Chapter 5 - So, We're Stalkers Now?

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Chapter 5 - So, We're Stalkers Now? 

The next morning I was woken up by the sound of a squealing smoke detector and the smell of burning food. I ran downstairs to see what was happening, but it turned out to be nothing. Pixie had apparently been put in charge of flipping pancakes, and the inevitable happened. The girls were opening windows and trying to fan the smoke away. I grabbed a kitchen chair to stand on so that I could get to the smoke detector and remove the battery.

When the squealing stopped, I stepped off of the chair, and instinctively looked for Kelly. I wondered if she was feeling as awkward about last night as I was. I saw her holding a plate of sausages in one hand and a fork in the other, looking at me with an embarrassed smile. Since everyone else seemed occupied by the commotion, I returned her smile. She quickly looked away, and I wondered if she was really too embarrassed to even look at me.

I heard my sister softly clear her throat. She looked down at my legs, then up at my face, over to Kelly, then back to me. I realized she was pointing out that I slept in my panties and a short t-shirt last night. I hadn't thought anything of it, since all of Kristy's other friends were like little sisters to me. Kelly, on the other hand...

My sister's grin was intolerable. Among the confusion of the girls trying to scrape a burned pancake off a pan, fan smoke out of the windows, and keep the rest of the food they had been working on cooking, I retreated up the stairs.

As I was getting some sweats and a bra on, I tried to think back to Kristy's comments and facial expressions last night and this morning. Did she know about the make-out session? How could she? Maybe she had guessed? It almost seemed like she had predicted it. Did she realize Kelly was embarrassed about me showing up half naked, or did she think it was just me? Wait, was Kelly embarrassed? I mean, panties aren't much different than bikini bottoms. She hadn't reacted the same way when I was in a swimming suit yesterday. Would I react differently to seeing Kelly in panties than I did to her swimsuit? Yes, I admitted to myself. Probably.

The doorbell broke me out of my thoughts. Mey's voice said, "That's my mom. See you." Everyone else shouted goodbyes. It figured Mey would be the first to go. Her mom would want to pick her up in time for church.

I went back downstairs. "Good morning ladies. So who let Pixie cook?"

"Stop it, Ani," Pixie said with an embarrassed smile on her face. I gave her a little shoulder hug to let her know I was kidding.

I grabbed a plate to make some toast, but Shogun announced happily, "We already have a plate for you!" She pointed to a plate with veggie sausages, a little fruit bowl, and toast on it.

"Awe. That's so sweet!" I said.

"It was Kelly's idea." That came from my sister, who was sitting at the table working on a stack of pancakes and sausages far too large for a girl so skinny. "You know, to say thank you for everything you did this weekend."

Kristy was looking at me funny as I grabbed a glass of orange juice and sat down next to her. Maybe I was being paranoid, but I didn't like how she phrased that. I decided to keep the focus off of Kelly.

"Well thank you, girls. I had fun being your responsible adult for the weekend. So, who needs a ride home, and when?"

"Anxious to get rid of us?" Rizzy asked jokingly.

"Heck yes," I joked back.

"Pixie's mom is going to give Shogun and me a ride," Rizzy said.

DJ added, "My mom's picking me up in about an hour. She wants to take me into town for school shopping."

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