Chapter 25

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After the rainstorm, we get the most insane gales of wind and snow I've ever seen- thank god for the Turner's generator, or we'd be out of power right now.

Though it's not exactly like I've never experienced that.

I look out of the window, watching the world continue to be brushed in white, like an artist deciding to cover up their mistakes and start again. That's what this feels like. A fresh start.

And it even starts with the rare snow day, UVPHS deciding that the basically-a-blizzard we're currently in is enough to warrant canceling school. So now I'm just sitting at the window, rereading To All The Boys I've Loved Before probably for the 1000th time.

God, I'm boring. There's literally a boy in my house, and a cute boy at that (though, to be fair, I'm the one in his house). Why don't I just go talk to him?

I can't hear the blare of hip-hop for once as I knock on Jase's door, unsure as to why I'm so nervous. What's he going to do, kick me out?

"What is it?" I hear Jase's voice ask from far away, like he's on the other side of the room, so I open the door and slip inside. "Hey," I say softly. "Whatcha doing?"

I was right. Jase is lying on his bed on the other side of the spacious room, stacks of books next to him. I see a copy of For Whom The Bell Tolls lying open upside down directly next to him, like he just put it down. Huh... strange. I don't think we're reading that for English class...

"Hey..." I say, my voice softer and more high-pitched than I intend. "Do you... want to hang out or something?"

"Hang out or something," Jase repeats slowly, looking at me with an expression of confusion, as if he doesn't understand what I'm asking, that little, nerdy, unpopular Sienna would ever be able to just 'hang out or something' with him.

Maybe this was a horrible idea. But I can't exactly back down now, can I?

"Yeah!" I continue, trying not to cringe as my voice involuntarily rises another octave. "I mean, it's a snow day. We could play cards, or watch something on TV, or make hot chocolate, or-"

"No thanks, Sandra Dee," Jase mutters, not even bothering to look up at me.

"Did- did you just- since when have you ever even seen Grease?" I ask indignantly. "And by the way, I am not Sandy."

"Chrissa made me watch it," Jase says nonchalantly, finally looking up at me, his blue eyes stormy and unreadable. "It's like her favorite movie."

Right. Chrissa. Somehow the Luna's Bakery adventure and the snow day erased from my mind that the very boy standing in front of me is dating... well, the meanest girl I've ever met. God, this was a stupid idea.

"And by the way? You're the biggest Sandy I've ever met, Red."
"No I'm not! I actually have a personality, thank you very much, I'm not just some innocent blonde airhead who feels the need to change entirely for a guy I barely know!"

Jase raises an eyebrow. "Well, aside from the blonde part, the rest of the comparison is true."

"What does that make you, then? Danny Zuko?" I fire back, a twinge of annoyance sparking in my chest. Why is this all anyone sees me as? This little 'good girl?'

Jase chuckles. "God, no. That guy has the personality of a wet dishrag."

"And... I don't see any differences there."

"You're crazy," he says, rolling his eyes, but I can see the half-smile form on his face, that perfect dimple starting to crease.

"C'mon, Jase. The resemblance is as clear as day. I mean, popular bad boy, check. Annoying, self-absorbed asshole, check. It's too bad you have a girlfriend right now or I'd include womanizer too. But, we both know that's probably going to change soon, after Chrissa catches you cheating at another party."

Living With The Bad Boy [COMPLETE][VERSION ONE]Where stories live. Discover now