Chapter Nine

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"You heard right," he replied again.

"What the hell are you talking about? We're not mates? Not that I believe in love anyway, but I should have felt something. Last night when you touched me, I didn't feel a thing." I folded my arm across my chest.

"It doesn't matter now. All you need to know is that by this time next week you will be my wife, and let's see how you refuse to heal my people when you'll feel their pain," he grinned.

My lips parted when I understood what he was trying to do. I could see Aria shift nervously beside me.

"Oh no no sir," I shook my head. "You must be crazier than I thought to think I will up and marry a total, jackass stranger like you." I stomped my feet on the ground.

"Oh, you're right, my bad," I'm right? "I haven't properly introduced myself to you."

"I don't want to know who you are!" I snapped.

"Alpha Eli of silent howl pack," he said, ignoring my outburst.

"Silent howl, what sort of stupid name is that?" I snickered.

He didn't find the joke funny.

"You are getting married to me on the next full moon and that's final. Nothing you say or do will change that fact, okay?"

I sassed him. I could see him struggle to control himself. All I could do was laugh. Wolves are so predictable.

"Get her inside!" He yelled at the guards. They grabbed both my arm and Aria's and dragged us back to the house.

"Oh yes Aria, how you doing?" I yelled through all the struggling.

She rolled her eyes at me.

"Yeesh, sorry for asking. You know not everything is always only my fault, you know."

And now a death glare, just great.

After what seemed to be a long while, my room door opened. I sensed it whilst I was sleeping, but these were some pretty comfortable sheets.

"Iris," the voice was soft, and I felt the bed sink from where the person sat

I woke up and sat up and saw Alpha Eli by my side, sitting on the bed.

"You look very innocent when you sleep," he smiled.

"And you are insufferable," I smiled back. He ignored me.

"You must be hungry" he placed a large platter of meat, both raw and cooked on the same plate.

I scrunched my face. "What?" He looked worried. "You don't like it?"

"Of course, I don't like it. I have lived in the woods 90% of my life and you think I would still want to only eat meat?"


"No, I'm not done. It feels like you are not even trying here," I snapped my fingers in front of his face. " I agree I am a lover of flesh but seriously where are the carbohydrates, and other stuff, I am tired of drinking water, something stronger if I am going to be stuck with you backward people I'm going to need a lot more than water, how bout some vodka or whiskey?"

He just looked lost.

I kept talking and talking. I could sense he was getting restless and angry. Wait for it...

Iris: Child of prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now