Chapter 2

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We arranged ourselves on the floor our backs against my bed watching something on her TV. We stuffed ourselves with pizza to the point where neither of us wanted to get up. "Can we ask each other some stupid questions? I feel like I really need to get to know my roommate better." I was a little thrown off by Lisa's question, but really appreciated the enthusiasm. "Yeah sure you can go first." 

She seemed to be thinking for a moment. "Your first kiss?" My first kiss was actually with a boy so that means she won't catch on so quickly that I'm bi. So I decided to tell her the story. " I was about twelve. My cousin and her friends where at my house to hang, and one of her friends thought I was really cute." She smiled at me. "So, he decided to kiss me and I kissed him back. But he was kinda ...meh. I think mostly because he was kinda needy and rough." I mean I was being honest. Hopefully she won't catch on that I like girls more than boys. "So what about you?" 

She laughed at my story. "Uh I was around ten and my brother had his friends over for a swim. I had just started to realize that guys were supposed to be hot." Wait what? Started to realize? "So I grabbed one of the guys and started to kiss him. He started kissing back too. After awhile we started kissing now and then as I was growing up." She started laughing and shook her head. "Ok so next question, first time having sex?" 

Now this one was with a woman. I don't think she would really care. But I'll still approach this with caution. "Uhm it was when I was in my sophomore year of high school. It was actually with.... uhm a girl." I looked at her nervously, but she appeared more interested than I'd imagina for someone who seems to be straight. "Ok, well tell me about it." Well this is a bit awkward.

"Well, I was away for writers summer camp and one of the other girls there flirted with me. I always knew that I was interested in both genders, but in my small town people from the LGBTQ communtity wasn't accepted. So she basically seduced me, fucked me, and went on with her own business as if nothing happened." I started to cringe at the last part. I thought Irene was cool.

"Wow, thats shitty. You should've at least had a good first experience." I'm not even gonna bother telling her that it was good or that she practically made me cum with only her mouth. I figure that she's not ready for those types of details yet. "So what about your first time?" She blushes a bit.

"I was around 14. A boy was in town visiting family for the summer. He was at least 16 back then. It was the usual of me taking charge. I had to do it with my eyes closed and they mostly had to use their fingers, I always do. I can't seem to be turned on or cum any other way." Well ok, that's a bit odd. But I just decided to nod, not wanting her to know that i thought that was weird.

We talked about our first time being eaten out, both embarrassed to find out we didn't last long. I told Lisa about the first time I gave head to somebody and Lisa doesn't even seem shocked. I was starting to wonder about her a bit. But ive already learned to never ask, you'll only offend someone. The next question threw me off guard and somehow made me lose my words.

"Hey Jennie, how did you know you were bisexual? Or how do you know if you are gay?" I had to think deeply about this. I wanted to give her an honest answer about this and not joke around. "Well, when that boy kissed me i liked it but not as much as when I kissed the girl i slept with, since she didn't kiss me as rough as he did." Lisa laughs at me. "But really, I kind of knew before that. My first crush was a girl named Jisoo. I looked at guys the same ways as my friends did, but i also looked at girls the same way too." She nodded at my words, then looked away and it was quiet for a while. "I can understand that." I ignored that comment not knowing what to say.

It seems as though we had a mutual agreement and decided to focus on the TV. I felt her shift a little and brushed against me. I was starting to wonder if Lisa was a little bicurious. We went through the night, me ignoring her last question and enjoying our time together.


Questions of my sexuality are asked everyday, all referring to different topics of it. My bisexulity seems to be constant in Lisa's mind. The questions come at random times, at different occasions, over the following week like, "When did you first kiss a girl?" "Have you ever fucked a boy" "Does it feel weird to eat out a girl?" This is what I've been dealing with.

But it hasn't annoyed me. I know that she's simply curious and knows i will always be comfortable answering her questions, I always am.

Tonight, Lisa was out with her new friends that she had made in class. I'm a little jealous, but i'm content being home alone. It's late, almost 2 am, when I hear someone fumbling with our doorknob. Finally it opens and in come Lisa, clearly drunk as fuck.

"Jeeeeennniiee. Come heeeere please." Oh boy I think I shouldn't, but i don't deny her. I go to her and she grabs my face. "I have a question, Jennie. Okay?" I nod. "Why is it that I'm straight, but want to kiss you?" I just stare at her, as she's leaning in but i don't do anything to stop her.

Lisa slowly presses her lips against mine and it's like sparks go off. I grab her neck and pull her to me while her tongue finds its way into my mouth. Lisa moans, pulling me closer to her deepening the kiss. She backs up, falling onto her bed with me on top of her. I should stop her, but i can't. Lisa kisses me like she means it, and it feels like forever, until she pulls way breathing heavily. "Whoa." Was all she said. I removed myself from her and stumbled onto my bed. I can't look at her. I'm too scared to see the look of disgust on her face, that im sure is there.

I'll try to post at least every week since im really busy with school. If you see any typos , misspellings or incorrect grammar, please let me know. Thank you.

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