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Yoongi pov

"my mom found out you are... alive. So she wanted to see yo-"

"how did she even found out, Chan? I remember telling you not to say anything about me." couldn't believe he told his mother. How am I supposed to face her?

"I didn't do it intentionally! Your name just Slipped from my mouth! I swear! I swear to God! I swe-"

"alright, alright, I believe you. So, Chan, tell me, when do I see her?" He blankly stares at me, idiotic, thinking. While he was still in his thoughts I was wondering about Y/n. Such a nice name mom gave her. Glad to hear she have faith in me, even though I apologize because I can't tell her who I'm yet. Hope she is doing fine alone there. That bastard, I will break his bones if her ever harm her again.

"Okay! Soooo, I guess you will meet.. where? Ha-ha-ha... Okay! I really don't know, Yoongi. There has to be a peaceful place to sit."

"tell her to meet me at my mother's grave." he nods. "and I have found her."

"that's good-wait, Huh!? Really? Who?!"

"Taehyungs wife."

"what! Woah! No wonder why she resembles her mother so much!" He was smiling and hugged me.

"get off-"

"I'm really, really happy to have a cousin like you, Yoongi. Thank you for coming at the bar that time or else I wouldn't have met you." I scuffed and hugged him back. Bullshit. Why am I hugging him.


We arrived and saw a woman sitting alone at the bench, staring at my mother's grave. It was under the tree. Beautiful view. Chan stayed in the car to give us privacy. I walked over to her slowly. She looks up and run her hand over her mouth, tears fall silently. I give her a hug and she hugs back tightly, sobbing. I rest my head on her shoulder. After she calmed down, we sat down and silent fell over us. She was the first one to break the silence.

"you resemble your father." my smile lift.

"personality or appearance?" she leaves a small laugh.

"appearance." I guessed so too.

"your mother was the dearest person in my life. It's sad she isn't here..."

"that's how life is, everything changes, nothing stays the same." I spoke looking at her. She nodded with a small smile, asks,

"is... Your sister alive?"

"Yes. I found her." as soon as my words left, she sighs in relief. "and unfortunately I haven't told her that I'm her brother yet. She knows she has a brother but doesn't know who it is."

"you should tell her!"

"I know, I know. I will soon."

"is her husband cruel with her?"

"yeah... Don't worry I gave him a good punch." she looked worried. "kidding. He is treating her like a queen there."

"I know all of this because of Chan-"

"haha, of course." I nodded while slowly looking at Chan who is in the car eating his chips. Aunt stared at the grave in front of her. She smiled and said,

"that's good they found your mother. I wonder where is your father now. His grave should be beside her." she exhale, looking at me. "they said the one who killed them took your father and God knows where he hide him." I look at her, asking,

"any clue who the killer is?"

"no one knows. Even my husband doesn't know." the silent hit us again. We just sat there with our own thoughts. I decided to break it with a question.

"why does grandfather hate my mom, what have she done?"

"well, you see, She is Taehyungs mothers best friend And he hates the Kim's family. But, after your mothers death, He got so cold towards everyone. I guess he didn't meant to be so cold towards her." I nodded. I knew Taehyungs mother and mine were good friends. But never told anyone. It's sad how Taehyungs life is.

"then why he hates Chan? And why wanted to make Chans father to work with him?"

"oh, Chan is knowing the troublemaker from our family. He does not hate him, it's just Chan never listen to him." she giggled, talking about her son. I glared at Chan. Thought it was something serious. "and my Husband doesn't want to be involved in your grandfathers mafia work, your grandfather doesn't let us get out of the house. Even Chan, he doesn't let him liv his life. But, the real reason why is because he is scared that if we get any harm. My husband wanted us to have a normal life and go everywhere we want. But, my stubborn son Chan, Ran away without knowing the truth." this brat. I smiled, nodding.

"I heard that grandfather wanted money from Chans father? "

"Chan has misunderstood this. Your grandfather said to my husband that if he doesn't want to work with him, He can help him by giving him money for the weapons. And he accepted this. And now we are fine. Chan he is too stubborn to listen. He just thinks we aren't happy. But, thank God we are." I only nodded, understanding everything she said.

"Grandfather is protective and afraid if anything happens to you." she nods. He is strict too.

"yes. Especially if we met the Kim's family. He won't like it. But, Don't worry! I won't say anything to him that you work for them."

"I get it now. I made Chan stopped working at that bar and he is living with me now. Is that okay? "

"yes it's fine. But, please take care of him. And tell him to listen to the real reasons next time." she chuckled, I nodded with a smile on. I remembered what Chan told me before and asked, again.

"I heard grandfather wanted to kill me. Could it be false, too?"

"of course it's not true! Who said that?!"

"you son."

"oh, my God, Chan." she shook her head. "that day they argued, before Chan ran away from home. Chan kept asking his grandfather about you and he asked him again while arguing, Chan thought he could find you and sleep at your house, your grandfather wasn't in the mood and was angry that he spoke nonsense about killing you-believe me he didn't meant it, know him!" I'm going to kill Chan. My smile was still on. I stood up.

"Alright. Thanks for telling me all this. I need to go now. And as I said, Chan is with me now, he won't be home for a while." she smiles and stands up too. She gives me a hug.

"It's alright. As long as he is with you. I trust you, Yoongi. And I hope your lovely sister will find about you soon. She needs you. And she is always welcomed to come here."



"don't tell anyone about me being alive. Not yet." With that I left to give Chan a good punch.

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