2.5 A Main Course To Remember

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[ Damn. You guys really like Euphemia (🌹) a lot so far. Well, the next arc elections will be happening until the end of this arc so the other girls have time to catch up! You're allowed to vote every chapter so 👀. You're also allowed to vote for two candidates, as a lot of you guys can't seem to choose between two. You know which two.

I will also be leaving extra tidbits about the candidates throughout the rest of this arc's chapters so stay tuned! Anyway...

Time for songs to help give a bit of background that won't expose everything~

Vote 😷 for Zhang Liling - Sickly Sister

Vote 🍶 for Himura Kaori - Seamstress Killer

Vote 🌹 for Euphemia von Gaelin - Rose Princess

Dinner parties are long as shit.

Turaya would've been falling asleep in her chair if she needed to sleep in the first place. Everything was so boring. The Pope was too afraid to hold intelligent conversation with her, the Duke nor his son was intelligent in the first place, and Adelaide was ignoring her because why not. Little thing should be glad she mellows out when she's older. No one likes a brat.

The King, on the other hand, was much too eager to talk to talk to her. How her schooling abroad was, her age (She had decided on twenty as the late oldest daughter from House Giandim had been eighteen), if there was anyone who could confirm her identity. In other words, the King was trying to see if she was legitimate or not. However, Turaya had decided to prevent anymore talking on his part by talking with Renaut.

"Do you like the food?" She had asked.

"I don't like spinach."

"It's good for you, though."

Renaut could only pout. "It tastes like wet leaves."

"When did you taste wet leaves?"

The two made eye contact for a bit before Renaut began to obediently eat the spinach on his plate. Turaya could only laugh softly.

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