Chapter Eleven - Ambulance.

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  Dizziness washes over me as gravity makes blood rush to my head, Frank takes my hand as I sway on my feet dangerously.  

  "You're honestly helping her?" Leah snarls, her face an angry red colour, her fists balled.  

  "What you did isn't fair, Leah" Frank snaps at her. He picks my bag from the floor, then he wraps an arm around my waist, steering me from the group of teenagers. All of them stare after us as he leads me away, I can't read the expressions on their faces, although I'm pretty sure I can see fear there, maybe they think I'll tell someone. Maybe I will.  

  Frank leads me back towards the school, when we've turned the corner and the group has disappeared behind us, Frank pulls my arm over his shoulders, scoops my legs from under my body and lifts me effortlessly into his arms.

  "Told you I could lift you" Frank jokes as he easily strolls down the sidewalk, me swaying in his arms like a little rag doll.  

  I can't find the effort to even reply to his sarcastic little jibe, I allow my head to fall onto his shoulder, too tired to even lift it, agony is starting to set into my limbs. I'm pretty sure a few bones are cracked or even broken.  

  I don't even notice Frank has put me in a car until he's turning on the engine, the noise shocks me back into reality.  

  "What are you doing?" I gasp as Frank pulls away from the sidewalk and spins the car around.  

  "Driving" I can even hear the smirk.  

  "Dick" I snap back at him.  

  "Hoe" he replies cheerfully.  




  Frank suddenly bursts out laughing, I try to suppress my smile and fail, but when I do crack a smile, I have to quickly wipe it from my face, considering my lip has been split and it just hurts to smile right now.  

  "Seriously though, where are you taking me?" I ask him as I settle back into the seat with a tired sigh.  

  "To my house" he says casually, I throw him a panicked look, which he gives a chuckle at. "I'm not going to kidnap you, Hadley" he shakes his head "My mom's a nurse, its better than going to A and E right?" he gives me a reassuring smile. I can't find the effort to even argue with him.

  So I don't protest as he drives in the direction of his home, I drift in and out of consciousness as we travel through town, one second we're at school, the next we're pulling into a driveway that looks strangely familiar. I close my eyes for what seems like a second, but then my eyes shoot open and Frank is pulling me out of his car.  

  I can't find the effort to keep my eyes open, and my legs give out when Frank tries to help me stand, the ground rushes up to meet me, but strong arms wind around my waist and then Frank's lifting me up bridal style again, sighing as he holds me. I let my eyes slide closed.


  "Honestly Frank, why would you let it get this bad?" a voice demands quietly. I don't open my eyes, they feel much too heavy, I can't find the strength to open them, but my ears work just fine, and the conversation, although slightly hushed, is quite clear to me.

  "If I had been around when it started, I wouldn't have let it happen!" the increasingly familiar voice of Frank replies, he sounds irritated.

  "Well, even so, they are your friends aren't they?" the same voice as before asks, "Tell them to leave her alone, god knows she's been through enough without getting beat up and picked on everyday" definitely a mother, I decide, must be Frank's mom.

From the Razor to the Rosary (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя