1.6 Weekend Date

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Annabell just really wanted to cry. Why had she said yes? Why was she going to be stuck with him instead of at home watching that t.v. series she was obsessed with? And why was Jules just now remembering various important details that she needed to know?

Laying in her bed and trying to suffocate herself with her pillow, Annabell was practically a toddler throwing a tantrum. On the bright side, she'd finally been able to check out her Skill Tab uninterrupted. Those 6 skills had been interesting, to say the least.

[ Skills: 6

Probability Princess [Innate] (S): An ultimate mathematic skill, gives the owner the ability to predict events with 95% accuracy due to exceptional skill in the area. Practically like a psychic ability.

Mischievous Flirt [Innate] (A): The owner of this skill has the ability to use corny pick-up lines with a 50/50 chance of making an immediate friend or romantic interest. "Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see." - being an example.

Supporting Actress [Innate] (C): A moderate skill in acting, enough to properly take the role of a host body in F through C rank worlds. It can be leveled up through experience.

History Buff [Stolen] (A): Wow, you're a real history nerd. An extensive study of history around the world, almost nothing about the world of the past and present is unknown to this host body.

Sweet Subtlety [Stolen] (B): Along with emitting a naturally sweet scent, the host body can use the world around her to help make suggestions and make them seem like someone else's idea. Makes for the perfect wingman.

Killing Smile [Stolen]: The ability to deal the final blow in a conversation with a sweet smile and poisonous words. It can only be used during a situation where the host is being accused or confronting another character. ]

Weren't these abilities a little too OP for an F-class world? What kind of beast would Annabell have been as an adult? Then again, F-class worlds were supposed to be the easiest. The body being OP made sense. As long as she didn't keep them after the world passed, everything would be fine.

[ Actually, Host, you get to choose one Stolen skill to keep at the end of your mission. ]

"You weren't helpful earlier, Jules. While this information is helpful, kind of going through a crisis right now."

Jules sounded a bit dejected when it spoke. [ Would it make you feel better if I said your post has gained over one million likes from Systems and Hosts alike? ]

Annabell let out a whistle. "A little. How many Systems are there anyway?"

[ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I only remember around 5% of them. Which would be 5,000 Systems with unique numbers and names. And those are just the ones without Hosts. ]

Annabell decided to keep her curiosity to herself at that statement. There were over a million Systems without and probably even more with Hosts. That made her wonder a bit. What were the chances of her sharing a world with another Host? Hopefully, extremely low.

Back to the current problem at hand. What the fuck was she going to do about Saturday?! Sure, it was supposed to just be a movie and possibly lunch, but what if it wasn't? If that kiss from earlier said anything, Annabell touched her bruised lips and shivered, then it could very easily not be a normal date. She still wanted to cry over her lost first kiss.

"Jules, open the System Menu for me."

[ Will do, Host. Please wait for a moment. ]

The familiar menu opened before her again, Brooke selecting the Store option this time. Maybe it had some lip balm or something for her poor lips.

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