Chapter 47 - A World On Fire

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Chapter 47 - A World On Fire

Kala: Hey! What's on for ur bday wknd? Haven't seen you in almost two months. I need my Ani! I'll try to get off work. U should come down.

Me: Aww, that sounds like a blast, but my parents are taking us shopping for the weekend so I can 'get a college appropriate wardrobe.' Going to Mall of America. Maybe the next weekend?

Kala: Can't. Coworker took off for a wedding. The next wknd?

Me: I kind of have something planned that weekend. The next one?

Kala: T said you'd put up a fight about going out on the 17. Why?

Me: Just sort of a personal tradition. No big deal.

Kala: Come on! I'm the odd one out. Am I allowed to know?

Me: It's no big deal. It's the anniversary of my coming out. Like my own little personal holiday for self reflection. It's silly.

Kala: Not silly! God you're amazing. I love how introspective u r. If you want ur privacy, I won't push. The next wknd?

Me: Sure! Sorry I've been so MIA. I've been a bad friend this summer. I'm lucky you guys stuck by me.

Kala: Don't be silly. You went through something rough. Just glad ur healing. Was really worried.

Me: I know, sorry. It still hurts, Kala.

Kala: I know. Just know we luv you.

Me: I do. I love you guys, too.

Kala: Gnite.

Me: Good night.

After drying a couple of tears that had formed and making sure my eyes looked normal, I walked over to Kristy's room. She and DJ were on her bed eating popcorn and watching TV. They were both wearing PJ's and were ready for a peaceful sleepover. They looked surprised to see me.

"Hey ladies. Whatcha doing?" I tried to ask casually. Both girls gave me their full attention.

"Watching season two of Sabrina. Wanna join us?" DJ asked. "Kristy said you liked the first season."


Kristy gave me a secret, embarrassed smile. DJ had no idea Kristy was taking advantage of having a friend sleep over to watch a 'scary' show.

"We can rewatch the first episode. It was pretty good. Then you won't be lost," Kristy offered.

"Doesn't matter, just fill me in."

A couple hours later we were all leaning against Kristy's headboard. I was sandwiched between them, and it felt good. We had talked, snacked, and watched TV like it was still a perfectly normal thing for me to do. As the third episode was ending, DJ spoke up.

"Kristy." She said the name like she was a teacher calling on a student. "Hottest boy in the show."

"Nick, obviously. He's gonna be a bad guy, I bet, but he's hot. You?"

"Hmm," DJ thought about her answer. "Gotta agree. It's Nick. Ani?"

"None of the guys are hot at all."

DJ laughed and elbowed me, "Hottest girl, dipshit!"

"Prudence, I guess. None of the girls really look all that cuddly, though. I'm not sure they could satisfy my needs."

"I knew it! That's who Kelly picked, too!" DJ blurted. As soon as she said it her smile dropped and both girls looked at me.

"Kelly never watched...oh. You've been...You've been talking to her?" They looked at me like they were afraid to say anything or make sudden movements. "Come on guys. Don't be like that. I'm just curious how she's doing."

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