Chapter Twenty - Tomorrow's Money.

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  I push myself from the still boiling water, trying not to slip and kill myself in the process. When I've patted myself down and pulled on a very unattractive outfit made up of leggings and a baggy jumper. I towel dry my hair and leave it damp, it'll be a huge fuzzball tomorrow, but right now I'm too tired to care. 

  I make my way downstairs at a snails pace, even though it's Halloween there's been no knocking at the door, I put out a huge bowl of candy earlier on the porch, surrounded by a few pumkins and with cobwebs stuck around it, it should keep the neighbourhood kids busy for a few hours and I'm sure they wont be afraid to knock if it all disappears. 

  Honestly, I have to get out more, I'm starting to look like my couch. But then, I do love this couch, like a lot, I think as I slump down onto it. 

  It's Halloween, so yes, there are tonnes of horror films on tonight, but me being me, I flick over to the Disney channel, where I'm pleased to see Halloweentown being played, honestly I love this movie.

  "How old are you again?" comes a voice behind me, cold hands close over my eyes, throwing me into darkness.

  "Never too old for Disney, Gerard" I scorn him as I pull his hands from my face. He laughs at me as he flops down onto the sofa.

  "Why aren't you trick or treating?" Gerard demands, feigning anger. 

  "I'm a little old for that" I chuckle. 

  "If you can still watch Halloweentown, you can still trick or treat" he pouts and I smirk. 

  "So, the ghosts are out tonight are they?" I ask him casually, he turns with a sarcastic look for me. 

  "Yeah, some of us are heading to a cemetery later for some partying" he says, jerking his thumb in the general direction of the door "Wanna join?" he raises an eyebrow. 

 "I don't think the living are invited" I joke, and he smiles at me. For a moment it's like old times, both annoying and insulting each other like children, but with an air of easiness, we know we're joking, we know we love each other, there is never any need for an apology. And then Gerard decides to go and ruin it. 

  "So, you and Frank, huh?" he says it casually, but his fists twist into tight balls, he hastily shoves them deep into the pockets of the green hoodie he's wearing. 

  "Me and Frank?" I ask him, confused. 

  "Are you two dating?" he says, and my eyes widen at the amount of venom that laces his words. 

  "No" I stutter. 

  "Looked pretty fucking close to me earlier" he retorts, and he looks away, probably too angry to look at me, guilt floods my chest. 

  "We're not together, Gerard" my voice instantly becomes defensive, I really don't want to fight with him, but I'll defend myself if I have to. 

  "He likes you" Gerard growls angrily, still looking away. 

  "You don't know that" I sigh, rolling my eyes as I turn back to the TV. 

  "Yes I do!" he exclaims, and I look at him, shocked at the loud outburst. Gerard takes a deep breath, trying to recover his calm. "I know he likes you." he says glumly, in a voice lower than before. 

  "Even so, that doesn't mean I like him" I mutter, crossing my arms over my chest defensively. 

  "You didn't look like you were protesting earlier" Gerard retorts, staring miserably at the television. 

  "God!" I exclaim, throwing up my hands as I finally become angry at him "What is wrong with you? Why is it such a big deal?" I demand of him, and he throws me an annoyed look. 

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