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Harry's really trying.

He's sat as his computer, replaying a video over and over about hair care for mixed/black women, and he's writing down the steps. He wants to attempt at doing Y/N's hair, but he has no idea what the fuck he's doing. He sticks his tongue between his teeth, tapping the pen against his knuckles as he tries to remember the routine in order.
Y/N catches him, walking in as quiet as a mouse and leans against the doorframe. She hears the audio of the video, talking about what shampoo is better for natural hair and feels her heart swell.
"Baby, what're you doing?" She walks over to him, standing between his legs as he swivels his chair to look at her.
"I'm trying to learn about your hair." His voice is soft like he's... ashamed? Y/N gives a pouty laugh, running her hands through his hair and kissing his nose. "I want to try... doing what you do? If you'll let me... there's a lot of steps and it's sort of overwhelming. How do you do it?"
"Because I have to." She shrugs, still playing with his hair. "You wanna try now?" Taking his hand after he nods, they walk over to the bathroom, turning on the shower. She begins undressing, only to be stopped by Harry's hands on top of hers.
"Let me." His eyes darken as they always do when he sees her bare body, feeling the organ between his legs twitch and come to life. He strips after her, his semi erection on display and bobbing as they hop in the shower. "We might have to skip the hair stuff so I can just fuck you in here." He hugs her close to his body, peppering kisses along her shoulder.
"Nope, hair stuff first. Maybe you'll be good at it, and you can just do it for me all the time.", she jokes, although his eyes beam like she'd just given him a compliment. "Okay, first I have to wash it, and then you can help me deep condition it."
Harry realizes in this moment that he's never actually seen her wash her hair, or do anything to it really. It's always fluffy and curly when he sees her. She washes her hair thoroughly, leaving him sort of mesmerized as the shampoo drips to the ends of her hair, watching her rinse it all out and hand him a bottle.
"This is the deep conditioner I use. I have to part my hair into four sections, and then we're going to place the conditioner onto each section."
"That's a lot." His eyebrows furrow. "Can't believe you have to go through all this." Y/N laughs at his comments, knowing if he had to do all this, he wouldn't.
"Okay, I'll hold three sections so you can do the fourth. You're going to put some conditioner in your palms and massage it downwards - it helps prevent tangles." Harry looks determined to do a good job, Y/N giggling at his seriousness and placing a kiss on his cheek. He smiles, working the product through her hair in a downward motion like he was told, but getting a bit distracted at how her breasts look even perkier and more lifted from her arms being raised in the air to hold her hair. One hand falls from her hair down to her nipple, flicking it and making her jump. "You're supposed to be doing my hair, silly."
"How can I focus on that when these cuties are right in my face?" He pouts dramatically, batting his eyelashes and grabbing both of her breasts to push together, making them appear larger.
She decides to tease him - make him feel bad about being distracted. "I knew you couldn't do my hair." She squeezes some of the thick product onto her hand, working into another section of hair.
His face pinches, looking a bit hurt. "I can too! Just got a little distracted." Reaching for the third and fourth sections of her hair, he slides his palms over them with the conditioner, making sure it's dispersed thoroughly and especially at the tips. "See? I did it." He folds his arms, face showing he was proud of himself.
"We're not done yet". She laughs, rinsing it all out and turning off the water. "We have to blow dry it."
"That shouldn't take too long. I do mine pretty fast."
She shakes her head, laughing as they step out and dry themselves. "Our hair is two different textures, babe. S'gonna take a while for me."
"I feel so stupid," he shuffles his feet as they stand in front of the mirror, watching her plug in a hair dryer and twist on something at the end. "What even is that you've just put on?"
"A diffuser. It makes it easier to dry curly hair. You could use it too, honestly." She begins parting her hair into four sections again, clipping back three and holding one. "Can you go get me my slippers? We're gonna be here a while and the tile is cold." Harry rushes out to grab her some slippers, returning in less than 30 seconds but also wearing a pair of boxers. "You got dressed? I wanted to play with it." She brushes her hand across the lower half of him, feeling him twitch against her fingers and beaming at herself for causing that reaction.
"Brought you some panties, too. Don't need to tempt myself further. Really wanna take you against the counter." He bends down and helps her step into her panties, pulling them up and over her ass, giving it a quiet smack. "Okay! Let's get that hair dry."
Harry would've brought a chair if he had known they were going to be in the bathroom for that many hours. Although, the final outcome was beautiful. He reaches out and touches her hair - softly - and not running his fingers through any of her curls like she told him not to. S'like brushing your hair after it's dry. Curly haired people can't do that!
"It's so fluffy and pretty." He extends a curl out as far as it can go, dropping it from his fingers and watching it snap back into place. "Didn't know you had to go through so much to get it this way. You're truly a warrior." Y/N chuckles, swatting his chest.
"I didn't even put in a styling gel, so it looks sort of frizzy." Her hair is under her scrutiny, pulling on it to fluff it out even more. "But oh well. No way I'm doing that all over again." She looks at Harry in the mirror, but he's looking at her from the side, his eyes not leaving her hair. "Hello? Earth to Harry."
He blinks to reassess himself. "Sorry. Was just admiring it. S'really pretty. Don't know how some people can dislike it. They have no taste." Wrapping his arm around her shoulder, he leans down and kisses her cheek. "All this made me hungry. Feel like I did 50 sets of arm workouts from holding up your hair for so long. Do you want me to cook lunch, or do you wanna order something?" Y/N almost doesn't pay attention to his question, feeling a bit distracted from his other hand stroking the curve of her breast.
"Um", she starts, "we can-" she's cut off as his hand reaches her nipple, twisting it between his forefinger and thumb.
"I could always go for something... off the menu." The arm around her shoulder drops to her breast, replacing the other as that one falls down atop her panties, petting her gently where he feels her clit has swelled up. "But then what would you eat? Aren't you hungry?" He's teasing her and he knows it, his petting getting a bit rougher and she whimpers, back arching a bit. "I'll get to eat something really savory and juicy, and what will that leave you? Hmm?"
"I want pizza." She blurts out because she knows if her and Harry start now, they won't stop for another couple of hours and she really needed to eat if she was going to keep up her energy.
Harry laughs into her neck, Y/N feeling him smile against her skin. "Thought I was getting you in the mood. Maybe I'm losing my touch."
"You're definitely not." She releases a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Just want to eat before you ravage me."
"Ravage you?" She expects him to laugh but his eyes darken instead. "How am I supposed to eat now after hearing you say that? Makes me wanna fuck you even more." He slips his tongue across her cheek, making her squeal and collapse into herself. "But okay. Real food it is, then." Sighing, he walks out of the bathroom, leaving Y/N there in a heaving mess. He turns around, gesturing for her to follow. "Well, come on. Let's hurry up and eat so I can get to eating what I really want." His eyes travel downwards, stopping at her thighs.
Why did I have to say pizza?

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