

I only blinked, raking for the memory. "They only said I had alcohol poisoning."

"It wasn't alcohol poisoning that caused your seizure." Aaron answered quietly, his eyes a whirlwind of misfortune. "It was the mercury put into your drink."

I felt my teeth scrape my tongue as I bit it. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth but I refused to acknowledge it. "Isaac put the mercury in my drink?"

Aaron slowly nodded his head. "Yes, he knew from Miss Anderson discovering you were allergic to the two elements that you would react to it, and potentially be killed."

I heard myself swallow loudly before I replied. "But then why did he make me vomit? Why poison me then save me anyway?"

Aaron only frowned harder, his eyes darkening in thought. "That is a question I do not myself know the answer to."

We both fell into silence, the wind increasing in speed around us.

"Something still isn't adding up." I finally said, raising my voice against the beginnings of a blizzard. "Isaac couldn't stab or shoot me when I asked him to. If he truly sought after my death, he would've killed me then and there."

Aaron only watched me, his gaze thoughtful. He said nothing but gritted his teeth.

"And when I went into the woods with Miss Anderson, he protected me from the other wolves. But then they also attacked him. Why would his own kind try to kill him?"

Aaron continued to say nothing, however his gaze flickered angrily, as if irritated that I was looking deeper for an explanation.

"There is something you are hiding." I finished, my tone lowering in accusation. "I thought you were done with the lies."

"Don't pretend like you don't remember Isaac practically throwing you up against the lockers threatening to hurt you." Aaron hissed.

"But he never did." I insisted, trying to understand his covered expression. "He saw my scar on my arm and stopped."

"Only because he realised that Miss Anderson thought that you were one of his kind." He lashed back, his voice edged with frustration. "Miss Anderson hurt you all in those different ways to truly see if the legends were true. The silver in your blood stream, the silver in high concentrations from the broken flask, making you cut yourself open and interrogating you about werewolf folklore was all a way to see if she was right about you."

"But how does she know about the supernatural world? Why would she assume I was a werewolf?" I quickly added, leaning closer to hear Aarons reply over the wind.

"Your last name." Aaron answered.

I reeled back to blink at him in confusion. "My last name?" I echoed.

Aaron nodded, his lips forming an unease frown. "You don't know the history of your last name?"

I shook my head in response, confusion raking me the way my shivers began to.

"Its derived from the greek word 'chrímata', meaning silver or in some languages, moon."

I only stared at him, still unable to connect the dots.

The Night ChildrenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora