10 ♛ Acceptance

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- Long'Er -

Li Xun brought her to the Maple Pavilion by the lake. As they crossed the long bridge, she took her time to gaze at the scenic view. She was still in awe of the architecture of the buildings here; sturdily-built and wonderfully complemented by the surrounding maple trees and flowers. It made it hard for her to believe that this entire place belonged to the man who was walking beside her.

He watched her quietly, his expression hopeful.

"So, I assume you came because you've decided to accept my offer?"

A small nod was all it took for her to make a smile blossom on his face. "Well, what made you have a change of mind?" he questioned. "I couldn't believe my ears when my men told me that you came."

She fell into a thoughtful silence, uncertain how much she should tell him. Her intention was to search for her long-lost father, who was said to be working as an official in the palace. However, it had been years ago since her biological mother first met him here, which meant that there was a possibility that he might no longer be residing in the palace and had moved elsewhere.

Still, it was worth a try, wasn't it?

When Li Xun offered her to take upon the role of his bodyguard, it was the perfect opportunity for her to conduct her search. She wouldn't have to worry about finding a place to stay and be fed.

But since they weren't on close terms yet, she decided against disclosing her personal affairs to him.

"Like you've mentioned before, it would be a waste of my talent to continue to stay in the mountains," she lied. "I wish to offer my service to the country in hopes of understanding more of this world."

He seemed pleased. "We have a few libraries in the palace. And even brilliant tutors. I can introduce them to you later."

She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Part of her reason for accepting his offer was so that she could have a look at the palace administrative records, hoping that she could find a lead on her father. If Li Xun was willing to let her use the libraries, she could somehow try to obtain his permission to enter the Office of Administration.

Or...she could just sneak in.

"Thank you," she told him gratefully. "I hope I'm not troubling a prince with such trivial matters."

He frowned at her choice of words. "Believe me when I say that you aren't giving me any trouble," he assured her. "Instead, I'm the one who is indebted towards you for saving me when I was in danger. And now, I'm even having you to work for me. I know this is quite shameless of me, but I'm really glad you came."

She bit her bottom lip, her cheeks growing warm at his words. Thankfully, her face was concealed by the mask she was wearing.

This man was a natural charmer, and it seemed like he hadn't realised this himself. Each time Long'Er conversed with him, there was nothing but sincerity reflecting in those dusk-grey eyes of his.

"Your Highness, please. You are flattering me. I did what anyone would have done back then."

He chuckled at her embarrassed state. "Not anyone would have the courage to shoot a huge, angry beast."

With her cheeks growing redder, she didn't comment any further and instead focused her attention on the pavilion that stood before them. They headed up to the second floor, where a panoramic view of the lake and garden awaited them. Petals fluttered from trees like snow falling from the sky during winter.

Her heart swelled at the dream-like scenery. "You have a beautiful home," she complimented.

"Yes," he agreed, but she didn't miss the odd look in his eyes that spoke something else. "But as much as this place holds so much beauty, I find that sometimes, it's lacking the warmth of a home." His eyes shifted briefly, meeting hers, and he carried on. "Whereas back at your place, it has both attributes."

He was referring to her homey, little hut and the field of flowers that she suddenly missed dearly.

He shook his head, realising how ludicrous he must have sounded to her. "I'm not making any sense, am I?"

Her eyes softened. "It's fine, I understand."

And she wasn't lying. She could sense his loneliness in his words. And trust her, when she was a child, she would find herself wanting someone to converse with. It was only because of her godmother's love that made her realise that she wasn't alone.

"That's what I'm here for, right?" she said. "To be your friend."

His eyes lit up immediately, realising that she remembered what he had told her the last time. A bright smile flitted across his face.

"However," she said, "I have a condition."

"Go ahead."

She inhaled sharply and told him. "I'll leave this place once I have learnt enough."

This was something she had in mind ever since she left the mountains. Once she found her real family and unravelled the past, she would return to where she came from. Back to her godmother and her home.

He nodded his head readily. "Of course. I'm agreeable to any of your conditions, as long as you aren't intending to commit a heinous crime."

She bowed. "Then I'll be at your service, Your Highness."


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