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"Oh my god! That restaurant really have the best chicken wings! Delicious!" Soojin kept rejoicing about the new restaurant that I treated her there from four days ago. And now she won't stop going there.

"ha, I told ya I'm good with restaurant's foods." I winked my eye at her.

"And that guy too! Oh, my God, Y/n. Believe me, the guy who works there is so, so! So hot! Tall, soft brown hair, pink big lips and wide freaking shoulders—" without realizing the car was coming towards me, I was smiling at her talks about her so called 'new crush'. She suddenly stopped talking and called my name from the bottom of her lungs and dragged me towards her. We both fell on the hard ground, the car just continued driving without even stops or apologize.

"oH, mY gOd! I HAVE NEVER SEEN A BAD, DUMB, ASS DRIVER!" Soojin stood up and was still shouting after the driver who was out of our sight now. People were staring and I tried to stop Soojin's anger issue.

"hey, hey calm dow–" I stood up at her level trying to make her low her tone.

"Calm...Calm–WHAT? NO, NO YOU ARE THE ACTUAL DUMB HERE! WAIT NO, DUMER!... Y/n for real how can you tell me this?" she shook her head hard, looking down in frustration. Not going to lie, I was scared. My legs were shaking badly. That time I thought it was a random old person with bad eye sight who was driving.
I started to realize that person with a black cap and black jacked on, is always behind that tree. I always feel him at the corner of my eyes while walking. Feeling scared and nervous, I keep looking behind me to see if he was 'following' me.

Still there.

And.. Still there. Every two weeks he comes once a while and I see him when I go home. I didn't told anyone about this. Just for myself. I was just a stupid little girl. Having sympathy for anything. And mostly people pleaser.
"hey, there is someone who wanted to see you, I don't know him but he told me that it's urgent." a random girl said that to me and left.

"Mayffe shome confessiyon loff fo ya?" said Soojin her mouth full of food.

"tsk." I rolled my eyes as she shrugged her both shoulders, continue to chew her sandwich.

I got outside to see no one. I waited for a bit and then decided to head inside again. Before going inside I felt a big hand grabbing my mouth, thankfully someone came with their some group of friends. He rapidly let go. I turned quickly around to see who it was, then again no one. My chest was jumping up and down, That's when I decided to not be alone anymore.


"It's you!" I stood up and backed away when I remembered everything and that freaking creep guy was him! "You psycho! After all these times?!"

"Hey, hey. Chill down a bit, will you? Haha, but isn't it a good surprise?" he says while getting closer. His eyes where wide and the smile is off.

"do not come any close to me!" I pointed out my gun. His hands fly to the air.

"Come on! Chill out!"

"You are disgusting, it's you, right? You were that one who covered my mouth outside the school, right?" he nod his head serenity. That's scary.

"come with me, just do as I say and everything will be alright..." he puts out his palm for me to accept him.

"I will shoot without thinking twice, Daniel!"

"then what are you waiting for?" he said basically. 

"Taehyung! Jimin! Wake up!" I shout for them. Daniel walks to me again and I aimed to his leg and pulled the trigger. Nothing came out.

"what the—" I kept pulling the trigger, it just won't shoot. I was getting so frightening that my hands was all shaky. Did Yoongi forget to put some?

"let me help you? After all It was me who took them out, I wanted to play tricks on you." he says walking while I kept backing away. I threw the gun at him and run towards Jimin to wake him up.

"Jimin!" Daniel was faster and covers my mouth. I started kicking hard and my screaming are only humming. I kicked Jimin's couch. He flinch. Daniel takes me to the exit and opens the door to get me out. Jimin squinted around and immediately understood the situation. He looks for his gun but it was nowhere.

Author pov

"looking for this?" the guy said showing Jimin his gun. He stole it when Y/n was treating Jungkooks blood on the floor, and so he manage to get her gun too. With that, he harshly forced the girl out with him. Jimin stood up in a wrong way which made his shoulder hurt.

"Argh! I forgot about my shoulder." he whines but still manage to stand up. Jimin can't fight that guy alone after seeing his body figure and Jimin's state isn't good. As he stood up he saw someone on the floor, getting closer to see who it was. He gasped.

"Jungkook!" he tried to wake him up, he wouldn't move. Then he listens to his heart beat, and it was beating. He sigh in relief and reached to Taehyung to wake him up. Taehyung wasn't waking. He was sweating and mumbling weird words. He untied him and called his name several times.

Meanwhile Taehyung was inside his memory.

"Taetae! Go hide before mom comes with her beast self!" the little Taehyung ran away while laughing his heart out. They were a happy family. A healthy family. The mother comes to the living-room, looking for her son and husband who stole the ice cream pack.

"Who dares to steal the ice creeeam? Taetae? Are you hereeee?" Taehyung was trying not to laugh out loud behind the curtains. He peeked, seeing his mother was glaring at her silly husband. "I have caught oneee!" His mother swiftly looks at Taehyung's direction and he hides away laughing. She could also see his toes. She smirks.

"Please honey, have mercy on me."  The father pleads but he low-key enjoys this.

"I'm not going to give you ice cream tomorrow if you don't show up!" Taehyung then get out from his hiding spot with pleading face.

"It wasn't my fault, mommy!" he swore putting his hand at his heart. The mother couldn't resist but to be melted by this cute chubby face. Her mad acting face turned into a smiling one. She then started to laugh and hugging him back and lifted him up, swung him around the air with her long arms.
"Dad? Mom?" The parent's was in front of Taehyung. The little boy's crying sound was too heartbreaking for his parent's. His sorrowful tone made the father who was being tied up as his wife, struggle.

"my Taetae...Please don't cry. We will eventually get out of this. I promise." the mother fought her eyesight from closing, at the end she lost it and closes them. The father couldn't feel anything at the moment. But only stared at his lifeless wife. The father looks at Taehyung's unconscious body and tried to fight again and screaming.
"Wh–Who are you?" His body is being held. It was dark and he couldn't see the person's face. He closes his eyes and open them up again. "Where are we...going?  Where's mom and dad..?" All he could see was the stars above the guys head. While walking a light came to the guys direction and Taehyung saw the man's face. It wasn't Junghae's face. All this time he thought it was Junghae's.

Taehyung finally wakes up with heavy chest. Jimin immediately took his hand off of Taehyung's shoulder after seeing this look of his boss.


"I was raised at the wrong household." Taehyung takes the rope and threw it away. His eyes are full of hatred. Their faces are all over his mind. "I'm going to rip their guts."

Jimin gulped.

The Beast [KTH X READER] ✔ (completed)Where stories live. Discover now