HSD - Chapter 15

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"Jisoo, I think you should see this first," Jennie said as she handed the crumpled paper to Jisoo.

Jisoo looked at Hanbin and Jennie puzzled. She could feel something was going on.

As Jisoo unfolded the paper to read its contents, she frowned, unable to believe what she just read.

"Huh?" that was Jisoo's response.

"It's a hate mail," Jennie stated.

"I know what it is!" Jisoo quickly said. "But why? I thought..."

"WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG JISOO!" Jennie yelled. As much as Jennie hated her popularity (she found it annoying), she also hated to be disliked. Nobody liked to be disliked.

"Jisoo, I think you should just hold that thought," Hanbin laughed.

Smacking her cousin and friend on the head, Jennie said, "Yea, laugh all you want. You're not the target anyway."

"I wasn't the one laughing! Why are you hitting me?" Jisoo pouted childishly as she rubbed the spot on her head Jennie had wacked.

"Because I feel like it," Jennie retorted.

Jennie then snatched the paper from Jisoo, taking a last look at it.

I hate you. Leave.

That was what the note said. Crushing the note back into a ball, Jennie threw it into the bin. She was not going to give a damn about it anymore. It was just a minor hate mail.

She was worried about it all day and look where it led her. Technically, it didn't lead her anywhere but it was still a waste of time and energy to worry about such a trivial thing.

At the Manoban mansion...

Lisa returned home immediately that night. She needed a distraction to calm her nerves, or something that she could vent her feelings on.

She took out her violin and walked into her bedroom balcony.

She started playing. It was a slow and mournful tune that came from her very heart. In her song, she poured out everything: her passion, her love, her anger and resentment, her jealousy, and lastly her loneliness.

Lisa Manoban was a lonely girl. She had lost her mother when she was six and her father was never around, always busy working. Lisa had no siblings and very few friends.

It was Jennie who pulled her out of her misery and loneliness. She gave her the reason to smile again and make her life worth living.

Honestly, Lisa couldn't understand why she was bitter. She should be happy for Jennie. She wanted to but couldn't.

The only thing Lisa thought she could do now was to stay away from Jennie. If she couldn't give Jennie her blessings, the least she could do was to not stand in her way of happiness.

This is for the best...

... ... ...

It had been a few days since Jennie received the note. 

She was now feeling more depressed than ever. It was not because of the hate mail. No. The one troubling her now was Lisa.

Lisa was becoming distant lately and she didn't know why. Lisa was no longer talking as much as she used to to Jennie. For a girl with few words to begin with, she was now more or less a mute.

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