Chapter 5

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Not that he seems to be particularly worried. He's wearing a smirk as he stares down at his phone, shoulder slumped against the grey marble walls. Everything about him screams "I don't care!"- from his messy brown waves to his stance, but I can tell by the slight undereye circles and unfocused eyes that Jase is probably suffering from a hangover. Ha.

I wait for what seems like forever for Jase to put down his cell phone and start the stupid tour, but he continues ignoring me. I clear my throat. "Um."

He doesn't look up. I cough. "Sorry, is there some sort of global crisis going on right now? Tsunami? Volcanic eruption? Nuclear blast? I'm sure you have a very good reason to be glued to your phone."

He looks up at me, eyes squinting like he's seeing me for the first time. "What?"

"I said- "-he waves a hand in front of him to silence me but i ignore it- "I said that there must be a really good reason you're on your phone right now and ignoring the human being directly in front of you."

"Yup," Jase shrugs noncommittally and i fight the urge to scream. Fine. He wants to play this way. I glare at him, not breaking gaze as he looks just as intensely down at his phone. Don't break eye contact.

Finally, Jase rolls his eyes and looks up at me. "What are you still doing here... uh... Sarah? Right?"

Rage fills me like a balloon. "Sienna. My name is Sienna. Which you should know, since you had the nerve to hit on me at school last week." I smirk. "Oh, wait, sorry. I forgot, the powerful, fearless Jase Turner hits on girls all the time. Funny you still can't manage to get a girlfriend, though."

Jase keeps his expression as cool and indifferent as ever, but I can see by the way his left fist clenches while I talk that I hit a nerve. "Why are you still here again?"

"Because your mother told me you were going to take me on a tour."

Jase rolls his eyes again. I'm beginning to think that's all he's capable of. "Oh." He gestures around with one arm outstretched, clicking off his phone and shoving it in his pocket with one hand. "House. Trees. Driveway. Weird fountain with naked cherubs. That's about all you need to know. Now let's just spare the annoying details for both of us and call this tour over, alright? What my mother doesn't know won't hurt her."

I feel a painful stab of anger in my chest, bright orange and burning, an ember illuminating my heart. That is anger, right? I don't know why I'm so upset about this. It's not like I really want to spend any more time with Jase Turner than I have to. Obviously. And he clearly feels the same, turning back to his cell phone, and, I'm sure, the countless girls texting him. Anger burns inside me like a hot knife, and before I can think, I've snatched the cell phone out of his hand. "Yeah, I don't think so."

He looks up at me in shock. "What the fuck is your problem?"

"You," I snap back. "You're my problem. You had the nerve to be a misogynistic, creepy asshole to me the other day and now you can't even remember my name. Though, I mean, why the hell would you? You're Jase Turner, and you don't give a damn about anyone except for yourself and getting what you want. So this time, you're not getting what you want. If you don't show me around, I'll be sure to let your mother know. And maybe I'll add in the little bit about you being a misogynistic, rape-y, womanizing ass who harasses a girl in the hallway and can't even remember her name. Understand?"

I regret the words as soon as they're out of my mouth, panic filling my body. I just said that. To the son of my mother's boss. But Jase doesn't look too concerned. "Chill out, little red. If you wanted more of my time, you could've just asked." He gives me a flirtatious smile that makes me glow with anger so bright that I forget any feelings of regret. "It's. Sienna." I grit my teeth. What the hell is this guy's problem?

Living With The Bad Boy [COMPLETE][VERSION ONE]Where stories live. Discover now