2.2 //Speak No Lies//

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Harbor Village isn't one of those places you'd expect bad things to happen.

Well, not at first.

The Victorian-style homes, hauntingly beautiful, are painted in cotton candy colors; the neatly manicured lawns are shaded with pine trees and weeping willows. At night people sit on their porches, sipping tea as they watch fireflies and listen to the fog horns - half the town has relatives at sea. Most days the narrow, winding streets are eerily quiet - no frolicking children, no singing birds. But you can expect puddles and drizzles for company. And downtown, the businesses display cheerful welcome signs; the ice cream stand on the corner always has a free cone for first-timers. 

But there were rumors about the Gentle Forest - people disappeared in those trees every year. Just as many drowned in Pearl Lake. There were whispers that sea monsters prowled the beaches, and that all over the Village were secret tunnels to other worlds. During sleepovers and camping retreats, even my own friends and I chimed in with the ghost stories, relaying frightening tales of people murdered by serial killers and changed by vampires and werewolves. It isn't hard to hear the stories, or to even make up a few of your own... until it happens to you too.

Darkness was all around. It had invaded my life in a way I never thought possible. Now I wondered how I could have ever been so blind to it...

Last period was a special PE course for the school athletes. Today, one half of the gym was reserved for the cheerleaders, the other half for the football players. Changing quickly in the girls locker room, I re-entered the gym in my black and blue cheer-leading uniform, matching pom-poms in hand.

As I joined my fellow Angels in formation, I passed Dean doing suicides. He paused at the line, giving me one of his sexy "i-just-gotta-have-you" kinda nods. I pointed my pom-pom, turning it upside down to reveal the middle finger beneath. Dean jogged backwards, still laughing as I took my place up front with Sienna.

The blonde bombshell flipped her shiny locks from her shoulder. "Y'know, your attitude is really starting to piss me off."


"Well, maybe you should spend more energy on your hams, Birthday Girl. Your t-jumps are off."

"And your herkies suck."

We glared at each other. Somebody pressed play and clapped - the music began, a fast-paced song demanding all our energy. Sienna and I spent the whole routine - and all the ones after - in steep competition. When the final song ended, we were face-to-face, breathless and angry, strutting off at the same time. 

Dean caught up to me on the sideline, as I was rooting through my duffel for a towel. He went in for a kiss, settling for my cheek when I turned my face aside.

"Happy birthday, Sour Puss." He pulled my nose even though he knew I hated it. 

"That would've been nice to hear this morning. What the hell, Dean. Where have you been?"

"Everywhere but with you." That smooth grin slid right off his face, replaced by a frown of confusion. "I-I mean--I didn't wanna see you--I mean I was avoiding you--what-the-fuck." He grabbed his jaw, pressing his face in concern. "Tamsyn! Babe! I'm sorry!" Dean grabbed my arm but I shook him off. "I-I didn't mean to say that!

"But you just did," I said, draping the towel over my neck. "Looks like today's the day everybody starts telling the truth. Even you." I poked him in the forehead; Dean grabbed me in a fierce hug and kissed me. For a second, I forgot how mad I was and how much of a dick he'd been... Until Dean pulled away, grinning, and I caught sight of Kai over his shoulder, staring. He'd just finished his suicides and he looked so disappointed...

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