Damien x reader - Trainer

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Demon spawn has a heart🖤

It was 6 in the morning and Damian was already waking me up to train. Ugh
"Come on, (l/n). Let's work on your fist fighting." Damian said as he brought me a cup of tea that he had made himself. "Okay, okayyyy. I'll be down to the bat cave in a sec." I said still tired. I could strangle him sometimes for waking me this early.

I was going to be the new (super name). Bruce picked the name out himself. I was honored of course, who wouldn't be? To be adopted by the playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne and not only that but then find out he's Batman and your gonna be his new partner? It meant everything to me.

I was in the middle of training tho. I had mastered the grappling a few days ago and now I was on to fist fighting, quicker reflexes, kicking and other fighting skills. Bruce trained me himself sometimes but most of the time I train with my 4 brothers. Dick, Jason, Tim or Bruce's real son Damian.

He was 1 year older then me but eh, no big deal I guess. Anyway, when Damian walked out of my room, I got up and went straight to the bathroom to shower. To get myself fully awake.
"(L/n)! I thought you said you'd be down in a sec!" Damian whined outside of the bathroom door.

"I know, sorry Dami! I'm just trying to wake myself up." I said as I lathered up in soap. That and I wanna be as clean as possible at all times. Especially around Damian. That fucking cutie.

I took about a 6 minute shower and then got out, going back to my room and getting dressed. When I was all done perpetrating myself I walked out and went to the kitchen.

There Damian was sitting at the kitchen table messing on his phone. "Wow, girls take long getting ready. In every single thing." He shook his head. "You know, your just gonna get sweaty right? When we train." I nodded. "That's then and this is now." I say getting out a frying pan, butter and eggs.

"Want some?" I asked getting the pan ready to make eggs on. He thought about it for a second. "Sure... scrambled." He said looking back at his phone. Damn pain in the ass. I was gonna make dippy.


We had our breakfast, talked about the different villains and the way they fight, and then went down to the batcave.

"Okay (l/n). What do you do if catwoman lashes her whip at you?" Dami asked walking over to a box.
"You Dodge." I answered. I felt like that was obvious. "Wrong! You grab it and pull forward!" He yelled as he took a whip from the box and whipped it at me. It wrapped on my arm and as instinct, I pulled it forward.

Damian came stumbling towards me quickly as I pulled the whip towards me very quickly. I knew that if it was her I was suppose to punch her but it was Dami so, I didn't do anything. He fell forward and on top of me. Damn he's heavy!! I accidentally fell over while trying to hold him up.

He sat up on top of me and looked at me. "Next time, punch at me." He grinned and got off. I stood back up, dusting myself off. "I know. I would have if I needed to but it was you, and I couldn't raise my fist at you for no reason." I say, I almost sounded regretful.

Damian actually felt bad for a minute after that, for thinking of all the ways he could take me down and laugh at me for it. "Well, I can take it. You need to show me that you know what to do."
"Me too." We turned around to see Bruce standing there. He smiled and gestured for us to keep going.
Damian felt a little proud he said that and his father approved.


"Oh little miss (l/n), where are you?"
Damian grinned. I was hiding from him so he could test out my hearing, vision and quickness. I quietly giggled as I shifted a bit behind the crate I was behind. I could hear Damian approaching so I grappled up to the special suit area and swung over to another rocky outcrop.

"Ha! Saw you!" Dami grinned as he grappled up there to get me. I laughed and decided to surprise him. I jumped down to the training area and waited for him. "Your not taking me alive, Robin! Fight me!" I yell-laughed as he jumped down.

"What? (L/n), we haven't even gone over-" before he could finish I had ran towards him and drop kicked his chest. I quickly stood up and evilly smiled at him. He looked over at me in surprise.
"How do you know- alright then. Two can play at that game." He said cockily and got up to run towards me.

I dodged his attempt to punch my stomach. I took that opportunity to push him backwards on his ass. He growled but chuckled at my slick move. I had so much more to impress him with.


I was doing better then I thought. Not one hit from Dami. But he received several from me. I felt good about myself. But I was getting a bit tired of fighting with Damian. I felt good but bad about hurting him. So I decided to stop it.

Damian was charging towards me, ready to punch. I let him hit me, it was a punch to my side, wasn't that bad.
But regardless I still feel too the ground and started to moan in fake pain. "Ah o-ow-w, ahh Dami!" I groaned, making the best in pain sound I could.

"(Y/n)!! I'm so sorry!! I didn't meant to hurt you!!" He fell to the ground with me and held on to me. I almost felt, loved. I kinda expected him to laugh at me. Or just hold a hand out for me and apologize. But he's actually sort of hugging me? He must enjoy my company more then I thought.

He pulled me up to his lap and rubbed my hair. "I'm so sorry! I'll never do that to you again." He presses his forehead to mine and hugged. I couldn't help but giggle a little. Damian pulled his head back and looked at me confused. I was caught.

I giggled a little more and hugged him back. "Dami, I'm fine! You didn't hurt me! Well actually a little, but not all that bad!" I laughed as at how his face looked when he realized. "(L/n). Not funny. If you wanted my sympathy you could have attempted to ask." He said looking away embarrassed.

"Hahah! I didn't want sympathy!" I giggled "I wanted to stop fighting!"
"Wha- well you could have asked that too!" He said as he stood himself and me up. I giggled again. "I know. I just wanted to see your reaction."

He growled and pushed me against the wall. I thought for a sec I was gonna get bitched at but instead I felt him slam down on my lips. He was kissing me?!
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close as he kissed me.
I was surprised but I kissed back.
The most amazing feeling ever.

He pulled away, and grinned at me. He walked towards the elevator as he said,

"We need to train more often."

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