41 ♛ His Absence

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- Long'Er -

Watching Li Xun leave the manor was more difficult than taking the arrows for him.

She could still feel the warmth from his body; still feel the firm yet gentle pressure of his velvet lips on her forehead. The moment they shared ignited a fire within her. The flame spread all over her body and she no longer felt cold.

He liked her. More than a friend.

The thought placed a smile on her face, but it faded quickly. With slow steps, she returned to her room to find her godmother still sitting by her bed, petting Jade on the head.

"Come and rest, child. You must be worn out."

Long'Er obliged. Once she tucked herself back into the soft bed, her godmother took her hand and began rubbing circles on the back. The gesture had her relaxed immediately.

"How are you feeling? Are you still hurting anywhere?"

Long'Er shook her head, her lips pulling back to form a smile of reassurance. Her hand reached for the spot on her thigh where she was shot by an arrow earlier, but now, she no longer felt any pain.

There was only one explanation behind this.

She glanced at her godmother. "Thank you for healing my wounds, Mother."

The troubled look in her eyes didn't go unnoticed by her godmother. "Worried about the Crown Prince?" She asked in understanding. "He will be fine. Trust him."

Long'Er nodded but the words didn't ease away the concern in her eyes.

"It seems like he has fallen head over heels for you, sweetheart," her godmother remarked, nudging her thigh lightly. "What about you?"

The question rose a lump in Long'Er's throat and she closed her eyes. "Mother," she said quietly. "I honestly do not think that I can remain by his side."

Who was she exactly? She was an ignorant girl who had lived most of her life in the mountains — a place far away from human civilisation. She knew nothing about politics and the wellbeing of the people in this country. She possessed no qualities that would fit those of a princess. If she and Li Xun wanted to be together, they would be disapproved of by many others.

"My dear child." Her godmother brushed hair off her face affectionately. "A man doesn't need a perfect woman... He just wants a woman that's perfect for him and is supportive of what he does. I believe he doesn't care about social status and all. If what's holding you back is the fear of judgement by his people, prove to them that you can make your own path in life and the right people will accept you for it."

A thoughtful silence ensued between them. Before Long'Er could string words together, footsteps approached their room.

The calm expression on her godmother's face shifted to one of eagerness. "Do not waste your chance again," she said quickly, giving her arm an encouraging squeeze before vanishing into thin air.

Long'Er was confused.

What did her godmother mean by that?

Soon, she got her answer. When the doors to her room swung open to reveal a friendly face that she had seen previously at the Emperor's birthday party, she swore her heart almost stopped. Propping herself on her elbows, a surprised gasp escaped from her throat.

"M-Minister Han?"

What was her father doing here?

Shutting the doors behind him, Minister Han entered the room and chuckled at her gaping expression. "It's a pleasure to meet you, young lady. I'm aware that I'm a rather famous man but you do not have to get up from the bed to greet me. Especially not in your current condition. How are you feeling?"

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