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I stand in the hallway my gaze focused on the closed solid door. After my shower Albot amd I had made our way to the pack infirmary to talk with Narin about why he rejected me all those years ago. I hated him at first but after years of being out in the human world and focusing on my goal of reclaiming the throne I realized maybe he was forced to. I slowly stopped hating him after a while because his rejection gave me the freedom I needed to be who I am today.

But as I stand before the door just putsode his room I find myself scared to look into his eye and listen. Its an absurd idea that I would be afraid but I was. This man shattered my heart years ago on my birthday. A day everyone forgot. A day where my mate should have loved me.

The mate bond slowly twisted, giving a quiet hum that reminded me it was still there but just barely. The bonde was about to die soon, it was only a matter of time until Narin and I would be no more.

"Come in Crystalline I can feel the bond hum." I jump at the sound of Narin's voice, backing into the safety of Albot's chest as his arms wrap around me protectively. His scent calms my beating heart as he places a light kiss to my forehead.

"Come on Crys, you need to do this to fully move on." He whispers, his lips grazing my ear. I hated that Albot was right. I mean not even an hour ago I nearly killed Narin so what was I afraid of?

Nothing. The answer was absolutely nothing because I know I could destroy Narin easily on battle.

So with a deep breath, I reach forward and push open the door. With the confidence of being an Alpha I stride into the room, my eyes landing on the man in the bed with an I.V. in his arm. He looked a lot better then the last time I saw him, sprawled out on the dirt completely defeated and covered in blood. Stupid werewolf healing. But this also meant he could talk. Our eyes meet for a moment, tension and awkwardness filling the air as we take this time to fully assess each other.

"Hello Narin." I speak first, breaking the eye contact to take a seat in the plastic chair beside his bed, Albot sitting next to me.

"Did you really do it? Did you finally Kill Alexander?" His question surprises as his voice is filled with hope. Sniffing the air I realized this was real. That this hopeful emotion wasn't a ruse or a trick. Narin was being serious.

"Yeah. It was either I kill him or he kills me. I wasn't going to let his line ruin the werewolf community more then it already had." Reliefe frees the tension is Narin's body at my words as I watch him relax deeper into the pillow behind him, a lone tear falling from his eyes.

"Thank the Goddess. It means I can finally meet my real mate." Taken aback by his words, my head turns to Albot with confusion as we both look at each other with so many questions swirling into our minds before focusing back on the man in the hospital bed.

"Care to explain?" Albot asks slowly, putting a comfoting hand on my leg. This action helped to calm me but also kept me in my seat. I wanted to know what Narin meant about seeing his true mate because I thought I was his true mate.

"Of course. Just let me start off with that I never wanted to hurt you Crystalline. In fact the days that Alexander trained you till unconsciousness it was me who would step in and stop him before you died. The Queen was my aunt and it was because of her that she made me promise to keep you safe from that bastard." My eyes widen at the truth in his words. Gone was the cocky wolf who always challenged me to a fight in training. Now he sounded just like an older brother would to his younger sibling.

"I believe you." I whisper out, seeing a smile form on his lips before he turned to look at the ceiling.

"It started the day you shifted. I was doing a patrol that day and I came across you and Trix talking. I was so pissed off with your father as I listened to the two of you. I watched you shift and when I seen that your wolf was a runt I felt fear for the first time. The little wolf I considered my sister was in danger and I knew I had to find a way to protect you.

That night after my patrol shift was done I went to sleep and I had a dream. In it all the Moon Goddess' from the current one to the very first were waiting for me. I learned that Luna was your mother and they explained to me that unfortunately my real mate was in an accident. The Goddess of Destiny interviened before she could die and that she would be in a coma for a few years. So they asked me to do something." His story seemed like that of a fairy tail. It shocked me that he already knew I was a runt before he rejected me. Before the mate bonde would take effect. It was insane.

"They asked me to allow a mate bond be put between us and when the time came to reject you so that you could be free. So that you could learn who you truly are and train. It was the solution to protect you from Alexander and I agreed. So on you eighteenth birthday when you shifted to perform the howl at the treaty signing I felt the mate bonde and I rejected you. I'm sorry. I am so sorry I hurt you but I had to." Narin was crying by the end of explination. He was just as much a victim in this rejection as I was. He was always trying to protect me and I couldn't help but see him in a new light. With a soft smile I stand and lean in, pulling Narin to me and hugging him as he cries.

"It's okay Narin, I forgive you. I was mad at first. I actually hated you. But you gave me my freedom. So thank you." My words were soft whispers as his cries slowly turned to sobs that soon turned to just a quiet breathing as the wolf in my arms quieted down. And then it happened.

The mate bond broke making it feel like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. There was nothing there between us to tie us as mates. But I now looked at Narin as an older brother.

"Thank you Crystalline." He whispers and I nod.

"Don't. You've always been protecting me, even if it did hurt. When you're healed and ready to find your mate then find her. But bring her ass back here because I'm going to need my beta and my brother back to help run this pack. I can't wait to meet your real mate Narin." I pull away from him with my mind set as a look of hope and happiness is set into Narin's eyes. I couldn't wait to make a friendship with Narin. To have a sibling bond build between us because now I knew he was truly on my side.

"Get better and get some sleep you idiot. Next time I'll go easy on you in the sparing ring." That caused the both of us to laugh as Albot stood and wraped an arm around my waist.

"One of these days Crystalline I will have you on your ass." Narin jokes and I can help but grin.

"No thats my job to keep her ego down." Albot comments with a chuckle. Maybe this being Queen thing was easier then I thoughtm

Rejection To The Alpha King's Daughter [Rejection Series]Where stories live. Discover now