Chapter 10 A Broken Time Lord

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A/N: Trigger warning for scenes of a male sexual assault

Jack stood with his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his great-coat. ‬Twin sunsets had taken the day's warmth, forcing him to flip his collar up to shut out‭ the cold‭ night air.‭ Frustration with the day-long wait led him outside to find a spot where he could think and breathe. The only place that even came close to his rooftop oasis back home was the centre's walled in courtyard. Now, balanced on the top of the grey brick wall, he gazed out at the nearly empty street reflecting on the twelve miserable local hours spent on this planet. He'd spent eleven of those tedious hours in strategy meetings, and training sessions whose only purpose seemed to be making H'Tarle happy. He'd listened to the collective frustrated sighs and complaints from his new companions angered by what they deemed unnecessary sessions that failed to get them closer to the Doctor.

Jack sniffed hard; the cold air burned his nasal passages. The kids were right; it was tedious, and H'Tarle did come across as a bit obsessive when it came to covering every possible detail. And, in the end, the obsession became annoying. Years of experience had taught Jack it wasn't possible to cover every contingency. He did, however, wish he'd thought things through a little more. If he hadn't let his emotions over-ride common sense, he would have brought his team. A team he could rely on in any situation, and whose support and counsel he desperately needed. Instead, he was undertaking the most important rescue of his life with people he didn't know, and whose judgement he did not entirely trust.

He exhaled slowly.‭‬ His breath formed little circles that floated away on the breeze.‭ This place reminded him of northern Europe.‭‬ He might actually come back some day - ‬just to visit.‭ Maybe, he could take Ianto, Gwen and Rhys on a ski trip up in the mountains.‭ H'Tarle showed him some great pictures of the local landscape in winter.‭ The sudden appearance of a young couple walking arm in arm past the Justice Centre distracted him for a moment, sending his thoughts to Ianto. He missed the silly Welshman and found himself aching for him. ‬An image of Ianto in a parka‭ ‬and tight ski pants, zooming down a mountain slope, brought a breathy‭ ‬chuckle.‭ ‬He realised that in all the time that he'd known him, he's never actually seen Ianto ski.‭ Maybe, just the outfit would do.

‬Jack blew out another round of frost rings and forced his mind to the here and now. He reflected back on all the meetings and training sessions. The plan wasn't complicated, but the timing was crucial.‭ First, ‬they would seal off the airspace and then take‭ ‬out the perimeter shields.‭ The mole would take out the monitors controlling the inner shields, ‭ ‬sabotage the transmat system, ‬and locate any vortex manipulators.‭ The sweep of the compound and the mansion‭ ‬would be done‭ ‬with combined attacks from the ground and the trees.‭ By the end of the strategy sessions, each team member knew where to go, ‭ ‬and who to look for.‭

The only tactical session he considered valuable came late in the afternoon. They worked out the details coordinating the rescue with the attack on the mansion.‭ ‬The mole sent word NaV0's guests brought thirteen new prisoners, including a small child with them. They were all for sale at the evening auction. The idea flipped Jack's stomach bringing back memories he longed to forget. Their arrival added an unexpected complication.‭ Now, not only did they have to get the Doctor and the Princess out of that hell hole, but the new group as well. ‬It was hard enough worrying about the Princess and the Doctor possibly caught in a crossfire, but a child? Jack hoped just this once, the universe wouldn't screw up.

Now that the team leaders knew what the Doctor looked like, and ‬thanks to the mole, had a fair idea of the form the princess had, they stood a fair chance of quickly securing both. Her safety during this rescue ranked right up with the Doctor's. H'Tarle sent word back to the mole to put her somewhere safe. A full medical squad was on standby.‭ No one doubted that after three weeks, he would be in need of medical care. Rory turned the Doctor's blood supply and pain medicines over to the medics for safe keeping, but in light of the Doctor's unique medical needs, Jack reassured H'Tarle for the twentieth time his team would be responsible for taking care of him.‭ As far as Jack was concerned, the bases were covered.

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