The war Of dominance.

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***The last chapter has been updated and I would revise you to go back and reread it to understand this chapter.

Listen to the music once it gets to her hiding her scent and blocking her mate.** 

The month has came and gone like summer does before school. I didn't realize We've been practicing a lot longer than before. "You're ready Ashton. You are perfectly ready to go and stop this war...

I nodded. I heard the howls. "Go to them now guys... they know I won't fight them... They'll think I'm in the safe house.. So be ready..." They left after hugging me goodbye and wishing me luck. When they were gone, I decided it's time to hide my scent and block my mate out of my head. 

I slowly walked out of the pool house and went straight for where the fight was being held. When I saw Colton at the front I smirked knowing he doesn't even know I'm here... There was fighting going on everywhere.. Colton was fighting a Brown wolf which I only knew as Ethan... And Jace Or whatever the betas name was I seriously forgotten it.. Don't hate on me.. I haven't been here for four years. He was fighting my dad... I walked closer and when I did I Let my wolf out.. "STOP THIS FIGHTING RIGHT THIS INSTANCE!!!!" She sounded like a true Luna... All fighting stopped and everyone looked my way... "YA'LL MIGHT WANT TO SHIFT RIGHT NOW AND HEAR WHAT I HAVE TO SAY. AND I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YA'LL THINK" I shouted out... Everyone started shifting and putting shorts on.. "Ashton you are not supposed to be here. why couldn't I smell you coming!" Colton shouted. He was mad but I didn't care.. 

"That's not what is important.. This is the death of our pack Colton.. Don't fight with them... They will know they're place... Jace, Grabbed the wolf you were fighting with and put him in silver wolvesbane laced chains NOW!!!! Jason Grab the one Colton was fighting and do the same." I growled out.. turning to the other wolves from their pack. "A PACK IS ONLY AS STRONG AS THE ALPHA... AND TRUST ME.. YA'LL HAVE NO MORE ALPHA AS OF NOW.. i WILL KILL THEM MYSELF AND IF ANYONE HAS A SAY ABOUT IT COME FORWARD NOW..." One stepped forward and I smirked. "Brother How can I help you?" He growled. "You won't kill our father!!!!" I smirked. "I will.. TAKE THEM TO THE CELLS GUYS!!!!!!" I growled to the two with the alphas in chains. 

"Ashton We need them dead." I growled at colton. "You will not go against my orders. THEY HURT ME !!! ME!!! NOT YOU!!! SO I GET TO DECIDE HOW THEY DIE...." I stormed off when suddenly My brother jumped on my back and bit my arm... I Punched him in the snout and transformed... I never was a fighter till now... I growled at him and bit his hind legs. He then tackled me to the ground mouth on my neck trying to make me submit... I laughed in my wolf form. and flipped us killing him instantly... I changed back and smirked. "Time for me to go make them suffer... See you" 

Walking into the cellar was once a fear of mine. I hated it down here, but I had to be here to show them whose in charge. "Ashton let me go!! I'm your husband why would you do this to me!!! he's your father why would you do this to him ??" Ethan growled.. I laughed. "You forced your mark on me.. You forced me to mate with you.. As you can see I am no longer yours!!! But you nor him are my concern..." I kept walking till I got to the cell I wanted to get to... "Hello Mother.... You are going to be my little helper today.." I smirked and opened the cell and jerked her out by the chains.. "Dear old father, Aren't you missing someone? Well I will give you a reason to miss her now.. Jace, Make sure he doesn't turn his head for one second I want him to watch me rip her to shreds." He nodded and held his face tightly as I turned my attention to my mother. "Anything to say before you are dead.?" I asked her.

She looked at my father. "I love you Dear, Don't let my death go without revenge... You'll get her back for this." She smirked at me.. I grinned. "Daughter I don't once regret what I did to you.. I hope you die soon.. You aren't worthy enough to be a Luna.." I smirked "I did what I needed to to stop my pack from dying. I say I'm a better one than you ever were.. Goodbye Cathrine..." I smirked at my dad one last time before slowly disembarking my dear old mother. 

I turned to see my father blind with rage and then I knew I had him.. Once I ripped her heart out and walked to him... "Here Father.. The heart of your loved one..." I smirked. "Throw him in the cell made of silver and wolvesbane.... It'll hold him till I decide what to do.." Hazel bring me Ethans sister and mother. I looked at Ethan. "You are next... Who are your most favorite people in the whole wide world..." He growled "YOU WOULDN'T DARE!!!" I laughed. "I would.... You want me to be the nice little Luna but I ain't... You messed with me.. I mess with you...." 

The doors to the cellar opened and in walked his family he held so dearly. "Morning ya'll thank you for joining the party down here... Tie them up..." I turned towards Ethan.. "Chose one to die, but Remember the other suffers as well... Oh I found the Mate you oh so said died... Want to meet with her? I won't kill her... She here is joining me in this since you betrayed her... Thank you for lying to me and my family." My dad growled. "YOU HAD A MATE AND LIED TO ME TELLING ME SHE WAS DEAD?!?!?!? TRIED TO FORCE MY DAUGHTER TO MARRY YOU!?!?"  I growled back. "YOU SHOULD HAVE DUG DEEPER FATHER!!!! NOW LOOK WHERE YOU AND HIM ARE AT!!!" I looked at ethan... "you have five minutes to choose... then I choose for you and you might not like who I choose." I spoke mean.

I felt the presence of my mate at the door.. When they opened he walked in.. "Ash... Ashton..." He stuttered. "You don't need to do this.." He spoke again. I Growled. "of course I do... he lied to everyone and I am going to kill one of these lovely ladies he has 3 minutes now to choose."  "Mother.. She can die..." He choked out... "Please Ashton, Kill me my daughter can suffer... or his mate can... But please... don't kill her" His mother begged. I nodded. "Hazel put the little girl in the cell beside my idiot dad. Jason make him watch." I walked up to his mom and slit her arms and legs looking back at ethan... His face fell and he had tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry to be doing this..." I leaned further.. "I won't kill you.. Can you pretend to die to make it look like I did?" She nodded. "I love you son... You didn't have to do this to her..." I placed my hand on her chest and closed my eyes and healed her without him knowing but threw her heart to him, well a fake heart but he believed it was his mothers... "YOU KILLED HER!!! YOU KILLED HER!! YOU ARE COLD HEARTED ASHTON!! I DIDN'T THINK YOU WOULD DO IT!!!" Ethan yelled.. "THROW HIM IN THE CELL ON THE OTHER SIDE OF MY DEAR OLD DEAD BEAT FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

Colton looked at me like he didn't recognize me.. "Who are you!? You can stay in the pool house.. I don't know who you are anymore!" He took off.

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