You find porn on his laptop

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Word Count: little over 2.3k

Y/N likes to clean.
She knows the majority of the general population would disagree, but she finds cleaning to be therapeutic - a time for herself to clear her thoughts as she clears the house.
She's made her way around the first story twice, cleaning everything to make sure there's no dust left behind, so now she's just running a third and final check. As she makes her way to the living room, licking her fingers clean from the Dorito residue left on them (cleaning also makes her a little hungry) she stumbles across Harry's laptop.
"How'd I not see you, huh?" she questions the inanimate object.
She moves to close it but sees a tab open. As she gets closer, she realizes what it is, and a little gasp leaves her parted lips.
To start off, Y/N isn't one of those girlfriends who get jealous because their boyfriends/girlfriends watch porn; on the contrary. Y/N watches porn herself! However, when she does, it's only when Harry is sleeping and she doesn't want to wake him, or when she's home alone; she even tries to find men while searching for videos who look like Harry. She sometimes thinks that's a little weird, but she knows if Harry found out she was watching some big, macho guy doing a lot of fucking, he'd be upset, and she doesn't want that (she's not even into those kinds of guys anyway).
What made her gasp is the girl's physical appearance in the video. The girl looks nothing like Y/N - complete polar opposite. It stirs something up inside her, making her question if that's the kind of girl Harry really wants, and other ridiculous scenarios along those lines. It saddens her a tad, causing her to exit out of the tab and slam the computer shut. She chews on the pad of her thumb, a habit she's been trying to kick, but it always seems to come back when she's anxious or stressed.
She speed walks out of the living room, making her way towards her and Harry's bedroom when the front door swings open, Harry and Jeff entering the house.
"I can't believe you made me drive half an hour before you realized you left your jacket."
"Shut up, Harry. You're rich. What, you upset about paying for gas, money bags?" Jeff jokes, nudging Harry with his elbow.
"Aish, I wasn't talking about paying for gas. I was gonna say how you live an hour away, and I wanted to spend every second I could today with Y/N. You know she's been jam-packed busy with studying for those bloody awful exams of hers. I just wanted some quality time with my girl."
Y/N smiles slightly, although quickly reverting back into a frown. Yeah huh he wanted to spend time with me. That's why he was watching porn, right?
On accident, her annoyance makes itself sound, and a short humph escapes her body. Harry cranes his neck around the staircase, catching glimpse of Y/N as Jeff grabs his jacket from one of the dining room chairs.
"Hey, baby girl!" He puts a little skip in his step while walking over to her. "The house looks really great. You did all this in the hour I was gone taking Jeff back home?"
"Yep," she answers curtly, averting her eyes from his.
"Oi, you all right, honey bunny?" He reaches for her, hoping the pet name would cushion any animosity she might be feeling towards him, but with no prevail. She backs away, clutching her biceps as her arms cross her chest. She evokes a negative energy, causing Harry to frown and pout his lips. "What's wrong?"
"What's wrong?" she mimics in a childish tone, sticking out her tongue as well. She instantly regrets it, not liking when she beats around the bush, and straightens up. "Look, I don't want to talk about it while Jeff's here, okay? When you come back from taking him home, then we can talk."
"But it's an hour there and an hour back. I can't wait two hours." He attempts to touch her again, grazing his thumb across her elbow, which she lets him. "Tell me now, please. Wanna go in our room and talk it out?"
"I'm sorry to break this up, but I really have to go home, Harry. Apparently there's some kind of emergency with our dog - he ate loads of chocolate my niece left out - and the little guy is at the vet."
Harry looks back between Jeff and Y/N, contemplation in his eyes.
"Just tell me the gist of what it's about, please?" He focuses back on Y/N.
She gives Jeff a tiny smile, her arms still crossed, and her feelings still hurt. She decides to give in. "Fine: your laptop."
A puzzled look crosses Harry's features. "My laptop? What about it?"
Instantly Jeff's face pales, tugging at the collar of his shirt for air. "Hey, uh, listen-"
"I found something on your laptop," Y/N speaks.
"I haven't used my laptop in days," Harry scratches at his scalp. "You know I always use my phone to look up stuff."
Jeff feels embarrassed. The porn was his doing. He spent the night prior at Harry and Y/N's house, and because he was having trouble falling asleep, he figured a good wank would suit his needs (which it did), but to get his motor running, he needed something, and he didn't feel like calling and waking up his girl, so he took matters into his own hands... literally.
"You guys..." he prepares himself for the inevitable awkward tension. "The laptop thing... that was me." He scratches the back of his neck, feeling his skin growing hot, and focuses his eyes on the floor. "I used Harry's laptop for a little inspiration and forgot to delete the history. I'm so sorry."
"Wait, what?" Harry asks confusingly. "What'd you look up?" The silence is all Harry needs to know the answer. "Oh, God."
"I'm sorry!" Jeff moves his hands out in front of him in a waving gesture, signifying defense.
Y/N feels instant relief, exhaling quite deeply. Everything is being put into place in her mind. She recalls the girl from the video, thinking she looked very much like Jeff's girlfriend, and smiles to herself. So, he does it too.
"It's okay, Jeff," she pats him on the shoulder, "we all watch porn."
Harry does a little agreeable nod before realizing what she said and snaps his head over to her. "What?!"
Y/N waves her hand in the air, grabbing Harry's neck with her other, and pulls him in for a quick kiss. "We'll talk about it later."
"But I wanna talk now!" His voice raises in pitch.
"I can take a Lyft home if-"
"No, no, Harry can take you home, Jeff."
"Actually, a Lyft would save me a lot of ti-"
"Harry!" Y/N swats her boyfriend on the chest, chuckling while doing so. "You can't make your friend take a Lyft home."
"I don't have a problem with it," Jeff shrugs while pulling out his phone. "I'm getting one right now," he winks at the both of them. "Have fun working this out. Love you two!"
"Fucker," Harry playfully mumbles under his breath, the front door slamming shut. "Okay, he's gone, can we talk now?" He grabs Y/N's wrist and leads them to their bedroom, plopping down on the mattress as she stands between his legs. "You thought I was watching porn?" He cuts straight to it. "And even if I was, do you not want me to?"
Y/N fiddles with the frayed pieces of cotton on the collar of Harry's shirt before answering. "Yeah, I did think you were, but no, I don't mind that you do." She matches her eyes with his. "I do it too." Harry's jaw tenses, making it aware to Y/N that the thought of her getting herself off to anyone who isn't Harry angers him. "I was upset because the girl in the video didn't look anything like me, so when I thought it was you who had watched it, I thought that's the type of girl you want and that you don't really want me and-"
The words leaving her mouth halt as Harry places his index to her lips. Such an act would usually make her feel subordinate, but right now, she lets him. She knows she's about to be greeted with a wave of kind words.
"You silly, silly girl." He shakes his head with a chuckle. "Why on earth would I be watching porn last night when I had you cuddled up by my side, hmm?" His thumb caresses her cheek, and Y/N lets out a breath. "You're the sexiest girl I've ever seen. Why would I want to get myself off to anyone else?" His hand moves down her torso. "Hmm?" he urges her.
"I dunno," she puffs out her lips in a pouty fashion, feeling intimidated under Harry's intense gaze and wandering hand.
"You don't know," he repeats. She shakes her head. "Well, maybe that's because my silly girl jumps to conclusions, hmm?"
"Hey!" She pinches her eyebrows together, her lips still pouted, and she looks absolutely adorable to Harry. "Well, what was I supposed to think?" She stands up on her tip-toes. "It was your laptop I found it on."
"Yes, but you should've asked me about it first before accusing me of anything." His words are serious, but his tone is playful. He curls his fingers around one of her wrists and uses his other hand to lift her shirt, exposing her stomach. The pads of his fingers softly dance across her skin, making her flinch every now and then from the delicate contact, and Harry knows he's getting her riled up. "Don't you agree?"
Y/N's mind is in a haze, not really knowing what she's agreeing to when she nods and murmurs an uh-huh.
"Good girl." Harry's fingers dance lower, and lower, and lower, until they reach the waistband of her shorts, slipping in quickly and finding Y/N's clit that's swelled up a bit in her panties from his indirect teasing. "You know I only want to touch you, right?" His hand slides into her panties from the top (he usually slips them to the side, but it's awkward in this angle) and begins to rub small, little circles onto her swollen button. "I only want to make you wet."
Y/N's mind is a puddle right now. She feels her legs begin to shake - despite just starting to be touched - and she tries to sit on Harry's lap, but he keeps her standing.
"No, you don't get to sit on daddy's lap."
His fingers move faster, causing Y/N's thighs to tremble. "How come?" She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth as she submits to Harry's skilled fingers.
"Because you hurt daddy's feelings." His free hand grabs onto Y/N's hair, standing himself up, and touches their foreheads together. "You thought daddy stroked his cock for someone else." The hand in her hair jerks her head to the side, her neck now exposed, and his mouth works up a rough rhythm on the delicate skin as his fingers in her pants work even faster. "When you should know that daddy only plays with his cock for his pretty girl." He bites her on her jaw, making her squeal as his fingers massage the wetness dripping out of her hole onto her clit. "You know that now, don't you?"
Y/N nods again, her lips parted in pleasure, and her cheeks burn with heat as her orgasm nears. "Daddy." The word slips past her lips, using her last bit of strength to grip onto his arms as her stomach coils, thighs close around Harry's hand, and her eyes roll back into her head. She's sure she's emitting random, incoherent sounds as she comes, but she isn't fully there, and all she's focused on is Harry's insistent hand working her soaked button, well towards the end of her climax. He continues on even after, to which she has to rest her forehead on his chest and reach down for his wrist to tell him to stop. She hears his manly, deep laugh, feeling comforted by the familiar sound (he always chuckles a bit after he makes her cum, feeling accomplished) and giggles, herself, into his shirt.
"You good?" His gruff voice resonates in her ears, lifting her head and kissing his cheek.
"Mhmm," she kisses him over and over, sending him into a fit of giggles, much different from his "daddy" demeanor he obtained only moments ago. "Thank you." She always thanks Harry for making her cum; she doesn't know why, she just does.
"Mhmm," he copies her reply. He pulls them down to lay on the bed, holding her atop of him, and places a kiss on her head. "So, you watch porn, huh?"
Y/N breathlessly laughs into Harry's neck, shaking her head. She decides it's her turn to make Harry into a puddle.
Her smaller hand reaches down between them, grasping his straining cock hidden in his pants. "Yeah." The simple answer causes Harry to tense. "But no one's bigger than you, daddy." She nibbles on his ear, feeling the jealously leave his body. "Can I play with daddy's cock now?"
Harry flips them over, now hovering over her, and swings her arms above her head to be pinned down against the mattress.
"You can after I'm done playing with your pussy." His knee parts her legs even more, digging the firm body part into her there, causing her eyes to roll back. "And you know daddy likes to play for a long time."
Y/N's glad Jeff took a Lyft home.

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