HSD - Chapter 32 (END)

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"Lisa!" Hanbin called out to the ashen-haired girl when he spotted her slumped to the roadside. "What's wrong? Where's Jennie?"

"Damn it Hanbin!" Lisa cursed as her fist punched the ground. "They took her and I let them get away!" tears were brimming up in her eyes.

"What? Who are they? What happened?" Hanbin demanded as he grabbed Lisa by the collar. "You were supposed to protect her damn it!"

Lisa didn't even try to resist Hanbin. She had failed to protect Jennie. "They were masked. They just took her," Lisa bit back her lips to prevent her tears from falling.

"Took who?"

Lisa and Hanbin turned around upon hearing the familiar voice.

"J-Jennie?" Lisa was stunned. The said girl was in front of her, perfectly fine and unscathed. Hanbin too, who was looking dumbfounded, looked like he saw a ghost.

"I've been looking all over for you guys! Where's Jisoo?" There was a curious look on Jennie's face.

"Jisoo?" Lisa asked a little confused.

"Oh shit, I think they took her!" Hanbin said in realization.

... ... ...

What's going on? Jisoo's mind was in a whirl. She was waiting for Hanbin one moment and she felt rough hands grabbing her the next. She blanked out immediately after. Her hands and legs were bounded, and a sack covered her head, not allowing her to see anything.

In a matter of seconds, Jisoo came to a realization. She was mistaken for Jennie and got kidnapped. Jennie was probably safe somewhere and she thanked heavens for that.

The ground was shaking slightly and Jisoo reckoned she was in a moving vehicle.

The van skidded to a halt and Jisoo jerked forward.

Ouch! That hurts! Jisoo said to herself.

It wasn't long before she heard the door opening when she was lifted up and hauled across the shoulder of one of the men.

"I wonder what she has been feeding herself with? She weighs a ton!" said the man who was carrying her.

I so do not! Jisoo wanted to say aloud but she couldn't because her mouth was gagged.

"Stop complaining," said another man. "Here, just pass her to me."

Jisoo felt herself being tossed around like a sack of potatoes.

"You're right. This little princess needs to go on a diet."

My weight is perfectly normal! Jisoo thought to herself.

The man carrying Jisoo stopped walking as Jisoo heard screeching sound. It sounded like rusty metal doors opening. It wasn't long before Jisoo felt herself being placed on the ground- not too gently.

"Man! My arms feel like they're going to break!" said the man who carried Jisoo.

Oh please, you're exaggerating. You're just a wimp, Jisoo said to herself as she rolled her eyes. Not only was she being kidnapped but being insulted too. I'm not fat.

Jisoo squinted as the bright light suddenly gushed into her eyes. The sack had been removed from her head and the tape had been removed from her mouth.

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