Throne to Fight For

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A tense silence fills the air as Albot alows wolves to carry Narin away. I felt no throb or pull to that wolf anymore. I felt nothing to him as I kept my eyes on the wolf who wrongfully sat on my throne. I had been waiting for the day I could sink my claws into him. To tear apart Alexander like a stuffed toy.

But he was stalling. Waiting for something.

"Who said I wanted to fight the rogue king. He is my ancestor after all." He grins with malice at me, stepping forward as my wolves make a tighter protective surface. His pack members start to talk as some realize that their weakness was caused by their Alpha. Their King.

It was then that we all realized he was working with the Rogue King as his own pack slowly formed a ring to protect mine. It was clear they were on agreement with me.

"Knowing you aren't really my daughter brings me great joy. I accept your challenge but be prepared to become my slave when I win. I'll use your body to give my line strong pups. I'm just pissed that that whore of a mate I had kept this a secret from me." He growls out. The wolves surrounding me slowly alow him passage into the circle, their mouths emmiting snarls of hatred to the man as they begin to ready themselves to save me. Marcus had already taken Alice away after Narin was defanged. Albot had felt like she shouldn't see this and I was greatful. I would not be able to focus if I knew she was in danger.

Slowly Alexander and I begin to circle each other, his eyes looking for any weakness to hurt me. But I would not show him any. I watch as he limps slightly on his left leg and knew he must have sustained an injury on the right leg some time between the time I left till now. That was a mistake to show me but the anger and lust he was sending my way distracted him.

It was then that I realized that my body was naked other then the blood that coated my skin. I felt disgusted by his gaze of lust -how his thoughts were going to a place I prefer not to fall victim to- and delighted to know he would be easy to defeat with this distraction.

"Are you going to hit me or are you finally realizing how inferior you are to me?" I taunt, watching as the wolf before me gritts his teeth. The best way to win a fight was to taunt them into a sloppy attack.

"What, are you afraid that a so called 'runt' will beat you as bad as your beta?" Albot calls out, helping in the taunting as I send an approving growl. I waited as the gathered wolves quieted, all that was heard were the crunch of the snow under our feet as Alexander and I continued to circle and wait. I knew better then to throw the first punch.

Finally the wolf before me stops circling only to run at me, a snarl ripping out of his throat as he rushes forward with his fist ready and aimed at my face. I easily dodge that only to find myself flying to the side from a kick he had sent to my ribs. I guess this fight would be harder then Narin. It would be hell of a lot more fun too.

As my body rolls along the ground till I am finally able to stand, I quickly leap to the side and narrowly doge his clawed hands. He was ruthless.

I understood now that growing up Alexander had gone easy on me, he had trained me in a way that still left me weaker then him. A pathetic female is what he always called me. But he doesn't know I had been training all this time to beat him.

With a growl of my own I allow my nails to turn into claws before swiping then along Alexander's face, the tearing of flesh and scent of blood bringing joy to me. With a grin I jump back out of the way before circling around my opener and aiming a foot to his right knee and watching the wolf before me fall to the ground.

With a grin I take this opportunity to run my claws across his scalp and tear off his skin with hair still attached, throwing it towards Albot.

"That was for all the years of you beating me!" I yell out, aiming a kick at his rib and watching the man roll away on the dirt. His hatred towards me was streaming in like a drug, encouraging my own hatred for him to grow.

I waited too long to play with him like he was prey. I spent years under his care being beaten and belittled. I was his prey when he was furious. His bunching bag when things didn't go his way. Now it was his turn to get beaten.

I smile as he growls again at me, his clothes tearing apart as he shifts into his wolf. Black with rippling muscles as he slowly approached me. His eyes were slowly glowing. It was the royal blood in him claiming the dominance of wolf kind. But I knew the truth. I know who I am.

With a loud roar of my own I watch as his eyes slowly stop glowing and fear flicker in Alexander's eyes instead. But it was brief. Soon the glow was back and the murderouse intent was amplified. Good.

I stay in human form, not needing to shift just yet because I want to enjoy this. Enjoy beating him in a form he thought was weak. Was nothing but flesh and fragile. But I was strong and as he lunges towards me, claws extended ready to tear into my five foot frame I brace my self, piveting on one foot and feeling the other connect with his head.

Alexander us sent soaring through the air, a look of confusion on his wolf face. His body tumbles once more to the hard ground and rolls to a stop in front of Albot. Cheers errupt around us. Cheers for me as I slowly saunter towards his large wolf body, blood gushijg from his mouth and a few fangs littering the path his body took when rooling to his spot.

"Crys finish this weak wolf." Even tho his voice is drowned out by the crowd I still hear Albot clear as day. A smirk on his face as his eyes bore into mine.

"I'm sorry. I should have been a better father." Alexander's weak voice catches my ears. He had shifted back to his human form, broken, bruised and defeated with no hope. He jnew his end was near.

"Its too late for regret. Regret brings nothing. Narin regrets rejecting me as his true love. You regret treating me like shit and abusing me. But news flash Alexander, there is no cure for regret." The memories of me wishing for love. Of spending lonely nights crying because no matter how much I tried everyone always left me. I don't regret leaving because it made me stronger. I just regret wasting my time trying to have the wrong people love me.

"I can't let you live and you know this. I'm sorry." With that my nails form into claws, ripping deep into his chest and pulling out his heart. A quick death.

The throne was now mine.

Rejection To The Alpha King's Daughter [Rejection Series]Where stories live. Discover now