Harry's secretary

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Warnings: Daddy kink towards the end, rough office sex, just good ol' smut in general.

Harry is tuckered out.

He's been at work for the past twelve hours - which happens when you're a young, twenty-five year old Co-CEO of a multimillionaire company, straight out of college (thanks to his uncle's good word he put in for him) - and to make matters even worse, he hadn't slept the night before because he was filling out expense reports. So, to say he was tired was an understatement: struggling to keep his eyes open as he looked at his computer, accidentally falling asleep, and smashing his hands on the keyboard as his head bowed, leaving the document that he was writing in with half a page of random letters. He was about to doze off even deeper until he hears a knock on his office door, hearing the creak of the hinges as it opens slowly.
"Mr. Styles? I have a question about your schedule for tomorrow."
Harry's head snaps up, opening his eyes but only to shut them due to the brightness of his computer. The room is dark except for a dull glow from the screen. "What was that?" his voice a deep gruff from his lack of sleep. He wipes the corner of his mouth, feeling a little dried drool, and wipes it on the sleeve of his expensive suit.
"Can I turn the light on first? It's quite dark in here." She steps in after hearing Harry mumble in agreement, clapping her hands to turn on the light because of course he had to have some snazzy lighting system - couldn't just have a light switch to flip on and off. "What're you still doing here, though? It's 9 P.M. and you usually get here at 9 A.M. which means you've been here a whole twelve hours! Don't think I even saw you leave for lunch either." She takes a seat in front of his desk, flattening out the front of her dress before crossing her legs.
"Yeah," his voice still gravely, making Y/N feel a tingle all over because she already loves Harry's voice. She's never heard it at this low an octave though. "Haven't eaten since dinner last night." He rubs his hands over his face, trying to wake himself up.
"Mr. Styles, that's not good! You need to eat!" She looks in her purse, pulling out a laminated folder and setting it down on his desk before continuing to dig towards the bottom of her purse (she really needs to clean it out) and pulling out a honey and oats protein bar. She slides it across the desk, Harry grabbing it before it fell to the ground.
"Thank you," he smiles at her while opening the snack, taking a big bite right away and moaning slightly at the taste of food after not eating over 24 hours. "You didn't have to do this."
"It's no problem!" She waves her hand in the air to dismiss his gratitude. "Besides, you surprised me by buying me lunch yesterday! S'the least I can do." She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, Harry noticing it's down and flowing over her shoulders. She always wears it in a ponytail or bun when she goes to work.
"Your hair's down," he looks at her with hooded eyes, still tired but still nibbling on the protein bar, "it's pretty."
Her cheeks flush, feeling it creep down her neck and warm her whole body. "Thank you," she fiddles with the laminated folder on the desk, trying to distract herself before she gets even more flustered. "Um, I came in to ask you a question about your schedule tomorrow." She picks up the folder, flips through it until she settles on a page, draws a pen out of her purse, and pops the cap off with her teeth, sliding it on the tip end of it afterwards.
"And you waited this long to ask me about it?" He finishes the snack, crumpling the wrapper in his hand before tossing it in the trash under his desk.
Y/N's eyes widen, lips separating so she can defend herself. "I'm sorry! I should've asked you earlier in the day, but you were busy with meetings and-"
Harry laughs, rubbing his finger beneath his nose. "M'just kidding. I don't mind you asking me this late. I'm still here, aren't I? I'm all ears." He leans back in his seat, practically manspreading with how far apart his thighs are from each other as he gets comfortable. He sees her look down at his crotch for a second, smirking as she looks away and her cheeks glow pink. He knows the effect he has on women (and men), but he especially likes watching his cute secretary react to his suaveness. She always blushes when he stands a little too close to her, or when he puts his hand on her lower back when he has to scoot behind her in the halls (they're very narrow, he needs talk to someone about renovating the place). So, this is no different as he sits practically on full display in front of her, watching her shift in her seat, making her dress ride up a bit on her thighs.
"Well, you said you wanted the meeting with Mr. Herrera moved back to 1 P.M. but that's when you told me to put you down for lunch with your sister who just got into town, so I'm a bit confused." She nibbles on her lip as she waits for his answer. Harry can't help staring directly at her mouth, not even looking away as he answers her.
"Move my lunch with my sister to next week and keep my meeting with Mr. Herrera tomorrow, so I can take you to a celebratory lunch afterwards." He is still very tired but now thoughts of kissing her muddled his brain. Have her lips always looked this soft and plump? He won't lie and say he's never thought about kissing her; in fact, he thinks he even has a little crush on her. She's always so sweet and tentative to him, has never given him any attitude or acted coldly to him (even when half the office made up a rumor about how she only got the position because she sucked him off during her interview. No one could believe she landed her job just by her outstanding resume. She's only nineteen, Harry's youngest hire). She's just a sweetheart, Harry thinks - and a right cutie.
"You want to take me? Don't you think your business partners would be more suitable?"
"Nonsense. Don't very much like hanging out with them outside of work, if I'm honest. They always want to talk about business and marketing and yada-yada. Sometimes it's nice to separate myself from that, you know?"
Y/N nods, looking at his sleepy face and stands up, marking up the paper to correct his schedule before putting her things inside her purse. "Okay, well thank you, Mr. Styles. Are you going to stay back for a little longer or-"
"I'll leave with you," he puts his computer on sleep mode before grabbing his suitcase and phone. "I'd feel better about walking you out anyway."
"Oh, well I usually walk down to the parking garage but for yesterday and today, I've taken the train in downtown because my car's been in the shop. But I can walk you to your car! Then be on my way."
It must be Harry's sleepy brain getting in the way of his impulse control because what he says next makes Y/N jump with how rough his voice is, despite the meaning of it being kind.
"There's no way in hell I'm letting you take a train home at this hour of the night. I'll take you home myself." He grabs her hand, walking them both to his car, and opens the passenger door for her.
"Are you sure it's okay? We're not, like, crossing any boss/employee boundaries?"
"If there are any against me driving you home, I don't give a rat's ass." Y/N giggles. "Rather know you're safe and get in trouble for taking you home than have something happen to you." His voice is soft as she gets in the car. He closes her door, jogging around to his side and hopping in. "Cold?" He sees her hands rubbing her thighs, trying to gain warmth. She nods, Harry blasting the heat before looking over to her once more. He sees two faint peaks poking through her dress. He thinks at first that it was probably the stitching of the dress but is proven wrong as the peaks harden, making Harry aware that she hadn't worn a cushioned bra to work; probably forgot it while getting ready or maybe just didn't feel like wearing once since her dress was strapless. He continues staring, watching how she stretches the seat belt over her chest, fitting it in between her breasts and clicking it in place into the buckle. Just before she looks up, Harry looks away, chastising himself for staring so long; he knows he shouldn't. It's just that he hasn't gotten laid in a while, which he knows is no excuse for acting like a pervert and drooling over her nipples making a show through her dress, but he can't help it. He also partially blames it on the fact that he's been awake for way too long, just to make himself feel a bit better.
"Okay! So, if we take the highway, it'll lead us straight down to my apartment, and we can take exit..."
Harry tries to listen, he really does, but really he's just hearing her - hearing her pretty voice that sounds like a dream, so soft and light. He gives little mumbles to make her think he's listening. He doesn't know how he got her home, really, but still parks in the lot in front of her apartment building, ready to get out and walk her to her door.
"That's okay! You don't have to." She unbuckles her seat belt, picking up her purse she placed at her feet.
"You don't want me to walk you up?"
"I would, but my roommate is a very light sleeper, and he gets angry when he gets woken up."
Harry's body stiffens. "He?" She has a boy roommate? Like... like a guy? Does she like this boy? Is he nice to her? Does he clean up after himself so Y/N doesn't have to do all the cleaning?
"Yup. His name's Robbie. He's very nice, aside from when he's just woken up. Proper monster, like-"
"And you like him?"
"Well, sure. He's my roommate after all. Wouldn't do much good to fight with someone I live with all the time."
Harry mentally rolls his eyes at the fact she doesn't understand the underlying meaning of his question. She's so innocent; she thought he was asking if she liked him in general. He doesn't push it, though, and just puts his hand over hers and squeezes as he wishes her a good night, watching her as she gets out of his car, walking into the complex and feeling his chest tighten as the doors close behind her. He doesn't know why he feels so possessive over her right now. He hopes it's because he's tired and just needs to sleep to be back to his old self. He'd have to wait and see in the morning.
Sleep definitely didn't help.
He feels refreshed, yes, but his feelings for Y/N from the night before are still present. They've never been this strong before; it's usually just a thump in his heart as he sees her typing away at her desk, or standing in front of the vending machine trying to decide if she wants to spend her quarters on Doritos or peach tea.
He walks onto his floor, everyone greeting him as he steps onto the unit. He waves at them all, until he sees that Y/N isn't sat at her desk, furrowing his eyebrows because he likes her greeting the most. He continues walking down the hall, getting almost to his office door when he sees Y/N talking to Emmanuel, one of the interns on their floor. She's laughing at something he'd said, her hand on her chest with her head tilted back. Instant jealousy fills Harry's body, clenching the coffees he held in his hands. He had bought one for her, planning on leaving it on her desk for her when she arrived to work, but she's already here, laughing with some intern? It doesn't sit right with him. He knows he shouldn't be jealous. The only thing he knows about Emmanuel is that he's someone's intern in accounting, but he knows he's not that damn funny to be making Y/N double over like she is. He walks over to them, both waving, but before they could get a word in, Harry begins.
"This is a workplace, not a playground. Get to work." He curves the corner, stepping into his office, and slamming the door with his foot. He didn't even want to see the look on Y/N's face because he knows it'll be full of hurt. He wants to hide in his office all day because he knows he was an asshole, and he decides he's going to apologize to the both of them before his lunch with Y/N.
After a few hours pass by (as well as his meeting) he leaves the conference room and finds Emmanuel in the small cafe picking up a water bottle.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Styles! I was just getting a water, I'll get back to work."
He tries to shuffle past his boss but fails. Harry puts both hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eye.
"It's all right. I was actually coming here to find you so I could apologize. I was a dick, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have got on to you or Y/N like that, especially that early in the morning." He pats his shoulders before removing them and putting his hands in his pockets.
"Oh... well, thank you, Mr. Styles. Apology accepted." Harry smiles, knowing now all he has to do is go to the pretty secretary's desk and make it right. "And, um, Y/N was a bit shaken up by it. She cried a little after you went into your office, like not full on crying but her eyes watered up, so maybe you could speak to her extra nicely?"
Fucking hell, he had made her cry? He knew she's a sensitive little thing, but he didn't think he'd ever make her cry. He didn't ever want to do that, she's so sweet. He feels like even more of a dick now.
"Right. Thank you. Have a good rest of your day." Harry is already walking down the hallway towards her desk as he said his goodbye to Emmanuel, mind going a mile a minute at what he could say to make it up to her. He wants to give her a bouquet of flowers. Yeah, that's what I'll do. He turns around, walking in the direction of his office to grab his wallet and is surprised to see Y/N standing in front of his door holding a paper for him to sign.
"Mr. Styles," her eyes duck down, not wanting to look him in the eyes, and his heart breaks. "We got a delivery right now for the new chairs everyone's getting, and I need you to sign this so I can take it back to them." She hands the paper to him with a pen, Harry signing quickly so he can get his apology out.
"And don't worry about lunch! I'm actually not that hungry so I'll just stay here and get some chips or something from the vending machine."
He hands the paper to Jeanette (another intern) walking by, telling her to return it back to the delivery crew. He grabs Y/N's hands after the intern nods and leaves, rushing them both into his office and shuts the door.
"I'm sorry." He walks further into his office, still holding her hand and rubs the pad of his thumb across her knuckles as he sits himself and her on the big couch next to his desk. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you the way I did. You didn't deserve that, and I'm sorry for making you cry. I'm incredibly sorry."
Y/N's eyebrows pinch together, lips puffing out as she asks, "How do you know I cried?"
"Emmanuel told me, and don't worry, I apologized to him as well."
"That little weasel can never keep anything to himself."
"Oi, he was just being nice. He told me to be extra nice to you, actually."
Y/N looks up at him with big eyes, "Well... okay. I guess he's forgiven for looking out for me." Harry smiles.
"You two are close, yeah?"
"I wouldn't say that. We just eat lunch together sometimes, and he's only here two days out of the week so I don't get to see him that much."
Harry forgot interns don't work full time, and he smiles on the inside, happy the young intern didn't get to spend as much time with her as Harry did. He wants her to himself.
"Well, enough about him." He stands up from the couch, helping her up as well. "Let's go to lunch now, yeah? The meeting went really well so I think I'm going to order clafoutis at lunch."
"But they only sell those at Lavendou... Mr. Styles! That place is insanely expensive! We can't eat there!"
"And why not?" He grabs his coat, putting it on her because he knows she'll get chilly once they step outside. She mumbles a soft thank you, adjusting the coat on her shoulders before answering.
"Because I... I can't afford it."
"I'm paying, remember?" He opens the door for her, walking behind as they make their way to the parking garage.
"But between the both of us, it'll be like a gazillion dollars!" Harry laughs at her exaggeration. "I can't let you spend that much on me."
"It certainly won't be a gazillion dollars," he rolls his eyes as they both step into his car. "At most, it'll be about $100," Y/N's jaw drops, "and that's fine. I don't mind buying you a nice lunch when you do so much for me."
"No buts." He puts his car in gear, exiting out of the parking garage. "You're going to have a nice lunch, and you're going to like it."
Y/N feels a shiver run down her spine at how demanding he's being - even though it was over food - and settles in her seat. "Okay, Mr. Styles."
"You can call me Harry when we're not at work. Mr. Styles sounds too bossy, dunnit?"
"I like calling you Mr. Styles." Y/N slaps her hands over her mouth, already feeling her cheeks warm up at the possibility of Harry finding out about her boss/secretary kink of being his sub and him demanding that she go to his office so he could bend her over his desk and-
"Oh, you do, do you?" He smirks, eyes bouncing between her and the road, loving how her eyes are blown out, lips a darker shade than usual from her nervously biting on them.
"I shouldn't have said that." She shakes her head, her ponytail whipping back and forth. "I'm sorry, Harry."
"No, no, I quite like Mr. Styles as well, now." He sees her clench her thighs together subtly, letting him know she probably gets off to the idea of him dominating her - telling her what to do and bending her over when and where he wants so he can hike her dress up and see what panties she wore for the day. "Has a nice ring to it, no?" Before she can answer, he pulls up to valet parking, announcing they've arrived as they both get out of the car and walk into the luxurious restaurant.
This is going to be an awkward lunch.
It actually wasn't as awkward as Y/N had thought. It was a really good time, from listening to how Harry's meeting went, to digging into the salmon baguette she reluctantly ordered (it was $30!), and admiring how handsome Harry looked today. He wore a navy, velvet suit with a white blouse and black dress shoes. He hadn't blow dried his hair today, so it was in its natural form, full of curls. Harry can't help running his fingers through them, his rings getting stuck, mumbling a See! This is why I fix my hair every morning! Curls always getting in the way, making Y/N giggle.
Now, they're back at work, the rest of their day going by pretty quickly. Everyone left at five, leaving Y/N and Harry the only ones left in the office. She was about to be on her way out, but she wanted to thank him again for the lunch. It was the fanciest she'd ever eaten. She doesn't even think to knock, just barges in with a, "Mr. Styles?", and her eyes grow wide with what she's greeted with.
Harry, leaned back on his couch, pants at his knees with his cock in his hand, stroking it furiously. He looks up at Y/N, stopping his hand, and grabs a pillow to cover himself with. "Jesus, don't you knock?!"
Y/N feels embarrassed, covering her eyes. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she keeps saying as she shuts the door, dumbly standing outside his office. She doesn't know what to do; part of her wants to peek back in because he is big. Out of all the times she's imagined him between his legs, she never thought he'd be that big, but he is, and she feels her mouth begin to salivate. She replays in her mind the slick sounds she briefly heard until Harry stopped his hand. However, the other part of her wants to leave so she doesn't have to face him. She knows she'd turn into a tomato if he confronted her about seeing him jerk off in his office, and she doesn't think she can deal with it. She decides to leave, pretty much running out of the office to go home, trying to shake the visuals of Harry's hard cock from her mind as she waits at the train station. She doesn't know how she'll handle seeing him on Monday.
I should just call in.
Monday finally came (and so did she). Y/N used the little incident on Friday as something to get off to, masturbating once on Friday night, once Saturday morning, and once in the shower on Sunday. She knows it's inappropriate to fantasize about your boss, but hell, it's inappropriate to jerk your cock off in your office!
She had gotten her car back Sunday, thank God, because she was squeezing her thighs the whole drive to work, and she doesn't think the people on the train would like to see her have a mini orgasm while thinking about her boss's dick.
She parks her car in the parking garage, walking to the elevator to see Harry standing in front of it, waiting for the doors to open. Fuck me! He can't see me! She tries to make a run for it, wanting to hide behind a car until Harry steps onto the elevator so she can come out but drops her purse instead, a loud thud that Harry hears, causing him to look in her direction. He gives a little wave, Y/N smiling weakly back as she picks up her purse and walks over to him.
"Hey," they both say at the same time, laughing afterwards. "I'm sorry."
They both look at each other, confused.
"What're you sorry for?" Harry looks at her intensely.
"For not knocking. I always do, I don't know why I didn't on Friday. It was my fault, really."
"No, button, it was my fault." Y/N perks up at the pet name, never having been called one before by him. "I shouldn't have been doing that in my office, but I was, so I should've locked the door. It's all on me, not you."
The elevator dings, opening for the both of them to go in. Harry tries to lighten the mood, asking what floor even though he knows she's going to the same as him. She laughs some, still a bit awkward with the whole situation, but she's calming down with how relaxed he is. The ride up is quiet until the doors are about to open, and Y/N breaks the silence.
"Mr. Styles?"
"What... what were you doing it to? Like, what made you do it?"
He looks at her, smiling before answering. "You."
When the doors open, he gets off first, and smirks at her before walking down the long hallway, leaving Y/N still in the elevator with her jaw to the floor and a puddle in her panties.
The day drags on, at least for Y/N, because all she can think about is Harry getting off to her. She would've never thought it was because of her - she didn't even think Harry found her attractive - but now she's questioning everything. She's so much in her thoughts, she didn't even leave for lunch, just snacked on some pretzels she had saved in her desk. When the clock strikes five, everyone floods out of the building, once again leaving Y/N and Harry the only ones left. She's about to leave, pick up her things and walk out, but she can't. She has to talk to him about why he chose her to jerk off to. She walks to his office, already feeling a flush in her cheeks as she knocks on his door.
"Come in," he says through the other side. Y/N is nervous, trying to hide it as she stands in the door frame. "Oh, you're knocking again?" humor is laced in his voice, but Y/N cuts straight to the chase.
"Why were you jerking off to me?" She walks further into his office, standing next to his desk where he sat in his big chair.
His eyebrows lifted, entwining his hands together as he gathered up a thought. "Because you're cute. And you looked really hot on Friday in that outfit you were wearing." Y/N gulps, not expecting him to be so outright with it. "Any more questions?" He's so intimidating in this moment, Y/N having to look away from his intense gaze, and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear that became loose from her ponytail. She shakes her head, smiling a bit at the compliments he gave her. "Come here," he holds his hands out for her to take. She waddles over to him, a bounce in her step that causes her ponytail to sway back and forth. She's stood between his spread legs as he's still sitting down, his hands traveling to her hips to hold her there. "You're so pretty." He squeezes her a bit, one of his hands moving down her hip to her ass, cupping it before sliding under her dress, feeling her bare ass cheek due to her wearing a thong. Y/N's eyes are bulging out of her head, not expecting this to happen at all but she's glad it is. She hopes he turns her around and bends her over his desk to swat her ass with a ruler he has lying around. "Are you okay with this?"
Y/N nods so fast, she thinks her head is going to fall off. He smiles, pulling her to sit down on his lap in his chair, and rubs his palms over her ass under her dress to knead the skin in his hands. "So soft," he leans in, his nose rubbing against hers as he closes his eyes. "I want to kiss you so badly." He brushes her lips with his, feeling her part them slightly for him. "Do you want me to kiss you?"
"I want you to do more than kiss," her voice a bit higher pitched than normal.
Harry can't take it and thrusts his hips up into hers as he nudges her nose to the side so he can mold his lips with hers,hearing her little groan as she grinds down on top of him. Their movements are rough, meeting each others each time she moves down on him and each time he thrusts up against her, while the kiss is soft, lightly pecking so they can get a feel for each other before Harry brings a hand up from her ass, gripping her jaw and rubbing his thumb along her cheek, asking for her to open up for him. He swipes his tongue across her bottom lip, Y/N opening up gladly for him as he enters his tongue inside her warm mouth. He sucks on her tongue, making her gasp before he kisses down her jaw, to her neck, all the way to her cleavage that was on display at the top of her dress. He sneaks a hand down, sliding it between her thighs, and pets over her panties, causing Y/N to jump a bit, whining as he continues to rub as soft as he possibly could to drive her crazy.
"Please," she doesn't really know what she's asking for. Just more, she thinks. She wants Harry to be rough with her, pick her up and slam her on his desk, pull her panties down, and eat her little peach from behind before lining his cock up with her pussy and slamming into her.
"What, baby? What do you want daddy to do?"
If Y/N wasn't drenched already, she certainly is now. She had no idea her boss is the daddy type, but she's so glad he is. She thinks the kink is so hot, and Harry's so hot, and everything is just so hot right now.
"Fuck me." She bites his lip, moving her hands down to his crotch, and palms over him, feeling how hard and thick he is in his pants. "Ever since Friday, I couldn't stop thinking about your cock, daddy. Please, let me see it again?" She puffs out her lips for emphasis, making her eyes even bigger as she puts on her best pout-y face.
"You want daddy to fuck you, baby?" He slides her panties to the side, feeling her bare and how wet she's gotten. "You want daddy deep inside?" He pushes two of his fingers inside of her in one push, Y/N burying her face in his neck while nodding. With his other hand that isn't between her legs, he pulls her hair out of the ponytail it's in, and grabs her hair to make her look at him. "You're going to look at me as I touch you." He pumps his fingers in and out of her, twisting on both the up and down stroke, making Y/N go mad. As her pants turn into moans, he knows she's close, pulling his fingers from her and bringing them up to his mouth, sucking the wetness off them. He hums, closing his eyes at the taste of her. "You taste so fucking good." He stands up and hoists her onto the desk. He's quick to pull her panties off, and Y/N feels her little hole drip onto the wood of the desk when she sees Harry shove the thin material in his pants pocket. She wonders if he'll use her panties to wrap around his cock the next time he jerks off.
He sits back down in his chair, pulling up right in front of her, and grabs her thighs to hold onto. He looks as if he's about to eat dinner - the way he's hunched over the desk - and pushes her dress further up on her thighs. He looks down at her pussy, all wet and glistening for him. "All mine," he drags a finger through her slit, making Y/N clench her stomach at feeling his touch on her again. He lowers his head and sucks hard on her clit. Y/N lifts her ass off the desk, only for Harry to wrap his legs around her thighs to keep her still as he keeps sucking. "Stay still, baby. Let me eat your sweet, little pussy." He licks her all over, starting at her hole that's practically leaking for him, all the way to her clit, sucking it into his mouth again. The room is filled with moans and the slurping sound caused by Harry's tongue dipping into her pussy, fucking it in and out only a few times before she grabs onto his hair, yanking his head away.
"Please, fuck me now," she sounds breathless. "This feels really good too, but I... I want..."
Y/N watches as Harry stands up and unbuckles his belt and pants, sliding them and his boxers down to below his knees. He's so hard, his cock slaps up against his stomach with a filthy noise, making Y/N whine and lift her ass off the desk again.
"Hear how hard I am for you, darling? You're so cute, I'm gonna wreck you." He thumbs over her clit, rubbing it in slow circles before picking up his wallet and grabbing a condom out of it. Y/N doesn't question why he has one in his wallet, too turned on to think about anything else besides Harry fucking her to another planet. He opens the packet with his teeth, slides the rubber onto him and makes sure it's secure. He pumps himself a few times, eyes closing at the first contact his cock has received all day. He lines the tip up with her, looking into her eyes before continuing. "You sure you want this?"
Y/N doesn't answer. Instead, she takes hold of his cock and nudges it inside of her. Harry sucks in a breath, "Well that's one way to put it", before placing one hand on her stomach and the other on her leg, lifting it up and over his shoulder. He pushes all the way in, slowly so he doesn't hurt her. He knows he's big, and she knows he's big, so they take their time with it. The stretch burns a bit, but the pleasure outweighs the pain, and she can't help but to grab his hips and shove him forward so he's all the way in.
"Bleeding fuck," he closes his eyes, mouth agape as he holds himself inside her. "You're so fucking tight." He pulls out before slamming back in, Y/N being pushed up on his desk, her tits bouncing in her dress. "S'like no one's ever fucked you." He starts out slow at first, rocking his hips against hers methodically as she releases little breathy pants here and there, her head tossed to the side as she tries to find something to grip onto. Unfortunately, there's nothing, so she settles on her own breasts, squeezing them. The sight makes Harry dick into her quicker, feeling his cock swell even thicker by watching her play with her own tits.
"Daddy," her voice a high pitch, "you feel so good. You're so big and thick, I love it."
Harry slams into her roughly, multiple times, accenting them by putting space in between each thrust. He watches her tits bounce, Y/N squeezing them and playing with her nipples through her dress when they do so. "Yeah? You think I'm big, baby girl?" Y/N brings a hand down from her breast to her clit, rubbing it for a moment while nodding her head until Harry swats her hand away. "No. When you cum, I want it to be because of me." He picks her other leg up, placing it over his shoulder so both of her legs are in the air, making it easier for him to fuck her even faster. His mouth is to her calf, lips pressed to it as he breathes deeply, fucking her with such vigor that she feels tears brimming in her eyes. "You're so precious, such a good girl."
"Mr. Styles, I'm gonna cum. Please, daddy, make me-"
Harry pulls out of her quickly, his wet cock slapping his tummy right after. Y/N looks down, pouting when she sees her pussy isn't filled anymore. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong, princess." He places her legs back down, grabbing her by the hips and pulling her off the desk. He spins her around, pushing her down by her back so her front is flat against the desk. A little oh! leaves her mouth as she feels Harry lift her dress up over her ass, swatting it before sliding his cock back inside her. "So fucking wet, you're driving me crazy." He picks up the pace, fucking her hard and quick like he was before when she was on her back, watching her ass jiggle each time he slams his hips against hers. "You're so good for me - can't believe you're letting me take you over my desk." He fucks her in short, punctuated thrusts, loving the little moans that slip past her plump lips every time he rams his cock inside her.
"You're gonna cum, aren't you, daddy? I can feel you getting bigger in me, you're filling me up so good, I've never been this full before." She props herself up on her hands on the desk, looking behind her as Harry drills his cock into her, his mouth hung open with little grunts as he does.
"You're gonna cum first." He grabs her hair in his fist, twisting it up so he can pull her back to his chest, fucking her deeper in this new angle. "Need to feel you cum on my cock before I can cum, baby; feel your pussy drench me as I fuck you from behind." He pistons his cock into her, going at an insane pace that matches well with the words tumbling out of his mouth. "C'mon. Be a good, little secretary and cum for your daddy."
Y/N cries as she cums, back arching off of his chest while doing so. The tears in her eyes become too much, falling down her cheeks as he fucks her through her orgasm. "Fuck, daddy." She grabs his hair in one hand while the other goes to his hand holding her hip, tangling her fingers with his as his thrusts get sloppy, fucking into her at random times, and slowing down until he stills, releasing into the condom. Y/N coos as she feels the heat spread through the latex inside her, pushing her ass back on him while he gives her one last thrust before pulling out and tossing the condom in the trash. He moves her hair out of the way and kisses her neck before pulling her dress down.
Y/N turns around, cheeks and chest flushed, looking freshly fucked. Her nipples peak through her dress, Harry rolling both of them between his fingers before speaking up.
"I have some tissues around here somewhere, so I can clean us up." He finds them after looking in three drawers, pulling out two. His hand goes under her dress, wiping her cunt a bit - which makes Y/N wince at the sensitivity of it all, Harry murmuring a soft sorry before pulling his hand away - and cleans himself up afterward, paying close attention to his cockhead since it's the part mostly covered in his cum.
"You have my panties, you know." She takes her lip between her teeth.
"Oh, I know. I'll be using them tonight." He pecks her hung open mouth, only kissing one of her lips. "What?"
"You're going to jerk off into them?"
He shrugs his shoulder. "Maybe. Or maybe I'll smell them while I'm jerking off."
"Harry! You're filthy!" She swats his chest as he laughs, pulling up his underwear and pants before fastening his belt.
"Are you going to act like you aren't? Didn't you just let me bend you over my desk?"
"That's different!"
"Mhmm. Sure," he picks up his briefcase, taking her hand with his free one and leads them out of his office.
Once they get down to the parking garage, they're about to part ways, until Harry backs her up against his car, pecking her lips a few times that make her giggle.
"You are insatiable."
"I'll wear myself out tonight with your panties." He doesn't bother holding in his burst of laughter when he sees the shock on her face. "But let me take you on a date! Like a real one, where we hold hands across the table and feed each other noodles and whatnot."
Y/N's eyes are beaming, leading her to kiss him deeply before answering. "Okay. Take me on a date, Mr. Styles."


᯽Credit to haaarry on tumblr

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