Author's Note

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Hey it's been a minute hasn't it? Just wanted to say hey and thank you to all the readers, special shout out to Fayesther been such an encouragement and all my other amazing readers. I really hope you're enjoying the story as much as I enjoy writing it.

It funny I never pictured it like this at first, but as I write new ideas just keep popping up. It's really fun.

I do hope everyone is staying safe during this hard times. Keep your head up and confidence in check because this too shall pass. I'm praying for you.

Recently entered a competition, I'm pretty nervous, I think my story is good, like really good. But who doesn't think that way for their own work? I wanted real feedback on how others view my writing so wish me luck.

A lot more to come in Iris think of this like some what of a break before shit gets real. I'm going to introduce and talk more about the other characters since I realized I've been pretty much monopolizing Iris and Malik's love story. Although it's still only going g to be Iris' POV. The whole book is going to be in her POV.

Anyways don't forget to vote and comment, I love you guys and God bless you.

Iris: Child of prophecyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin