Chapter Ten

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I left Zack downstairs with those strangers and time seemed to move in slow motion

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I left Zack downstairs with those strangers and time seemed to move in slow motion. Jake had been angry at my interruption until I relayed Zack's message. He had untied Megan from the bed and told her to stay with me. Hannah opened the door, nodded quickly and I heard some movement behind the door. Dylan would keep her safe.

I grabbed Megan's hand and hurried down the hall to Malcolm's room. He sat up when we shut the door, rubbing his tired eyes and looking around. I couldn't console him, I was worried about Zack. Something was definitely wrong.

It felt like hours passed. There was nothing, not even conversation. I chewed my bottom lip until it was bleeding, jumping when Megan touched my hand. She opened her mouth to speak but I never heard the words over the sound of the gunshot below us.

It was deafening.

A second shot. A third and fourth. Then silence as the air filled with the smell of burning gunpowder.

I pressed my ear to the door and heard footsteps on the stairs. I felt my heart pound in my chest at the thought it might not be Zack. What if something happened to him?

The door swung open and I scrambled back to block Megan and Malcolm in case it wasn't Zack. I felt the slightest relief seeing Jake. Where was Zack?

I tripped over my own feet getting off the floor and running for the stairs. I had to find him. I had to be sure he was okay.

I found Zack in the kitchen over the sink with blood splattered all over him. Then I saw his arm steadily dripping his own blood from a gash. I forgot about the bodies on the floor and ran to him.

I could hear Jake and the others moving around upstairs, their conversation seemed like miles away. I grabbed a clean kitchen towel and applied pressure to the wound. I didn't know a lot about injuries outside of minor ones. I wasn't sure if he might need stitches or how to go about doing it if he did. I gently pulled the towel back the smallest bit and blood continued bubbling out of the gash.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I clutched the towel to his arm. I never heard everyone else come downstairs until Megan put her hand on my shoulder. I jumped in surprise, spinning on my heel as I balled up my fist and swung. Megan hit the tile floor on her side, Jacob running straight to her and looking at me with murderous eyes. I realized what I had done.

"Megan, I'm so sorry. I didn't hear you and panicked," I apologized without leaving Zack or releasing his wound.

Megan rubbed her jaw with tears spilling out of her brown eyes. "Jake, I'm fine. She was scared and I didn't tell her it was me. Please don't punish her for it. I understand, Violet."

Hannah waddled over to Zack and Violet slowly, "Jacob, Megan, back to bed. Malcolm, you too, you're going to have to help your father and brother until Zachary has recovered from this injury. Go up and tell your father, okay?"

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