Chapter Six - Part Two

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When Father was around, the chambers were hardly used. As far as Winter knew, that area was only used for The Voided. That's where most of them would stay since witches and wizards never made contact with them. Father never let anything terrible happen to them unless they truly deserved it. What was Mother really going to get out of this? It wasn't like this was going to get Phoenix to admit to something he never actually did.

"You're right. I apologize," Phoenix mumbled, looking over to Winter.

What did he expect her to do? She already tried to tell her mother that he didn't do it, but of course Mother was going to blame others even though it was actually her fault. Winter needed to figure out why she would hurt her own son. In a perfect world, it made no sense. Of course, this wasn't a perfect world. Mother would actually care about her children if it was, but apparently hurting them was more fun. Not only did she have the curse to figure out, now she needed to know what plans her mother had.

"Mother, this is Phoenix. You've known him a while. Do you really think he would do this?"

Her mother crossed her arms. "Well, I didn't think he would, but he did." She sighed. "I've had enough of this playing around. Guards, seize him!"

The two guards that were standing outside rushed in and grabbed Phoenix's arms, pulling them behind his back.

He winced. "No, please, wait! I didn't hurt your son!"

"Unless you are going to tell me the real truth, I don't want to hear you say that again. I've heard it enough and I know you're lying," her mother spoke, walking towards them. "Take him to the chambers."

Phoenix pushed and pulled, trying to free himself from their grasp as they walked out the door. He kept his eyes on her until she could no longer see him. Part of her wanted to feel sorry for him, but she also preferred that he stay away from her.

"Summer, are you alright?" Mother went over to him, checking his bandage.

"I'll live," he said. "It's only a burn. I'm used to those."

"Do you need me to cool it off?" Winter asked, sitting next to her brother.

He shook his head. "It's okay. It'll be gone soon."

Winter gave a half-smile, disappointed that this kept happening. "Okay. I'm going to get some fresh air."

"I'll come too." Her brother smiled, getting up and walking toward the door.

Mother spoke up, "It's probably best that you stay here, Summer. You just got hurt."

There she was again, trying to separate the two of them. Winter knew Summer wasn't extremely hurt. She would make him stay here if she was, but she'd really enjoy the company right now. "Come on Summer. Being outside will be good for you." She glared at her mother, standing up from the chair before they both walked out the door.

Out from under their mother's grasp, it was easier to talk to her brother. "Are you sure you're alright?"

The two of them walked down the street, passing witches and wizards as the bright orange sky slowly changed to a light pink. Winter relaxed, her shoulders falling as she released a breath before glancing at Summer.

"I'm fine, I promise." He gave her a thumbs up. "It stings a bit still, but don't worry. It'll be gone soon enough."

Wind brushed Winter's dark brown hair away from her face as they reached their favorite spot full of trees. They used to come here all the time to escape their mother so the two of them could actually spend time together. Father knew about their special place, but only because they were caught once after school when they didn't come home right away. She laughed at the memory. "I'm glad you're okay and I'm sorry about everything."

"Don't worry about it! That's what brothers like me are for."

As always, there was the stairs that led underground to the left. Her eyes kept drifting to them. Father told her once that these steps lead to the chambers. She was never allowed in them. Would she be granted access now that her father was gone? The curiosity inside of her rose steadily. She wanted to see what was down there, but at the same time, a small amount of guilt formed in her chest. Maybe she shouldn't do it. It's a possibility that there was a reason Father never let her go in there. She shrugged. Neither Father nor Mother were here right now to tell her she couldn't. After all, she will be the ruler soon. She should know what goes on in every town.

"I know what you're thinking. Don't go in there," Summer told her.

"Haven't you ever wondered what goes on in the chambers?"

"No, not really," he answered. "It's not worth it. Mother always said not to go in there."

She sighed. "So did Father, but they aren't here right now, are they?" She took a few steps forward.

"Winter, you can't! You don't know what you'll get yourself into."

Her feet touched the first step toward the chambers. She loved her brother, but she wanted this. Tired of people telling her what she could or couldn't do, she walked down a couple more steps. "I already did."


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