Chapter Fifteen, Part Three - Tell Me, Does This Hurt Yet?

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"How... how could you possibly know him?" the girl demanded, mixing confusion with her fury.

            "Time flows differently here than it does there – we've ran into each other a few times. So, Tidus is still gone, eh? Well, then I guess yer shite outta luck darlin'. Because there's no other Supernatural in this town that I'll answer too."

            Juliette's fangs slid from her gums with a painful clicking noise.

"It doesn't matter what you say –" she replied, eyes blazing. "I'll kill you myself for hurting Duncan."

"Oh, so yeh think this hurts?" replied Westley, with a smirk.

The lightning that confined Juliette's boyfriend sprang into maximum life, emitting blue sparks and thin, white smoke. Duncan screamed aloud with his girlfriend and the lightning subsided. Unconscious once more, his head slumped to the side again.

"But I wonder, does it hurt as bad as feelin' an aneurism – over and over?"

Heavier than a sack of potatoes, Duncan collapsed to the ground at the same time as Juliette. I watched in horror as the girl brought her hands up to her temples shutting her eyes and yelling in pain as she rocked back and forth on her knees.

"Stop!" I shouted, striding forward to meet the Sorcerer. I stood before him, but Juliette still held his attention. His eyes had turned a bright, hot shade of blue that did much more than alarm me. "Westley stop – that's enough!"

I reached out and the moment I grabbed ahold of Westley's arm, Juliette's cries ceased and the glow faded from Westley's eyes. But his breath was still coming in small, rapid bursts and I could see that his anger hadn't really left. It had only subsided.

"I think you made your point," I said quietly, knowing that my disappointment was showing. "I'm sorry, but you should go," I turned to Juliette who was allowing Lana to pull her to her feet. "Both of you."

Juliette said nothing, but I pulled Westley away as she ran to assist her boyfriend. Tucking her hair behind her ear she bent over his prone form and took one of his hands in hers, whispering his name.

"Gawd – what was that?" I hissed. "You could've killed them."

"They're Vampires – they'll heal," he retorted. "And yeh heard what they said as clear as I, Tamsyn. The Society wants me dead, so I sent them a warnin'. They're lucky 'twas was notin' more."

"Sometimes I can't believe I stick up for you,"

Looking behind me, I realized the clearing was suddenly empty. Juliette, Lana, and Duncan were nowhere to be seen.

"So, is it true?" I asked, looking him square in the eye. "Did you really give up your Humanity to become... what you are?"

Westley set his jaw, and I could see the discomfort on his face.

"Oh my god. Westley, you didn't."

"Tamsyn, I was born in the 1800's – a time when food, water, shelter, medicine – was harder to come by. Becoming the Sorcerer Deceit stopped the aging process. I became immune to disease, harder to kill. I became stronger..."

Westley brought his hand to my throat and I froze as the tips of his fingers brushed the skin of my neck. My skin flushed and went cold at his electrifying touch. It took my breath away. Was it magic?

Or just me?

The moment was broken when he tugged and I felt the necklace give and snap. The Sapphire came away in his hand, and I was left with a disappointment and incompleteness I had never felt before.

"What I did, I did for my survival," he said softly, staring with intent at the jewel. "And anyway, I wasn't long without Humanity. Your ma made sure of that."

"She found a way to give it back to you," I replied, filling in the blanks.

"Aye," he said, with a glance around the clearing. "I became her Knight and in exchange she returned my Humanity. I thought it a fair trade."

Indeed, it was more than fair. In exchange for his service my mother had saved Westley's very soul. She could have written him off like The Society, and her sister. But she hadn't.

Which was why I couldn't either.

"What if I told you that I think the Knight is here, actually living here?"

Westley passed me a sharp look.

"Now I'm curious. What would make you think Tanise is in the Human Realm?"

So her real name was Tanise. Of course it would make sense that she change it to Erica.

"Just a bunch of logical, scary hunches," I replied. "But I'm positive she's here. I just need proof."

Westley crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes, reminding me every bit of the teacher he pretend to be.

"And lemme guess. Yeh think it's wise to go after her? To go traipsin' about after the Ice Queen's Knight?"

"Really, Westley? You don't think I'm capable of taking care of myself? You knew where I was which means you had to have followed me here. And I bet you there when I had got rid of those Plasmaliks all on my own –"

"Tamsyn, I wouldn't've let them hurt you," he quickly interrupted, looking injured. "Yeh should know that –"

  "I do. And I'm actually glad that you let me handle them on my own, just like I'm glad that you're teaching me how to defend myself. But you're not always gonna be around to save me."

Westley opened his mouth as if to argue, but seemed to stop himself.

"And when can you have this proof?" he replied, half-heartedly resigned to my plan so it seemed.

"Next week," I assured.

"Look, whatever yeh do – don't go and get yerself killed. Again."

"Well, maybe... if I had The Blade of Woe..." 

 "Yer madder than two cats and a squirrel if yeh think I'm givin' yeh that blade. For now, it stays put, Tamsyn – right where it is."

"Yeah, sure, tucked away in some magical box where it has absolutely no use to anyone," I replied.

Westley gave a long-suffering sigh.

"I can't open the box until the next full moon. Until then, the box stays with me. Understand?"

With an eager smile, I nodded.

I wouldn't need the blade anyway. Erica would be at dinner with my family while I was in her apartment. As long as I got in and out quickly, I would have nothing to worry about.

So I hoped.

"Good. Now let's get the piss outta here. It's cold and I needa feg."

"Whatever. I don't really know what that means but if it involves a ride home I'm in."

"Let's go," Westley replied, rolling his eyes.

*  *  *

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